Friday, March 5th, 2010 - Day 77
So as most of you know, this week I took Tia to daycare and instead of going back to work as well, I took the week to myself. The main reason for doing this was in case I wasn't handling dropping her off at daycare very well. I could go pick her up if I wanted, or call to see how she is doing, or even stop by anytime. The other reason was so I could get some final items crossed off my list. Chris and I finally merged bank accounts, we set up an account for Tia, I got more life insurance from my broker, had lunch with some friends and family, getting my hair cut today, got a pedicure, took a couple naps, organized my closet, household chores, got some thank-yous out, and so much more. It was nice to be able to plan out a week by taking her to daycare at 7:15am and picking her up at 5:30pm. I want her to adjust as quickly as possible to daycare, so I took her all week the same times I would if I was working. Plus, this will help me decide which route was best to take, what time to leave, what time is best to feed her in the morning, etc.
So many mothers have said that this was a great idea. A coworker friend of mine suggested I take Tia to daycare a couple days before I started work so I'd have those two days to cry it all out if I needed, then I'd be ready for work with no tears. I thought it was a great idea and since the entire week before I went to work fell on the 1st of the month through the 5th, I thought I should do that the entire week. I am so glad I did, it was very nice but it went by soooo quick. When I was picking up Tia the 2nd day from daycare, another mother was picking up her son Connor. Connor is 3 days younger than Tia and they looked very similar in size and started the same day as Tia. She asked how I did the first two days and I was just fine, but she was saying that she didn't do very well the first day and was a bit better the second day. I asked if she had gone back to work and when she said yes, I told her what I did. She wishes someone would have told her to do the same.
So for any of you working mothers who are or are planning on going on maternity leave, consider doing something like this to take a few days to yourself and get used to the idea of someone else watching your baby. I love Tia to death and am so thankful I was fortunate enough to have the time I did with her at home, but I was excited about my week to myself and I am excited to head back to work. Now when I wake her up for her 5:15am feeding, I just love on her as much as I can while she is drinking her bottle. She doesn't seem to mind and I just enjoy it. Then I usually give her about 30 minutes of playtime before I put her back to bed so I can get ready and I just talk to her and we play. I really cherish every moment. I think being home with her 24-7, I took those moments a bit for granted. But now that I have to go back to work and won't get to see her round the clock, I'll take advantage of every moment that I have. She is growing so fast - I don't want to miss a thing!
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