Saturday, March 27, 2010

She's a Piggie

Saturday, March 27th, 2010 - Day 99

It is amazing to me to me how much this little thing can eat. Our doctor tells us to feed her half her body weight. A month ago she weighed in at 10 lbs 4 ozs and I'm sure by now, she's is nearing 12 lbs. We've been feeding her 6 ozs for a few weeks now, but it doesn't seem like it is enough...she is still hungry. This weekend, we fed her 6 lbs and she cried for more, so I made another 3 ozs and she gulped that down. 9 ozs - that is so much for this tiny little body. Yes, she has a buddha belly but I know she doesn't weigh 18 lbs. The other thing she does is eat two quick meals in a row around dinner time. Daycare will feed her between 4 and 5 and then we'll get home around 6ish and she's hungry. The kicker is that she'll eat 6 full ozs two times in a row. So we'll bump it up to 7 ozs and see how she does. So sometimes I'll find myself calling her my little piggie. I think she has an amazing metabolism which would be great as she gets older. There's no doubt she's growing fast.

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