Sunday, April 18, 2010

Grandpa Nooner and Grandma Noonette

Sunday, April 18th, 2010 - Day 121

Tia is pretty lucky to have as many grandparents as she does. Chris and I, being in our 30s when we had Tia, are both really happy that all of our parents are still living (minus my beloved step-dad Ron who passed away in 1998). Tia is actually luckier than most because not only does she have 7 grandparents, but she also has 5 great grandparents too. This past weekend we went down to Ste Genevieve where Chris's dad & step-mom live. Chris's step-mom Marsha's parents Ruie & Jim also came to meet Tia and I know they are proud Great Grandparents because they were super excited. It was a great weekend and I think Tia had a great time!

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