Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Big Chuckle

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010 - Day 106

I was walking around the house when I heard Tia give out a big chuckle. I then hear Grandma Stella say 'did you hear that' and I said 'yes'...she then said 'has she chucked like that before'. She had chuckled before but only when falling asleep. She had yet to do it as a reaction to a person. But Grandma Stella was doing an animated goo-chee-goo-chee-goo with her hair, hands and body flaring towards Tia. It worked because Tia let out some big belly laughs. Everyone was jealous because we've been trying for weeks. She still will only do it for Stella. I did get some of it on video which I know Tia will cherish when she's older.

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