Friday, March 12, 2010

Great First Week Back to Work

Friday, March 12th, 2010 - Day 84

I had a great first week back to work. It was so nice to be back among the living and have lots of people interaction. It was pretty easy to get right back into the swing of things at work too. I have a few new items on my plate so it was nice to have some new things to focus on. I go to go to lunch a few days with the girls and got into the swing of things with dropping off and picking up Tia from daycare.

I was a bit more tired than before I had Tia because I have to get up a lot earlier now, but I am hoping I'll get used to that soon enough. Tia is getting so chatty and growing so fast - it's great. She just seems like a happy baby 95% of the time, so we are lucky! We just love her soooooo much!

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