Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Future Harley Davidson Model

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010 - Day 88

I had a Harley Davidson photo shoot today and they wanted me to bring Tia with me. I was excited because although I'm only 3 months post pardum, they wanted me to come do a few shots. I've been doing Harley Davidson modeling for years...I think since 2003, but I can't recall when I started. I've been in every catalog that R.K. Stratman does for Harley Davidson for 7+ years with 4 to 5 issues per year. I have kept all of the catalogs over the years - always fun to see what hair dos I had from year to year, lol. But from doing Harley, I've become like family to the R.K. Stratman family and staff. They've been printing HD apparel for years and welcomed me into the 'family' years ago. So, although I don't do much modeling anymore (I'm sort of lazy about it and just not into it anymore), I will do R.K. Stratman Harley Davidson shoots every time they ask. It is a great time and every now and then, they'll send me some fun clothes too.

With that said, today I was back in the saddle since my last shoot for Harley back in August. Tia was looking around in awe of all the lights and loved being held by everyone. They even said once she gets a bit older they'll use her in some of the kid shots - I thought that was pretty neat! So she's our future model!

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