Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 - Day 74
Yesterday was a big day because it was Tia's first day at daycare. She did great. I was worried because I was afraid she wouldn't get the attention she does at home, but I am confident they were able to accommodate her enough so she never got really upset.
I fed Tia at 5:15am, let her play a bit while I ate breakfast, diaper change, changed her into her first day of school outfit (says Mommy & Daddy Love Me), then put her back to bed. I got ready and put her in her car seat and we headed out the door. She did well on the ride because normally she hates the ride and cries the entire time. I think it was because she was in the middle of a nap and was very tired. She was awake the entire way there and didn't cry at all, thankfully.
I dropped her off with her new teachers and instantly her lower lip protruded outward and she had that cute little pouty face and a couple tears started to fall. But she never screamed out and cried like I was afraid she'd do. I showed the teachers how to swaddle her and we put her in her crib. She just gazed out like I put her in jail and I hated to leave her, but I knew this would be a great thing for both of us.
Chris stopped by on his lunch hour to see how she was doing and she was just awaking from a nap. He looked down at her and she smiled real big back, it was super cute. I picked her up around 5:30ish and she was sort of tired, so I was hoping she'd sleep in the car. She was almost on the verge of a cry here and there, but I was able to soothe her by talking to her, holding her hand (which is very hard to do from the front seat), or putting her pacifier in her mouth (which is also very very hard to do). We made it home and both Chris and I started talking to her like she had just gotten back from her first day of Kindergarten or something. That is the 2nd picture because she was seriously talking up a storm just as if she was telling us about her day (it sounds like she is gargling or talking under water). I had been afraid her day would put her in a bad mood because it was a big change, but she was happy as could be. So let's pray all of her upcoming days will be the same or better!
Glad to hear she had a great first day! Sounds like it went as planned : )