Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blogging is Easy When It's Personal

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010 - Day 82

While out on maternity leave, my boss rearranged some responsibilities and I received some new projects and roles, all of which I'm very excited about. One thing I'm taking over is our Social Media presence. I helped spearhead this initiative last year, but was not the one to maintain our external presence. So this week, I've been catching myself up on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, SEO and social media in general. Most people would agree that this should come pretty naturally for me since I have always had pretty large networks of friends and love to talk! But what I'm finding hard is to write on behalf of my company for an external audience and often. I have written our company newsletters and have sent out numerous emails promoting services and events, but when it comes to useful content to post on our blog, it just seems a bit hard to get started. I have a ton of ideas, but they seem to somehow be on a personal level. It is my hope to be able to easily write content on market trends, useful resource information, popular happenings that help promote our brand, as well as some various topics about staffing. When I write in my own blog, the words just roll off my tongue and onto the page with no problem. I might misspell a word or two, but the point is there. When it comes to my work blog, I need to ensure my t's are crossed and my i's are dotted. I have to make sure I am sending the right message and engaging the audience. I will have to be interesting enough to obtain a follower who will want to come back to the blog often and possibly make some comments. But it is a whole new frontier and I'm excited about it. I know social media is not only a phenomenon, but a new way of how to go about promoting your business. Learning social media gives me an edge on helping my company boost numbers, enhance our branding efforts and hopefully draw in some new clients. Social Media coupled with my Corporate Communications, job postings role, and SEO will all go hand in hand and make all of these areas more visible. If you want to catch my personal page on twitter, go to and you'll probably be seeing me post some things about Tia on there. I have my own personal twitter account to gain credibility, but will be maintaining our corporate accounts: and I will also be maintaining our LinkedIn page, Facebook Fan page and anything else that comes our way in the social media arena. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog...keep writin! I hope all is well and Tia is adorable! We need to get our girls together this summer for a playdate! Love, Allison
