Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Weening Her From Being Swaddled

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 - Day 102

We have swaddled Tia every time she goes to sleep and for naps. It has helped because if she didn't, her hands would wake her up or she'd have that falling sensation. She will stay asleep most of the night. She's getting bigger now and we need to start weening her from being swaddled to go to sleep. Last weekend, I was able to put her down for a couple naps but I had to hold her tightly and keep her hands from moving much. The first time, she slept for a few hours. The second time, she would wake up from time to time. But at least we are working on it. I also enjoy rocking her and will soon really need to get her to fall asleep on her own. I know I have spoiled her, but being my first child, I just love watching her fall asleep. It is always hard though because we seem to have little time from the time we get home until we go to bed and I know it will be a time investment to get her to fall asleep without being swaddled and on her own. We'll get there and I know it will be really good for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. I've learned that parenting is really just constant weening from one thing and teaching another : ) We had to ween Gabriel from the swaddle a lot earlier than Alexander because he outgrew it so much faster.
