Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Newborn Bows

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 - Day 95

I need some ideas girls. I got some bows online that are adorable, BUT I can't get them to stick on her head. When we were in the hospital, they put a bow on her that was absolutely adorable for Christmas. They used surgical lubricant and it stuck to her head for over a month. We took it off because we wanted her hair to grow in that spot, but have yet to get a bow to stick and stay. I did put a bow on her head for the photo of her in the ballerina outfit, but it fell off as soon as I took that picture. Luckily, I got a few good pictures! I have tried and tried to put these cute little bows in her hair and nothing has worked. I put KY (which was recommended by the nurses), I put hair gel, extra strength hair spray, lotion, and I'm going to try syrup once I figure out where to get it...I just want her to have a bow so she can look all girlie! Help if you have some ideas...

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