Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 - Day 96
Not too long ago, Tia was rolling on her side, but it seemed like a big effort and she'd grunt and finally figure out she had to curl her legs. She was super excited once she got herself on her side and back again. Today, I picked her up from daycare and when we got home, I gave her some floor time. She arched her back and rolled on her side really easily. I was shocked because I had never seen her do that before. I thought, perhaps it was a fluke, so I pushed her onto her back and wham - she arched her back and rolled on her side. Then not to shortly after that, the darn girl went from laying on her back to pretty much on her stomach with her elbow keeping her from completely going onto her chest. Her legs were over, her other arm was over and her head was over...all she had left was getting her arm out from under her. I couldn't believe it! She was soooo mad that she couldn't quite do it. We would put her back on her back and watch her try her damnest to get all the way over. I think she saw another baby do it and she just had to also do it. I call her my over-achiever for sure. When do babies normally roll all the way over? I know she is competitive which isn't shocking since Chris and I both are very competitive people. At home, she hates her swing, hates her bouncer, hates her play gym - she just acts like she is bored and just will deal with it. I think that is why she hates her car seat so much - she's bored. She acts like she is so uncomfortable. For a three month old, she sure knows what she wants. But when I pick her up from daycare, she'll be just happy in the swing or bouncer. And I know it is because she sees the other kids in it. She cracks me up, but I like that she sees that she has to take turns and share. I didn't think she'd be rolling all the way over by now - I hope we've given her enough tummy time so she knows what to do if she can't get back over. I will say, she was able to roll from her belly to her back, but that one arm was probably helping. She is one determined baby!
I think she is definitely ahead of the curve. Gabriel rolled over on March 9th, but didn't do it again until today. I caught it on video since he had already done it a couple of times in a row!