Monday, March 1st, 2010 - Day 73
This picture was taken 6 weeks after Tia was born. I still have many pounds to lose, although this picture makes me look skinny - gotta love photographers. A friend of mine wanted some models for the Sevens Club Bar photo shoot in the Casino Queen. The photographer wanted to hire his own models because he knew he could get them cheaper than going through an agency. The photographer is close friends with some people I know and they thought of me first. When I was talking to the photographer, he asked if I was available for the shoot. I explained I was only a few weeks postpartum but I would definitely be up for modeling for him. I also 'pimped' out my friends too. I told him that if he wanted any other models to let me know. He took me up on it and said he needed 4 or 5 people. So I thought of all of my friends who are interested in modeling like Melissa and Beth, who I got Harley Davidson photo shoots last year with me and they were both interested. I, of course, got Chris signed up and recruited a few more people. It was really fun because doing a photo shoot with other girls/guys you know makes it more casual and fun. We all laughed and just had a great time. So here is one of the pictures that the photographer sent over. I love it. Sure makes me loo a lot skinnier than I am and Chris looks yummy, as always. I actually have a Harley Davidson photo shoot coming up on the 16th - not sure if I'm really ready for modeling, but they are like family and since I've been doing those shoots for almost 10 years, they always keep me on the list. I did promise I'd bring Tia with me to the shoot so they can all meet her. I wonder if I can get Tia into a future catalog once she can hold her head up and sit up on her own. That would be great for her baby book.
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