Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 - Day 103
Katma got Tia the pack-n-play that we hadn't used until this past weekend. We really haven't taken her many places for extended periods of time and until last weekend, she hasn't stayed the night any place except our house. We took the boxed pack-n-play and opened it for the very first time. We didn't use the bassinet or diaper changing station feature, because we only needed it for her to sleep in. It was set up right next to the bed we were staying in and it was really nice having her so close. If she woke up, I'd just lean over and pop her pacifier back in and go back to bed. I've had to get her up by 6:00am when I have to go to work that I've hadn't had much chance to see how long she could sleep in. Last weekend, she left from 9ish until 8:30am - I was so excited. Then on Sunday morning, she slept in until 8. Now, keep in mind, she did wake up here and there, but I was easily able to get her to fall back asleep. We are house sitting for Tia's Great Aunt Jenny, and the pack-n-play is perfect! So easy to pack up and so easy to carry around. Love it! Thanks Katma.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Weening Her From Being Swaddled
Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 - Day 102
We have swaddled Tia every time she goes to sleep and for naps. It has helped because if she didn't, her hands would wake her up or she'd have that falling sensation. She will stay asleep most of the night. She's getting bigger now and we need to start weening her from being swaddled to go to sleep. Last weekend, I was able to put her down for a couple naps but I had to hold her tightly and keep her hands from moving much. The first time, she slept for a few hours. The second time, she would wake up from time to time. But at least we are working on it. I also enjoy rocking her and will soon really need to get her to fall asleep on her own. I know I have spoiled her, but being my first child, I just love watching her fall asleep. It is always hard though because we seem to have little time from the time we get home until we go to bed and I know it will be a time investment to get her to fall asleep without being swaddled and on her own. We'll get there and I know it will be really good for all of us.
We have swaddled Tia every time she goes to sleep and for naps. It has helped because if she didn't, her hands would wake her up or she'd have that falling sensation. She will stay asleep most of the night. She's getting bigger now and we need to start weening her from being swaddled to go to sleep. Last weekend, I was able to put her down for a couple naps but I had to hold her tightly and keep her hands from moving much. The first time, she slept for a few hours. The second time, she would wake up from time to time. But at least we are working on it. I also enjoy rocking her and will soon really need to get her to fall asleep on her own. I know I have spoiled her, but being my first child, I just love watching her fall asleep. It is always hard though because we seem to have little time from the time we get home until we go to bed and I know it will be a time investment to get her to fall asleep without being swaddled and on her own. We'll get there and I know it will be really good for all of us.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Her Poor Little Booty
Monday, March 29th, 2010 - Day 101
She's gone 3 months without getting diaper rash and on Friday when I went to daycare to pick her up, they were changing her. She screamed out in pain and I looked at her butt and it was so red and looked awful. I had never heard her cry when she got her diaper changed until that moment. I know that the daycare changes her every hour no matter if she needs it or not. I think they change her as quickly as possible because they have a ton of other kids to watch and sometimes they wipe too hard too quickly. The poor thing has had a sore rump the whole weekend. We are lubing her up with diaper creme, but I just feel so bad for her. I know all babies get it, but I hate to see her in pain.
She's gone 3 months without getting diaper rash and on Friday when I went to daycare to pick her up, they were changing her. She screamed out in pain and I looked at her butt and it was so red and looked awful. I had never heard her cry when she got her diaper changed until that moment. I know that the daycare changes her every hour no matter if she needs it or not. I think they change her as quickly as possible because they have a ton of other kids to watch and sometimes they wipe too hard too quickly. The poor thing has had a sore rump the whole weekend. We are lubing her up with diaper creme, but I just feel so bad for her. I know all babies get it, but I hate to see her in pain.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Grabbing Things Pretty Well
Sunday, March 28th, 2010 - Day 100
For a few weeks, she's been really using her hands, but she hadn't quite learned how to grab things. However, now she brings her hands together and grabs onto things pretty well. Only a few times she's grabbed people's hair, but I can tell that it is going to happen more and more often now that she knows how to do it. We brought out some toys finally that she can grab onto and hold...and bring to her mouth to slobber all over. We have a little birdie that hangs from her car seat handle. When you pull the feet down, it vibrates. When we got it, I never thought she'd be able to pull them down on her own. The past couple weeks when she would be fussy in the car, when I'd come to a stoplight, I'd turn around and put her hand on the birdie's legs. I'd pull it down and she'd feel the legs rise back up and vibrate at the same time. One time, when the light turned green, I took off and it wasn't but a few seconds later, I hard the birdie vibrating. I looked in the mirror and there she was pulling the birdies legs all on her own. So proud of my baby girl!
For a few weeks, she's been really using her hands, but she hadn't quite learned how to grab things. However, now she brings her hands together and grabs onto things pretty well. Only a few times she's grabbed people's hair, but I can tell that it is going to happen more and more often now that she knows how to do it. We brought out some toys finally that she can grab onto and hold...and bring to her mouth to slobber all over. We have a little birdie that hangs from her car seat handle. When you pull the feet down, it vibrates. When we got it, I never thought she'd be able to pull them down on her own. The past couple weeks when she would be fussy in the car, when I'd come to a stoplight, I'd turn around and put her hand on the birdie's legs. I'd pull it down and she'd feel the legs rise back up and vibrate at the same time. One time, when the light turned green, I took off and it wasn't but a few seconds later, I hard the birdie vibrating. I looked in the mirror and there she was pulling the birdies legs all on her own. So proud of my baby girl!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
She's a Piggie
Saturday, March 27th, 2010 - Day 99
It is amazing to me to me how much this little thing can eat. Our doctor tells us to feed her half her body weight. A month ago she weighed in at 10 lbs 4 ozs and I'm sure by now, she's is nearing 12 lbs. We've been feeding her 6 ozs for a few weeks now, but it doesn't seem like it is enough...she is still hungry. This weekend, we fed her 6 lbs and she cried for more, so I made another 3 ozs and she gulped that down. 9 ozs - that is so much for this tiny little body. Yes, she has a buddha belly but I know she doesn't weigh 18 lbs. The other thing she does is eat two quick meals in a row around dinner time. Daycare will feed her between 4 and 5 and then we'll get home around 6ish and she's hungry. The kicker is that she'll eat 6 full ozs two times in a row. So we'll bump it up to 7 ozs and see how she does. So sometimes I'll find myself calling her my little piggie. I think she has an amazing metabolism which would be great as she gets older. There's no doubt she's growing fast.
It is amazing to me to me how much this little thing can eat. Our doctor tells us to feed her half her body weight. A month ago she weighed in at 10 lbs 4 ozs and I'm sure by now, she's is nearing 12 lbs. We've been feeding her 6 ozs for a few weeks now, but it doesn't seem like it is enough...she is still hungry. This weekend, we fed her 6 lbs and she cried for more, so I made another 3 ozs and she gulped that down. 9 ozs - that is so much for this tiny little body. Yes, she has a buddha belly but I know she doesn't weigh 18 lbs. The other thing she does is eat two quick meals in a row around dinner time. Daycare will feed her between 4 and 5 and then we'll get home around 6ish and she's hungry. The kicker is that she'll eat 6 full ozs two times in a row. So we'll bump it up to 7 ozs and see how she does. So sometimes I'll find myself calling her my little piggie. I think she has an amazing metabolism which would be great as she gets older. There's no doubt she's growing fast.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Going to See Grandpa
Friday, March 26th, 2010 - Day 98
We drove up to Springfield, IL tonight to stay with my dad, step-mom, brother, sister-n-law and my nieces. I have a bowling tournament this weekend and what a great chance for them to spend some time with Tia. We drove up two months ago for Janelle's birthday so they haven't seen her in a while. They'll have all day Saturday and Sunday to spend while I go bowl. The girls are excited and think she has gotten bigger, but they still don't know why she can't walk, talk and play. Janelle said she looks like a boy because she has no hair, lol. My dad is getting his fill in of Tia. He was recently diagnosed with an illness that has given him a short sentence on life and so he is going to take advantage of all the moments he can with his grand-daughters.
We drove up to Springfield, IL tonight to stay with my dad, step-mom, brother, sister-n-law and my nieces. I have a bowling tournament this weekend and what a great chance for them to spend some time with Tia. We drove up two months ago for Janelle's birthday so they haven't seen her in a while. They'll have all day Saturday and Sunday to spend while I go bowl. The girls are excited and think she has gotten bigger, but they still don't know why she can't walk, talk and play. Janelle said she looks like a boy because she has no hair, lol. My dad is getting his fill in of Tia. He was recently diagnosed with an illness that has given him a short sentence on life and so he is going to take advantage of all the moments he can with his grand-daughters.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Oh She's Gonna Be a Chatter Box
Thursday, March 25th, 2010 - Day 97
Tia talks all the time. It is the cutest thing ever. If we could just understand what she was saying, we'd be set. She will have lengthy conversations with you and she just seems like she is so interested in talking. Sometimes she talks the entire way to daycare and I feel she is mad and telling me how much she hates the car ride. When we are at home, she'll just go into a discussion and when she is really into it, she'll gurgle a bit. So cute. She has the hiccups in this video, but you get a glimpse of one of her conversations.
Tia talks all the time. It is the cutest thing ever. If we could just understand what she was saying, we'd be set. She will have lengthy conversations with you and she just seems like she is so interested in talking. Sometimes she talks the entire way to daycare and I feel she is mad and telling me how much she hates the car ride. When we are at home, she'll just go into a discussion and when she is really into it, she'll gurgle a bit. So cute. She has the hiccups in this video, but you get a glimpse of one of her conversations.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Rolling All the Way Over
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 - Day 96
Not too long ago, Tia was rolling on her side, but it seemed like a big effort and she'd grunt and finally figure out she had to curl her legs. She was super excited once she got herself on her side and back again. Today, I picked her up from daycare and when we got home, I gave her some floor time. She arched her back and rolled on her side really easily. I was shocked because I had never seen her do that before. I thought, perhaps it was a fluke, so I pushed her onto her back and wham - she arched her back and rolled on her side. Then not to shortly after that, the darn girl went from laying on her back to pretty much on her stomach with her elbow keeping her from completely going onto her chest. Her legs were over, her other arm was over and her head was over...all she had left was getting her arm out from under her. I couldn't believe it! She was soooo mad that she couldn't quite do it. We would put her back on her back and watch her try her damnest to get all the way over. I think she saw another baby do it and she just had to also do it. I call her my over-achiever for sure. When do babies normally roll all the way over? I know she is competitive which isn't shocking since Chris and I both are very competitive people. At home, she hates her swing, hates her bouncer, hates her play gym - she just acts like she is bored and just will deal with it. I think that is why she hates her car seat so much - she's bored. She acts like she is so uncomfortable. For a three month old, she sure knows what she wants. But when I pick her up from daycare, she'll be just happy in the swing or bouncer. And I know it is because she sees the other kids in it. She cracks me up, but I like that she sees that she has to take turns and share. I didn't think she'd be rolling all the way over by now - I hope we've given her enough tummy time so she knows what to do if she can't get back over. I will say, she was able to roll from her belly to her back, but that one arm was probably helping. She is one determined baby!
Not too long ago, Tia was rolling on her side, but it seemed like a big effort and she'd grunt and finally figure out she had to curl her legs. She was super excited once she got herself on her side and back again. Today, I picked her up from daycare and when we got home, I gave her some floor time. She arched her back and rolled on her side really easily. I was shocked because I had never seen her do that before. I thought, perhaps it was a fluke, so I pushed her onto her back and wham - she arched her back and rolled on her side. Then not to shortly after that, the darn girl went from laying on her back to pretty much on her stomach with her elbow keeping her from completely going onto her chest. Her legs were over, her other arm was over and her head was over...all she had left was getting her arm out from under her. I couldn't believe it! She was soooo mad that she couldn't quite do it. We would put her back on her back and watch her try her damnest to get all the way over. I think she saw another baby do it and she just had to also do it. I call her my over-achiever for sure. When do babies normally roll all the way over? I know she is competitive which isn't shocking since Chris and I both are very competitive people. At home, she hates her swing, hates her bouncer, hates her play gym - she just acts like she is bored and just will deal with it. I think that is why she hates her car seat so much - she's bored. She acts like she is so uncomfortable. For a three month old, she sure knows what she wants. But when I pick her up from daycare, she'll be just happy in the swing or bouncer. And I know it is because she sees the other kids in it. She cracks me up, but I like that she sees that she has to take turns and share. I didn't think she'd be rolling all the way over by now - I hope we've given her enough tummy time so she knows what to do if she can't get back over. I will say, she was able to roll from her belly to her back, but that one arm was probably helping. She is one determined baby!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Newborn Bows
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 - Day 95
I need some ideas girls. I got some bows online that are adorable, BUT I can't get them to stick on her head. When we were in the hospital, they put a bow on her that was absolutely adorable for Christmas. They used surgical lubricant and it stuck to her head for over a month. We took it off because we wanted her hair to grow in that spot, but have yet to get a bow to stick and stay. I did put a bow on her head for the photo of her in the ballerina outfit, but it fell off as soon as I took that picture. Luckily, I got a few good pictures! I have tried and tried to put these cute little bows in her hair and nothing has worked. I put KY (which was recommended by the nurses), I put hair gel, extra strength hair spray, lotion, and I'm going to try syrup once I figure out where to get it...I just want her to have a bow so she can look all girlie! Help if you have some ideas...
I need some ideas girls. I got some bows online that are adorable, BUT I can't get them to stick on her head. When we were in the hospital, they put a bow on her that was absolutely adorable for Christmas. They used surgical lubricant and it stuck to her head for over a month. We took it off because we wanted her hair to grow in that spot, but have yet to get a bow to stick and stay. I did put a bow on her head for the photo of her in the ballerina outfit, but it fell off as soon as I took that picture. Luckily, I got a few good pictures! I have tried and tried to put these cute little bows in her hair and nothing has worked. I put KY (which was recommended by the nurses), I put hair gel, extra strength hair spray, lotion, and I'm going to try syrup once I figure out where to get it...I just want her to have a bow so she can look all girlie! Help if you have some ideas...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Crazy Busy
Monday, March 22nd, 2010 - Day 94
People aren't a kidding when they say having a baby equals no free time. I feel like the days go by so quickly and it is just a whirlwind. I get up about 5:30am-ish, get Tia fed/ready, myself ready, wake-up Chris, head out the door, drop her off at daycare, get to work, when works done I pick up Tia and get home around 6:15ish, feed her (if needed), play with her, cook us some food, eat and do possibly 30 minutes of something around the house and boom, it's time for bed! OMG! It is crazy. I do know that working so far from home doesn't help and hopefully when we move to Ballwin or Fenton and closer to daycare, we'll have more time - but wow! I just cherish my time with Tia and we just have a blast. Her smiles melt my heart and make me realize that having no free time is a small price to pay for such a beautiful thing.
People aren't a kidding when they say having a baby equals no free time. I feel like the days go by so quickly and it is just a whirlwind. I get up about 5:30am-ish, get Tia fed/ready, myself ready, wake-up Chris, head out the door, drop her off at daycare, get to work, when works done I pick up Tia and get home around 6:15ish, feed her (if needed), play with her, cook us some food, eat and do possibly 30 minutes of something around the house and boom, it's time for bed! OMG! It is crazy. I do know that working so far from home doesn't help and hopefully when we move to Ballwin or Fenton and closer to daycare, we'll have more time - but wow! I just cherish my time with Tia and we just have a blast. Her smiles melt my heart and make me realize that having no free time is a small price to pay for such a beautiful thing.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Who Is My Daddy?
Sunday, March 21st, 2010 - Day 93
We just couldn't tell if Tia did a double take when she saw her Daddy tonight... In October of 2006, Chris and I met for the very first time and on that lucky day, he had zero facial hair. When we reunited the following March, he had grown a light my liking, I encouraged Chris to keep the beard because it made him look a bit older, which I liked. So for the past 3+ years, Chris has had a beard the entire time. Of course, during the summers, he usually trimmed it down a bit - but he still has never been clean shaven since that very first time we met. But tonight, Chris shaved it all off and we were waiting to see how Tia would react. It seemed like she heard his voice and didn't even flinch, but just smiled back just like she would any other time. So next time you see Chris, you may do a double take since he looks like a brand new person. We have our reasons for him going beard free and we'll just have to wait and see if he'll grow it back completely or possibly just a shadow. I will admit that although Chris looks younger without the beard, he looks fantastic to me. I think a light shadow would be a perfect look if and when he decides to grow some back. Nonetheless, he looks great to me and from the looks of Tia - she didn't have any opposition either!
We just couldn't tell if Tia did a double take when she saw her Daddy tonight... In October of 2006, Chris and I met for the very first time and on that lucky day, he had zero facial hair. When we reunited the following March, he had grown a light my liking, I encouraged Chris to keep the beard because it made him look a bit older, which I liked. So for the past 3+ years, Chris has had a beard the entire time. Of course, during the summers, he usually trimmed it down a bit - but he still has never been clean shaven since that very first time we met. But tonight, Chris shaved it all off and we were waiting to see how Tia would react. It seemed like she heard his voice and didn't even flinch, but just smiled back just like she would any other time. So next time you see Chris, you may do a double take since he looks like a brand new person. We have our reasons for him going beard free and we'll just have to wait and see if he'll grow it back completely or possibly just a shadow. I will admit that although Chris looks younger without the beard, he looks fantastic to me. I think a light shadow would be a perfect look if and when he decides to grow some back. Nonetheless, he looks great to me and from the looks of Tia - she didn't have any opposition either!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Tia's a Good Luck Charm
Saturday, March 20th, 2010 - Day 92
Lisa and I went up to the new casino today to check it out. My mom, Joni, Connie, Kayla and her friend all came up while we were there too. Lisa had a picture of Tia with her and so did I. I even gave one to Joni to hold while she was playing. She is our good luck charm for sure. And if you really want to use her as a good luck charm, you can chant 'Ta-ta-ta-Tia!' like the Chia pet jingle (thanks Brother Bob K). I just think it is nice to have a little inspiration when playing slots or cards. I decided to try a table for the first time since I was in Vegas when I turned 21...that's 11+ years ago. When I tried in Vegas, my friend Rachel and I got yelled at by the dealer for everything under the sun....get your elbows of the table, don't put your drink on the table, you didn't put enough money down, you didn't do need to do that...Well, let's just say from then on out, I was super intimidated by tables. I did not want to make a fool out of myself or people to know I didn't know what I was doing. But thanks to Joni, today I decided to give the tables a try after watching her for a couple hours. She was playing Ultimate Texas Hold-Em and while watching I knew exactly what I 'would' be doing if I was playing. Since it was a new casino, some of the dealers were also new to dealing the that made me feel a lot better. Also, a few times people would sit down and they'd get yelled a bit, but the dealer and other players would help them with their moves. That made me feel a lot better and so I said, if someone on either side of Joni gets up, I'll sit down to play. I had a blast and ended up playing for a super long time. The minimum bet was $5 and I was racking up the chips. So fun. I do still like playing slots too and thanks to Lisa, she taught me how to play penny slots for hours. So once or twice every six months - I'll tag along with Lisa to the casino for a day of fun. I'm not a gambler, but it is fun every once in a while. So I'm excited to have another game to play while I'm there next. Fun Fun.
Lisa and I went up to the new casino today to check it out. My mom, Joni, Connie, Kayla and her friend all came up while we were there too. Lisa had a picture of Tia with her and so did I. I even gave one to Joni to hold while she was playing. She is our good luck charm for sure. And if you really want to use her as a good luck charm, you can chant 'Ta-ta-ta-Tia!' like the Chia pet jingle (thanks Brother Bob K). I just think it is nice to have a little inspiration when playing slots or cards. I decided to try a table for the first time since I was in Vegas when I turned 21...that's 11+ years ago. When I tried in Vegas, my friend Rachel and I got yelled at by the dealer for everything under the sun....get your elbows of the table, don't put your drink on the table, you didn't put enough money down, you didn't do need to do that...Well, let's just say from then on out, I was super intimidated by tables. I did not want to make a fool out of myself or people to know I didn't know what I was doing. But thanks to Joni, today I decided to give the tables a try after watching her for a couple hours. She was playing Ultimate Texas Hold-Em and while watching I knew exactly what I 'would' be doing if I was playing. Since it was a new casino, some of the dealers were also new to dealing the that made me feel a lot better. Also, a few times people would sit down and they'd get yelled a bit, but the dealer and other players would help them with their moves. That made me feel a lot better and so I said, if someone on either side of Joni gets up, I'll sit down to play. I had a blast and ended up playing for a super long time. The minimum bet was $5 and I was racking up the chips. So fun. I do still like playing slots too and thanks to Lisa, she taught me how to play penny slots for hours. So once or twice every six months - I'll tag along with Lisa to the casino for a day of fun. I'm not a gambler, but it is fun every once in a while. So I'm excited to have another game to play while I'm there next. Fun Fun.
Friday, March 19, 2010
3 Months Old Today
Friday, March 19th, 2010 - Day 91
Tia is definitely getting bigger by the day and growing up quick. Already, she has hit her 3 month birthday. Her motor skills are off the charts (according to me, of course) and she is interacting like no other. She can grab things, kick things and at daycare, although she is the smallest in the class, they said she is by far the strongest. Must be those long fingers and big hands that she gets from her mommy. She does a great job holding her head up, but he haven't quite hit the threshold of when she officially do it without us watching. We have a fun bouncer we'd love to start putting her in, but possibly a couple more months before she can reach the floor and is ready for that. The floor play gym is getting more action these days. She lay and look up at all the hanging characters, grabbing the ones she can reach and kicking the ones by her legs that jingle. She smiles pretty much every time you make a cute sound to her and I am confident she knows her name. She seems to do very well at daycare. The only thing we need to figure out is a couple of spells she had while eating. Seems to be a bit of colic at times...they say 'she not her normal smiley Tia' and so we will have to change up her formula and see if that helps. The one thing I don't like that she has is her nasal congestion. Oh it is horrible - she sounds like she has a cold and can barely breathe. Scares me when she has her pacifier in. Reminds me of when I'm sick and I have to tilt my head so I can find that one passage to breath and even then it is annoying. I can't imagine that she has to deal with that every day. We are trying out the humidifier and giving her some drops. I personally feel she may have gotten some of the allergies that Chris has and as she gets older, I hope we can figure out how to get them cured. She's still our little peanut and we just love her so darn much!
Tia is definitely getting bigger by the day and growing up quick. Already, she has hit her 3 month birthday. Her motor skills are off the charts (according to me, of course) and she is interacting like no other. She can grab things, kick things and at daycare, although she is the smallest in the class, they said she is by far the strongest. Must be those long fingers and big hands that she gets from her mommy. She does a great job holding her head up, but he haven't quite hit the threshold of when she officially do it without us watching. We have a fun bouncer we'd love to start putting her in, but possibly a couple more months before she can reach the floor and is ready for that. The floor play gym is getting more action these days. She lay and look up at all the hanging characters, grabbing the ones she can reach and kicking the ones by her legs that jingle. She smiles pretty much every time you make a cute sound to her and I am confident she knows her name. She seems to do very well at daycare. The only thing we need to figure out is a couple of spells she had while eating. Seems to be a bit of colic at times...they say 'she not her normal smiley Tia' and so we will have to change up her formula and see if that helps. The one thing I don't like that she has is her nasal congestion. Oh it is horrible - she sounds like she has a cold and can barely breathe. Scares me when she has her pacifier in. Reminds me of when I'm sick and I have to tilt my head so I can find that one passage to breath and even then it is annoying. I can't imagine that she has to deal with that every day. We are trying out the humidifier and giving her some drops. I personally feel she may have gotten some of the allergies that Chris has and as she gets older, I hope we can figure out how to get them cured. She's still our little peanut and we just love her so darn much!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What's Up w/My Shirt Daddy?

Thursday, March 18th, 2010 - Day 90
This was hysterical. Chris thinks when he puts clothes on Tia she gets mad, but really she gets mad when changing her clothes for anyone. I just know how to play peek-a-boo or talk to her enough to distract her. Chris went and got another outfit to put on Tia. So he gets this outfit on her while she's griping away. I look over and say peek-a-boo to get her attention and bursted out laughing. I said 'Daddy, you have it on me backwards' and he said 'what?' and when I said turn her around and see the bow, he started laughing out loud. He saw the V-neck on her and thought it was the funniest thing. He didn't want to have to fix it since she gets mad at him. But boy did we have a good laugh, but we always do!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
We Think Tia Loves School

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010 - Day 89
She is so darn sweet. We got her home from school today and she just talked up a storm. It was as if she was telling us about her day and what they did and how much she likes it. She just went on and on - we love it! She was all smiles and just so happy. They do a great job at the Goddard School. I can't say enough about them and how quickly I feel Tia adjusted. They give us an Infant Daily Activity Report that includes what they did that day for Language Arts, Cognitive Development, Creative Arts, Music/Movement, Memorable Moment, Motor Skills, Self-Help/Life Skills, Sensory Stimulation along with a description of the details for each item. The other side of the sheet tells me when/how much she ate, when she napped, if she had tummy time, when her diaper was changed with check marks on the type, etc. So it is nice to see what she did and when she last ate. I love all the personal comments like "Ms Jen came in today and was talking to me, I was cooing away at her." So cute.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Future Harley Davidson Model

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010 - Day 88
I had a Harley Davidson photo shoot today and they wanted me to bring Tia with me. I was excited because although I'm only 3 months post pardum, they wanted me to come do a few shots. I've been doing Harley Davidson modeling for years...I think since 2003, but I can't recall when I started. I've been in every catalog that R.K. Stratman does for Harley Davidson for 7+ years with 4 to 5 issues per year. I have kept all of the catalogs over the years - always fun to see what hair dos I had from year to year, lol. But from doing Harley, I've become like family to the R.K. Stratman family and staff. They've been printing HD apparel for years and welcomed me into the 'family' years ago. So, although I don't do much modeling anymore (I'm sort of lazy about it and just not into it anymore), I will do R.K. Stratman Harley Davidson shoots every time they ask. It is a great time and every now and then, they'll send me some fun clothes too.
With that said, today I was back in the saddle since my last shoot for Harley back in August. Tia was looking around in awe of all the lights and loved being held by everyone. They even said once she gets a bit older they'll use her in some of the kid shots - I thought that was pretty neat! So she's our future model!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tia Loves the TV
Monday, March 15th, 2010 - Day 87
We do our best not to let Tia watch TV. We know that it is bad for children under the age of 2 because their eyes can't process that many lights at once. However, every now and then, we'll find her staring at the TV in amazement. She acts like she is so into the show and nothing else matters. We turn her around and she turns her head again to try to gaze at it. Tonight it was hysterical. Chris was feeding her while he was watching TV. She was in her boppy, but her back was to the TV. Chris and I were talking and when we looked down, we were laughing hysterically because she was bent over backwards watching the TV with bottle in mouth and all. I, of course, had to laugh because Chris and I both love watching TV while we are eating and I said that she wants to be just like us. She used to not care, but I think the sound draws her in and then I'm sure it is distracting since the TV is a 54 inch flat screen. We are trying not let her watch TV but she is pretty determined at times. Every now and then, we'll sit her in our lap and let her watch for a few minutes so she gets her fill in before we put her down for floor time. I think she likes sitting like a big girl!
We do our best not to let Tia watch TV. We know that it is bad for children under the age of 2 because their eyes can't process that many lights at once. However, every now and then, we'll find her staring at the TV in amazement. She acts like she is so into the show and nothing else matters. We turn her around and she turns her head again to try to gaze at it. Tonight it was hysterical. Chris was feeding her while he was watching TV. She was in her boppy, but her back was to the TV. Chris and I were talking and when we looked down, we were laughing hysterically because she was bent over backwards watching the TV with bottle in mouth and all. I, of course, had to laugh because Chris and I both love watching TV while we are eating and I said that she wants to be just like us. She used to not care, but I think the sound draws her in and then I'm sure it is distracting since the TV is a 54 inch flat screen. We are trying not let her watch TV but she is pretty determined at times. Every now and then, we'll sit her in our lap and let her watch for a few minutes so she gets her fill in before we put her down for floor time. I think she likes sitting like a big girl!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Bottle of Choice
Sunday, March 14th, 2010 - Day 86
When Tia was born, we had no idea what bottles to use. My friend Melissa gave me a crate full of bottles, but there were over 7 or 8 different kinds. We started out and I was addicted to the Avent bottles and Chris liked the Playtex bottles. Then one night Chris said he tried a Bornfree bottle and really liked it. Me being stubborn and often sticking to my guns, I kept using the Avent bottles. Tia has a bit of reflux and will spit up a lot of milk after she feeds so the bottle choice was very important. One night Chris made a bottle with the Bornfree bottle and so I used it and it was amazing how much less she spit up. I figured it was just coincidence so I kept using the Bornfree bottle and low and behold, I fell in love. There is a circular valve that gets put at the top of the bottle before the nipple goes on. I am not quite sure how it works, but it does help with the airflow so Tia drinks less air. When I was buying the supplies for Tia's daycare, I went to the store and bought the big 6 pack of Bornfree bottles and it has been well worth the cost. So I would definitely recommend anyone trying a Bornfree bottle when you are trying to figure out which bottle you like best. Each baby is different so not every baby will like the bottles that others recommend, but it is worth a try.
When Tia was born, we had no idea what bottles to use. My friend Melissa gave me a crate full of bottles, but there were over 7 or 8 different kinds. We started out and I was addicted to the Avent bottles and Chris liked the Playtex bottles. Then one night Chris said he tried a Bornfree bottle and really liked it. Me being stubborn and often sticking to my guns, I kept using the Avent bottles. Tia has a bit of reflux and will spit up a lot of milk after she feeds so the bottle choice was very important. One night Chris made a bottle with the Bornfree bottle and so I used it and it was amazing how much less she spit up. I figured it was just coincidence so I kept using the Bornfree bottle and low and behold, I fell in love. There is a circular valve that gets put at the top of the bottle before the nipple goes on. I am not quite sure how it works, but it does help with the airflow so Tia drinks less air. When I was buying the supplies for Tia's daycare, I went to the store and bought the big 6 pack of Bornfree bottles and it has been well worth the cost. So I would definitely recommend anyone trying a Bornfree bottle when you are trying to figure out which bottle you like best. Each baby is different so not every baby will like the bottles that others recommend, but it is worth a try.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
12 Weeks Old Today
Saturday, March 13th, 2010 - Day 85
It's amazing how time flies, but Tia is 12 weeks old today. She sure is getting bigger and her personality is starting to show more every day. I would say she is a little Diva not because she is high maintenance but because she knows what she wants when she wants it...and she lets us know. She probably weighs about 11 lbs and is about 24 inches long by now. She is eating 6 ozs of milk these days and we call her our little Piggy because sometimes she wants more! She still hates the car ride and puts up a fight every time we start driving. You would think she'd fall right asleep but not Tia, it is the exact opposite. If she is super tired, she'll be wide awake letting you know that she is tired and wants out. If she is awake, she will whine for a while and act like she is so uncomfortable. I thought car rides were a sure way to put a baby to sleep - but not ours! She hates being held like a baby but will tolerate it when she is swaddled and rocking her to sleep. She loves sitting up like a big girl so we'll put her in our laps and she just looks around analytically. She learned that if she puts her nails on her face, it will scratch her so she's been really good about using the back of her hands if she wants to rub her face. She actually has conversations which is the cutest. She sounds like she is talking under water but she looks at you so intently as you talk and talks right back. She smiles at you and is starting to giggle more and more. She can roll from side to side and when we give her tummy time, she can hold her head up at 90 degrees for a long time. She doesn't have separation anxiety if we leave her at daycare or with a sitter but that may change as she gets older. She is starting to grab onto things namely Daddy's nose and she got my hair once. I'd say she's growing accordingly and doing very well. She is a very happy baby and when she gets fussy, it doesn't take us too long to figure out what she wants -- most of the time it is food!
It's amazing how time flies, but Tia is 12 weeks old today. She sure is getting bigger and her personality is starting to show more every day. I would say she is a little Diva not because she is high maintenance but because she knows what she wants when she wants it...and she lets us know. She probably weighs about 11 lbs and is about 24 inches long by now. She is eating 6 ozs of milk these days and we call her our little Piggy because sometimes she wants more! She still hates the car ride and puts up a fight every time we start driving. You would think she'd fall right asleep but not Tia, it is the exact opposite. If she is super tired, she'll be wide awake letting you know that she is tired and wants out. If she is awake, she will whine for a while and act like she is so uncomfortable. I thought car rides were a sure way to put a baby to sleep - but not ours! She hates being held like a baby but will tolerate it when she is swaddled and rocking her to sleep. She loves sitting up like a big girl so we'll put her in our laps and she just looks around analytically. She learned that if she puts her nails on her face, it will scratch her so she's been really good about using the back of her hands if she wants to rub her face. She actually has conversations which is the cutest. She sounds like she is talking under water but she looks at you so intently as you talk and talks right back. She smiles at you and is starting to giggle more and more. She can roll from side to side and when we give her tummy time, she can hold her head up at 90 degrees for a long time. She doesn't have separation anxiety if we leave her at daycare or with a sitter but that may change as she gets older. She is starting to grab onto things namely Daddy's nose and she got my hair once. I'd say she's growing accordingly and doing very well. She is a very happy baby and when she gets fussy, it doesn't take us too long to figure out what she wants -- most of the time it is food!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Great First Week Back to Work
Friday, March 12th, 2010 - Day 84
I had a great first week back to work. It was so nice to be back among the living and have lots of people interaction. It was pretty easy to get right back into the swing of things at work too. I have a few new items on my plate so it was nice to have some new things to focus on. I go to go to lunch a few days with the girls and got into the swing of things with dropping off and picking up Tia from daycare.
I was a bit more tired than before I had Tia because I have to get up a lot earlier now, but I am hoping I'll get used to that soon enough. Tia is getting so chatty and growing so fast - it's great. She just seems like a happy baby 95% of the time, so we are lucky! We just love her soooooo much!
I had a great first week back to work. It was so nice to be back among the living and have lots of people interaction. It was pretty easy to get right back into the swing of things at work too. I have a few new items on my plate so it was nice to have some new things to focus on. I go to go to lunch a few days with the girls and got into the swing of things with dropping off and picking up Tia from daycare.
I was a bit more tired than before I had Tia because I have to get up a lot earlier now, but I am hoping I'll get used to that soon enough. Tia is getting so chatty and growing so fast - it's great. She just seems like a happy baby 95% of the time, so we are lucky! We just love her soooooo much!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
This is the Life
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Blogging is Easy When It's Personal
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010 - Day 82
While out on maternity leave, my boss rearranged some responsibilities and I received some new projects and roles, all of which I'm very excited about. One thing I'm taking over is our Social Media presence. I helped spearhead this initiative last year, but was not the one to maintain our external presence. So this week, I've been catching myself up on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, SEO and social media in general. Most people would agree that this should come pretty naturally for me since I have always had pretty large networks of friends and love to talk! But what I'm finding hard is to write on behalf of my company for an external audience and often. I have written our company newsletters and have sent out numerous emails promoting services and events, but when it comes to useful content to post on our blog, it just seems a bit hard to get started. I have a ton of ideas, but they seem to somehow be on a personal level. It is my hope to be able to easily write content on market trends, useful resource information, popular happenings that help promote our brand, as well as some various topics about staffing. When I write in my own blog, the words just roll off my tongue and onto the page with no problem. I might misspell a word or two, but the point is there. When it comes to my work blog, I need to ensure my t's are crossed and my i's are dotted. I have to make sure I am sending the right message and engaging the audience. I will have to be interesting enough to obtain a follower who will want to come back to the blog often and possibly make some comments. But it is a whole new frontier and I'm excited about it. I know social media is not only a phenomenon, but a new way of how to go about promoting your business. Learning social media gives me an edge on helping my company boost numbers, enhance our branding efforts and hopefully draw in some new clients. Social Media coupled with my Corporate Communications, job postings role, and SEO will all go hand in hand and make all of these areas more visible. If you want to catch my personal page on twitter, go to and you'll probably be seeing me post some things about Tia on there. I have my own personal twitter account to gain credibility, but will be maintaining our corporate accounts: and I will also be maintaining our LinkedIn page, Facebook Fan page and anything else that comes our way in the social media arena. Wish me luck!
While out on maternity leave, my boss rearranged some responsibilities and I received some new projects and roles, all of which I'm very excited about. One thing I'm taking over is our Social Media presence. I helped spearhead this initiative last year, but was not the one to maintain our external presence. So this week, I've been catching myself up on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, SEO and social media in general. Most people would agree that this should come pretty naturally for me since I have always had pretty large networks of friends and love to talk! But what I'm finding hard is to write on behalf of my company for an external audience and often. I have written our company newsletters and have sent out numerous emails promoting services and events, but when it comes to useful content to post on our blog, it just seems a bit hard to get started. I have a ton of ideas, but they seem to somehow be on a personal level. It is my hope to be able to easily write content on market trends, useful resource information, popular happenings that help promote our brand, as well as some various topics about staffing. When I write in my own blog, the words just roll off my tongue and onto the page with no problem. I might misspell a word or two, but the point is there. When it comes to my work blog, I need to ensure my t's are crossed and my i's are dotted. I have to make sure I am sending the right message and engaging the audience. I will have to be interesting enough to obtain a follower who will want to come back to the blog often and possibly make some comments. But it is a whole new frontier and I'm excited about it. I know social media is not only a phenomenon, but a new way of how to go about promoting your business. Learning social media gives me an edge on helping my company boost numbers, enhance our branding efforts and hopefully draw in some new clients. Social Media coupled with my Corporate Communications, job postings role, and SEO will all go hand in hand and make all of these areas more visible. If you want to catch my personal page on twitter, go to and you'll probably be seeing me post some things about Tia on there. I have my own personal twitter account to gain credibility, but will be maintaining our corporate accounts: and I will also be maintaining our LinkedIn page, Facebook Fan page and anything else that comes our way in the social media arena. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Mommy's New Baby
Tuesday, March 9th, 2010 - Day 81
One thing I love to do in my spare time is to play guitar and sing. I've had the same guitar for 10 years now and although I love it because it is a concert size Fender acoustic guitar, it is not equipped to plug into an amp. So for years, I've been wanting to get another guitar that I can plug in and jam with. I've had my eyes on a few guitars over the years but have never pulled the trigger because it never seemed like the right time. The past few weeks, I've been seriously thinking of finally getting a new guitar, so I did some research and picked out a few guitars that weren't overly expensive, but still good sounding electric acoustic guitars. I went up to Guitar Center and found one that I loved. I got home that night and did my research to see what the reviews said, as well as why this guitar would be better to get than others. So I went up a few days later and picked her up and got an acoustic amp. I got them home and played my heart out. It is a black with pearl effects Fender Sonoran Electric Acoustic.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Tia's Playing Thai Poker With Me

Monday, March 8th, 2010 - Day 80
I have two sets of friends that get together for Thai Poker nights. My wild and crazy A&W gang friends like Lisa, Kim, Leslie, Cas, Missy, and the rest of the gang and my bowling friends. My wild and crazy friends and I get together when we can usually if Lisa gets a free night at the casino. My bowling friends and I get together almost twice a month. I brought Tia with me last week because Chris had PT and was going to meet me over at my friend Joni's to pick her up. While we were waiting, Tia was helping me play cards. Isn't she super cute. She really was looking at them very intently, as you can see in the picture. lol
Sunday, March 7, 2010
She's Getting So Big
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Tia's First Baby Shower
Saturday, March 6th, 2010 - Day 78
Chris's cousin Erica and her husband Sean are expecting their first of now it is 80%, it will be a girl. Erica had a baby shower today and Tia and I attended. This will be the first time all on the Norris side of the family will get to meet Tia so it was perfect. My in-laws picked me and Tia up on the way which was nice because I could sit with Tia and hold her hand on the car ride, since she still does not like riding in the car (I think she's the only baby on earth that hates car rides). I kept her entertained and she got antsy a few times, but I was able to settle her since I was right there. When we arrived, the flood of family members all saying the same thing...she looks like Chris, which I got on video so Chris could hear their comments. A funny time during the day was when Erica was opening presents and they were discussing 'blowouts' and how diapers can only do so much when sometimes the poopie comes out down the legs, or up the back or up the front. Erica said 'oh no, not my baby, she is going to be a girl' and right about that time, I felt something wet on Tia's back and low and behold - a blowout up her back. I call them explosions and it was perfect timing because I held her up for all to see and they all had a good laugh. I brought the travel crib and swaddled/rocked her to nap a couple times. She ate 3 times while we were there and was held by a lot of people. There were a few girl cousins of Chris who are under the age of 14 who just loved playing with Tia. I put Tia on the floor to play and they all circled around her. Tia showed off by rolling on her side a few times and she just smiled at the girls. It was really neat. And to know that Tia, and soon-to-be Baby Brown would be running around our family gatherings and having a grand old time. I always had Missy at family gatherings in my family to play with. We always had fun and it was always nice keeping in touch through the years when it wasn't Christmas or a holiday gathering. I hope that will be the same for Tia and Baby Brown...especially if it is a girl.
Chris's cousin Erica and her husband Sean are expecting their first of now it is 80%, it will be a girl. Erica had a baby shower today and Tia and I attended. This will be the first time all on the Norris side of the family will get to meet Tia so it was perfect. My in-laws picked me and Tia up on the way which was nice because I could sit with Tia and hold her hand on the car ride, since she still does not like riding in the car (I think she's the only baby on earth that hates car rides). I kept her entertained and she got antsy a few times, but I was able to settle her since I was right there. When we arrived, the flood of family members all saying the same thing...she looks like Chris, which I got on video so Chris could hear their comments. A funny time during the day was when Erica was opening presents and they were discussing 'blowouts' and how diapers can only do so much when sometimes the poopie comes out down the legs, or up the back or up the front. Erica said 'oh no, not my baby, she is going to be a girl' and right about that time, I felt something wet on Tia's back and low and behold - a blowout up her back. I call them explosions and it was perfect timing because I held her up for all to see and they all had a good laugh. I brought the travel crib and swaddled/rocked her to nap a couple times. She ate 3 times while we were there and was held by a lot of people. There were a few girl cousins of Chris who are under the age of 14 who just loved playing with Tia. I put Tia on the floor to play and they all circled around her. Tia showed off by rolling on her side a few times and she just smiled at the girls. It was really neat. And to know that Tia, and soon-to-be Baby Brown would be running around our family gatherings and having a grand old time. I always had Missy at family gatherings in my family to play with. We always had fun and it was always nice keeping in touch through the years when it wasn't Christmas or a holiday gathering. I hope that will be the same for Tia and Baby Brown...especially if it is a girl.
Friday, March 5, 2010
A Great Idea for Working Mothers

Friday, March 5th, 2010 - Day 77
So as most of you know, this week I took Tia to daycare and instead of going back to work as well, I took the week to myself. The main reason for doing this was in case I wasn't handling dropping her off at daycare very well. I could go pick her up if I wanted, or call to see how she is doing, or even stop by anytime. The other reason was so I could get some final items crossed off my list. Chris and I finally merged bank accounts, we set up an account for Tia, I got more life insurance from my broker, had lunch with some friends and family, getting my hair cut today, got a pedicure, took a couple naps, organized my closet, household chores, got some thank-yous out, and so much more. It was nice to be able to plan out a week by taking her to daycare at 7:15am and picking her up at 5:30pm. I want her to adjust as quickly as possible to daycare, so I took her all week the same times I would if I was working. Plus, this will help me decide which route was best to take, what time to leave, what time is best to feed her in the morning, etc.
So many mothers have said that this was a great idea. A coworker friend of mine suggested I take Tia to daycare a couple days before I started work so I'd have those two days to cry it all out if I needed, then I'd be ready for work with no tears. I thought it was a great idea and since the entire week before I went to work fell on the 1st of the month through the 5th, I thought I should do that the entire week. I am so glad I did, it was very nice but it went by soooo quick. When I was picking up Tia the 2nd day from daycare, another mother was picking up her son Connor. Connor is 3 days younger than Tia and they looked very similar in size and started the same day as Tia. She asked how I did the first two days and I was just fine, but she was saying that she didn't do very well the first day and was a bit better the second day. I asked if she had gone back to work and when she said yes, I told her what I did. She wishes someone would have told her to do the same.
So for any of you working mothers who are or are planning on going on maternity leave, consider doing something like this to take a few days to yourself and get used to the idea of someone else watching your baby. I love Tia to death and am so thankful I was fortunate enough to have the time I did with her at home, but I was excited about my week to myself and I am excited to head back to work. Now when I wake her up for her 5:15am feeding, I just love on her as much as I can while she is drinking her bottle. She doesn't seem to mind and I just enjoy it. Then I usually give her about 30 minutes of playtime before I put her back to bed so I can get ready and I just talk to her and we play. I really cherish every moment. I think being home with her 24-7, I took those moments a bit for granted. But now that I have to go back to work and won't get to see her round the clock, I'll take advantage of every moment that I have. She is growing so fast - I don't want to miss a thing!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tia's First REAL Bank Account
Thursday, March 4th, 2010 - Day 76
I mentioned Tia's fist bank account a while ago when we came up with the cuss jar (for Chris) and let's just say Tia's doing well on that account. Today, we set up her first real bank account which is a custodial savings account. Never too early to start. We received lots of cash at Tia's shower and Christmas, so we wanted to add that to her account for her. It is our hope that by the time she even realizes she has this account, she will have a good sum of money saved up for her college or other expenses when she is much older.
I mentioned Tia's fist bank account a while ago when we came up with the cuss jar (for Chris) and let's just say Tia's doing well on that account. Today, we set up her first real bank account which is a custodial savings account. Never too early to start. We received lots of cash at Tia's shower and Christmas, so we wanted to add that to her account for her. It is our hope that by the time she even realizes she has this account, she will have a good sum of money saved up for her college or other expenses when she is much older.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tia's First Real Bath
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 - Day 75
Tia has been taking baths in the kitchen sink up until now, but last night we gave her a real bath in the bathtub. We had a cute bather she sat in for the scrub a dub dub part and once we got her nice and clean, we decided to have her play for a bit. Daddy got in and held her in the water so she can sit up - she had a great time. I am hoping she will love bath time.
Tia's First Day at Daycare
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 - Day 74
Yesterday was a big day because it was Tia's first day at daycare. She did great. I was worried because I was afraid she wouldn't get the attention she does at home, but I am confident they were able to accommodate her enough so she never got really upset.
I fed Tia at 5:15am, let her play a bit while I ate breakfast, diaper change, changed her into her first day of school outfit (says Mommy & Daddy Love Me), then put her back to bed. I got ready and put her in her car seat and we headed out the door. She did well on the ride because normally she hates the ride and cries the entire time. I think it was because she was in the middle of a nap and was very tired. She was awake the entire way there and didn't cry at all, thankfully.
I dropped her off with her new teachers and instantly her lower lip protruded outward and she had that cute little pouty face and a couple tears started to fall. But she never screamed out and cried like I was afraid she'd do. I showed the teachers how to swaddle her and we put her in her crib. She just gazed out like I put her in jail and I hated to leave her, but I knew this would be a great thing for both of us.
Chris stopped by on his lunch hour to see how she was doing and she was just awaking from a nap. He looked down at her and she smiled real big back, it was super cute. I picked her up around 5:30ish and she was sort of tired, so I was hoping she'd sleep in the car. She was almost on the verge of a cry here and there, but I was able to soothe her by talking to her, holding her hand (which is very hard to do from the front seat), or putting her pacifier in her mouth (which is also very very hard to do). We made it home and both Chris and I started talking to her like she had just gotten back from her first day of Kindergarten or something. That is the 2nd picture because she was seriously talking up a storm just as if she was telling us about her day (it sounds like she is gargling or talking under water). I had been afraid her day would put her in a bad mood because it was a big change, but she was happy as could be. So let's pray all of her upcoming days will be the same or better!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mommy & Daddy's Modeling Gig

Monday, March 1st, 2010 - Day 73
This picture was taken 6 weeks after Tia was born. I still have many pounds to lose, although this picture makes me look skinny - gotta love photographers. A friend of mine wanted some models for the Sevens Club Bar photo shoot in the Casino Queen. The photographer wanted to hire his own models because he knew he could get them cheaper than going through an agency. The photographer is close friends with some people I know and they thought of me first. When I was talking to the photographer, he asked if I was available for the shoot. I explained I was only a few weeks postpartum but I would definitely be up for modeling for him. I also 'pimped' out my friends too. I told him that if he wanted any other models to let me know. He took me up on it and said he needed 4 or 5 people. So I thought of all of my friends who are interested in modeling like Melissa and Beth, who I got Harley Davidson photo shoots last year with me and they were both interested. I, of course, got Chris signed up and recruited a few more people. It was really fun because doing a photo shoot with other girls/guys you know makes it more casual and fun. We all laughed and just had a great time. So here is one of the pictures that the photographer sent over. I love it. Sure makes me loo a lot skinnier than I am and Chris looks yummy, as always. I actually have a Harley Davidson photo shoot coming up on the 16th - not sure if I'm really ready for modeling, but they are like family and since I've been doing those shoots for almost 10 years, they always keep me on the list. I did promise I'd bring Tia with me to the shoot so they can all meet her. I wonder if I can get Tia into a future catalog once she can hold her head up and sit up on her own. That would be great for her baby book.
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