Friday, July 31st, 2009 - Day 138
Everyone kept telling me that I'd start to feel fluttering, but I never did. However, I have felt jabs. I can lay in bed and push in side of my belly and I'll get a jab back at that same spot. I can usually get her to jab back about 5 or 6 times and then it is almost like playing hide and seek OR waiting and waiting. It is super cute. They are not powerful by any means, but it is just a neat feeling to know she is alive and kicking. I can't imagine when she gets bigger how powerful her kicks will be...only time will tell. It seems like it is early to feel kicks/jabs but I definitely feel them. My doctor said it is different for everyone and it is a positive sign. Maybe because she has those cute long legs and needs to spread them out!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Registering...oh what fun!
Thursday, July 30th, 2009 - Day 137
Tonight Chris and I went and registered at Baby's R Us. It was pretty darn fun if you ask me. We didn't get through that many items, but we got our color scheme picked out (Pinks and chocolate browns). We picked out the furniture and bedding. We added a jogger stroller (may be for when baby is a bit older, but we were both in love with it). We added some other items that were the bigger ticket items and we'll be back later to get all the rest registered. Definitely a fun experience. I think Chris enjoyed using the gun and it is so nice when we both like the same things. We were both drawn to pretty much the same stuff and we'd chuckle when we'd both grab for it. We have many baby showers, so we are going to have to make sure to register for a load of fun.
Tonight Chris and I went and registered at Baby's R Us. It was pretty darn fun if you ask me. We didn't get through that many items, but we got our color scheme picked out (Pinks and chocolate browns). We picked out the furniture and bedding. We added a jogger stroller (may be for when baby is a bit older, but we were both in love with it). We added some other items that were the bigger ticket items and we'll be back later to get all the rest registered. Definitely a fun experience. I think Chris enjoyed using the gun and it is so nice when we both like the same things. We were both drawn to pretty much the same stuff and we'd chuckle when we'd both grab for it. We have many baby showers, so we are going to have to make sure to register for a load of fun.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
How's my Diet going?
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 - Day 136
Okay, so I figured once I got pregnant, I'd be better at dieting or thinking about foods for the sake of my developing child...wrong. I have literally used pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I want, whenever I want. And I'm not lying to you - I've enjoyed it. I did ask my doctor at my first appointment whether I needed to start eating my vegetables and I told him about my super poor eating habits. He said 'nope - as long as you are taking your prenatals'. I was like 'saweet'!
But for those who don't know me well enough, I never eat vegetables - ever! I have never had a salad and don't care to ever have one. Have I tried it, yes, have I tried salad with every salad dressing out there, yes. But I'm telling you, nothing will ever escape my mind besides the thought of me eating a handful of grass that I freshly plucked on my way home - that is what it tastes like to me. Seriously folks, I don't know how people do it. Different strokes for different folks. But besides potatoes, corn and mushrooms - I have a pretty carb-ful diet sans veggies.
Now if I thought I was gaining too much weight, I'd cut back on my carb intake, but until I start gaining too much weight, why stop. I have several friends who are picky eaters like myself and their kids are just fine. Thank you lord for prenatal vitamins!!!
Tip for pregnant women about prenatals: take them at night before you go to bed. They will never upset your stomach or make you feel naseaus. That was the advice my doc gave me and I've never felt ill from taking them. I have several girls who had kids a few years ago complain about how the prenatals made them sick and when I told them about taking them before bed, their eyes were big and shocked saying 'I can't believe my doctor never told me that...I was sick every day from those things'.
Okay, so I figured once I got pregnant, I'd be better at dieting or thinking about foods for the sake of my developing child...wrong. I have literally used pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I want, whenever I want. And I'm not lying to you - I've enjoyed it. I did ask my doctor at my first appointment whether I needed to start eating my vegetables and I told him about my super poor eating habits. He said 'nope - as long as you are taking your prenatals'. I was like 'saweet'!
But for those who don't know me well enough, I never eat vegetables - ever! I have never had a salad and don't care to ever have one. Have I tried it, yes, have I tried salad with every salad dressing out there, yes. But I'm telling you, nothing will ever escape my mind besides the thought of me eating a handful of grass that I freshly plucked on my way home - that is what it tastes like to me. Seriously folks, I don't know how people do it. Different strokes for different folks. But besides potatoes, corn and mushrooms - I have a pretty carb-ful diet sans veggies.
Now if I thought I was gaining too much weight, I'd cut back on my carb intake, but until I start gaining too much weight, why stop. I have several friends who are picky eaters like myself and their kids are just fine. Thank you lord for prenatal vitamins!!!
Tip for pregnant women about prenatals: take them at night before you go to bed. They will never upset your stomach or make you feel naseaus. That was the advice my doc gave me and I've never felt ill from taking them. I have several girls who had kids a few years ago complain about how the prenatals made them sick and when I told them about taking them before bed, their eyes were big and shocked saying 'I can't believe my doctor never told me that...I was sick every day from those things'.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Drumroll Please.....
Tuesday, July 28th, 2009 - Day 135
The day finally came where we got to see how our little bun in the oven was developing, as well as find out if we were having a little boy or a little girl. We met with the doc first and heard the heartbeat - it really gets me everytime - the tears start to well up and I can hardly contain them from turning into waterworks. It is just such an amazing sound. Then after a quick chat we were headed towards the ultrasound room.
Our Sonographer got right to business and lubed up my belly and started showing us some pics. Chris and I weren't exactly sure what we were seeing at first and as she explained she was going to take measurements before we got to the fun stuff. She did make the comment that our baby was super active and I admitted to her that a friend gave me the tip to drink a caffeine filled soda before I got there. The Sonographer's eyes opened real wide and said 'what...that's an old wives tale and you definitely should not spread that tip makes it awfully hard for us Sonographers to get still pics'. She wasn't upset, but we did have a good laugh over it because everytime she went to take a pic, baby would move just in time. It was comical. We saw everything from the 4 parts of the heart all the way down to the nose. Just amazing.

This picture I like to call buddha belly baby - love that little tummy!

This picture shows the mouth and nose. Such a cute little nose, don't you think?

Here is a precious foot...

But this one is my favorite one of all...the super long leg extended fully upward. Yep, that's our little soccer player.
After all of the measurements and pictures were taken, it was time to reveal the gender of the baby. She said with no doubt whatsoever that we were having a little girl. She confirmed three more times by saying it was definitely a that point, my eyes welled up with tears and I could barely see the screen through my tear-filled eyes. I did my best to keep the tears from flowing so I could see the rest of what she was showing us. It was so exciting. I had a feeling that it was a little girl and low and behold, a mother's intuition is right (most of the time). We would have also been happy with a boy too, but a little girl is what we will be having - yay. Chris was super excited and I could see the joy in his eyes. After we left and got to the hallway, I lost it and all the tears came a flowing. It made Chris have tears in his eyes as well. We were just so excited and what a great milestone to know that our little girl is healthy and all the signs were pointing to healthy.
The day finally came where we got to see how our little bun in the oven was developing, as well as find out if we were having a little boy or a little girl. We met with the doc first and heard the heartbeat - it really gets me everytime - the tears start to well up and I can hardly contain them from turning into waterworks. It is just such an amazing sound. Then after a quick chat we were headed towards the ultrasound room.
Our Sonographer got right to business and lubed up my belly and started showing us some pics. Chris and I weren't exactly sure what we were seeing at first and as she explained she was going to take measurements before we got to the fun stuff. She did make the comment that our baby was super active and I admitted to her that a friend gave me the tip to drink a caffeine filled soda before I got there. The Sonographer's eyes opened real wide and said 'what...that's an old wives tale and you definitely should not spread that tip makes it awfully hard for us Sonographers to get still pics'. She wasn't upset, but we did have a good laugh over it because everytime she went to take a pic, baby would move just in time. It was comical. We saw everything from the 4 parts of the heart all the way down to the nose. Just amazing.

This picture I like to call buddha belly baby - love that little tummy!

This picture shows the mouth and nose. Such a cute little nose, don't you think?

Here is a precious foot...

But this one is my favorite one of all...the super long leg extended fully upward. Yep, that's our little soccer player.
After all of the measurements and pictures were taken, it was time to reveal the gender of the baby. She said with no doubt whatsoever that we were having a little girl. She confirmed three more times by saying it was definitely a that point, my eyes welled up with tears and I could barely see the screen through my tear-filled eyes. I did my best to keep the tears from flowing so I could see the rest of what she was showing us. It was so exciting. I had a feeling that it was a little girl and low and behold, a mother's intuition is right (most of the time). We would have also been happy with a boy too, but a little girl is what we will be having - yay. Chris was super excited and I could see the joy in his eyes. After we left and got to the hallway, I lost it and all the tears came a flowing. It made Chris have tears in his eyes as well. We were just so excited and what a great milestone to know that our little girl is healthy and all the signs were pointing to healthy.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I Just can't Stand It - I'm So Excited!
Monday, July 27th, 2009 - Day 134
Tomorrow is the big day. We'll get to find out how our baby is coming along, whether the Doc detects any birth issues and of course whether we'll be referring to it as a he or she from this point forward. I am nervous, excited and apprehensive all at the same time. It seemed like this day would never get here and now it's almost time - woo hoo. We do realize that it is not always fool proof to what we are having and of course we'll be prepared for either with name choices, but I'm just thinking it will be great to know. I have a feeling it is a girl because of my own theories, but I'll confirm or deny that tomorrow.
We will be excited either way. I've had days where I really want it to be a girl and then I've had days where I really want it to be a boy. So I'd be pleased with either OR if he miraculously said - you are having both (twins) - but we know that ain't going to happen. Less than 12 hours to go...I can't wait!
Tomorrow is the big day. We'll get to find out how our baby is coming along, whether the Doc detects any birth issues and of course whether we'll be referring to it as a he or she from this point forward. I am nervous, excited and apprehensive all at the same time. It seemed like this day would never get here and now it's almost time - woo hoo. We do realize that it is not always fool proof to what we are having and of course we'll be prepared for either with name choices, but I'm just thinking it will be great to know. I have a feeling it is a girl because of my own theories, but I'll confirm or deny that tomorrow.
We will be excited either way. I've had days where I really want it to be a girl and then I've had days where I really want it to be a boy. So I'd be pleased with either OR if he miraculously said - you are having both (twins) - but we know that ain't going to happen. Less than 12 hours to go...I can't wait!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The One Glass of Wine per Day Theory
Sunday, July 26th, 2009 - Day 133
Now I think everyone knows I enjoy having a drink, but now that I'm pregnant I have not had a drop of alcohol and I have no plans on it either. Every person says the same thing 'One Glass of Wine is okay'. My first thought is 'what's the point?' - just one glass, no buzz, no fun, right? But then my second thought is 'who is right on this matter'? I've heard some people say their doctors said it was okay, while other docs said that there is no amount of alcohol that is safe. I wonder which is true and which books are accurate. Honestly, I've read my share of books the past months and they are all different. Some say yes, some say no, some say one glass per night, some say red only, some say never chance it, etc. It is so hard to know. I don't think it would really matter to me - I don't think I'd have one ever if I could, but wouldn't it be great to know the true answer. One friend said to me that if something were to be wrong with her child, she'd always question whether it had to do with having a glass of wine here or there. I thought that was a very interesting thought. I guess you don't want to be playing that what if game the rest of your life, but knowing women - we'd do it anyway! If you have a theory on this or have had wine while pregnant, I'd love to hear about it. I can tell you that a big glass of pinot grigio sounds super yummy, but I just would not bear the risk unless I was 100% sold on the idea by my doctor and loved ones. It's a good topic to ponder....hmmmm
Over the weekend a friend who has had 3 kids told me that with her first two she did not have a drop of alcohol, but with her 3rd kid, she had one glass per night two or three times per week. She said that all her kids are perfectly normal and so she is behind the notion that it is safe and okay to have a glass of wine per day.
Now I think everyone knows I enjoy having a drink, but now that I'm pregnant I have not had a drop of alcohol and I have no plans on it either. Every person says the same thing 'One Glass of Wine is okay'. My first thought is 'what's the point?' - just one glass, no buzz, no fun, right? But then my second thought is 'who is right on this matter'? I've heard some people say their doctors said it was okay, while other docs said that there is no amount of alcohol that is safe. I wonder which is true and which books are accurate. Honestly, I've read my share of books the past months and they are all different. Some say yes, some say no, some say one glass per night, some say red only, some say never chance it, etc. It is so hard to know. I don't think it would really matter to me - I don't think I'd have one ever if I could, but wouldn't it be great to know the true answer. One friend said to me that if something were to be wrong with her child, she'd always question whether it had to do with having a glass of wine here or there. I thought that was a very interesting thought. I guess you don't want to be playing that what if game the rest of your life, but knowing women - we'd do it anyway! If you have a theory on this or have had wine while pregnant, I'd love to hear about it. I can tell you that a big glass of pinot grigio sounds super yummy, but I just would not bear the risk unless I was 100% sold on the idea by my doctor and loved ones. It's a good topic to ponder....hmmmm
Over the weekend a friend who has had 3 kids told me that with her first two she did not have a drop of alcohol, but with her 3rd kid, she had one glass per night two or three times per week. She said that all her kids are perfectly normal and so she is behind the notion that it is safe and okay to have a glass of wine per day.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
What about this Lamaze stuff?
Saturday, July 25th, 2009 - Day 132
In all the books I read, couples or expectant mothers are attending lamaze and pregnancy classes. I even saw one for breast feeding. What is the normal thing to do for St. Louis expectant mothers? Did any of you take any of these classes? What would you recommend? Are they needed? Did you get anything out of them? Did your husbands or partners attend? If so, what was their feedback? I'd appreciate anything you can tell me about what you did or what you think is needed. I'm sure my mom never went to any of these classes and all 7 of her kids are fine. Just thinking now that I'm at the midway point, I better start thinking about it. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
In all the books I read, couples or expectant mothers are attending lamaze and pregnancy classes. I even saw one for breast feeding. What is the normal thing to do for St. Louis expectant mothers? Did any of you take any of these classes? What would you recommend? Are they needed? Did you get anything out of them? Did your husbands or partners attend? If so, what was their feedback? I'd appreciate anything you can tell me about what you did or what you think is needed. I'm sure my mom never went to any of these classes and all 7 of her kids are fine. Just thinking now that I'm at the midway point, I better start thinking about it. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sitting on the Sidelines!
Friday, July 24th, 2009 - Day 131
This weekend is the Show Me State Games which is a soccer tournament that I've played in here and there over the years. Our team, OBG, is a mix of top players from several different club teams in STL. Most of us have played together at some point. I recruited Chris the first year we were dating and some other friends as well. I helped organize this years, before I knew I was pregnant, and was really looking forward to getting some soccer games in. However, to be safe, I'm not playing this year and I'm going to have to settle for sitting on the sidelines cheering the team on. Chris is playing and we recruited Jeremy too so I definitely didn't want to miss watching. I am still looking forward to it and I think it will be a lot of fun. A girl friend is coming along to keep me company on the sidelines, so I won't be all by my lonesome. I hope Team OBG brings home a winner!
This weekend is the Show Me State Games which is a soccer tournament that I've played in here and there over the years. Our team, OBG, is a mix of top players from several different club teams in STL. Most of us have played together at some point. I recruited Chris the first year we were dating and some other friends as well. I helped organize this years, before I knew I was pregnant, and was really looking forward to getting some soccer games in. However, to be safe, I'm not playing this year and I'm going to have to settle for sitting on the sidelines cheering the team on. Chris is playing and we recruited Jeremy too so I definitely didn't want to miss watching. I am still looking forward to it and I think it will be a lot of fun. A girl friend is coming along to keep me company on the sidelines, so I won't be all by my lonesome. I hope Team OBG brings home a winner!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
That's Your Bump?
Thursday, July 23rd, 2009 - Day 130
I went to lunch today with a couple friends who work in Clayton. I was actually attending a workshop at the same company where they work, so I thought it would be fun to do lunch since I never get to go to lunch with them now that I'm out in Chesterfield. When they saw me, they both had a similar reaction - 'That's it'! It was like they were expecting me to be the size of an elephant, but then they see me with my ultra little bump that you can only see if you make me turn to the side and even then, they say 'oh, I sort of see it'. I just laughed. After lunch, they said that we had to schedule another lunch in a few months so they can get the affect of my pregnancy that they were hoping for. I saw my mom yesterday and she gave me a pregnancy book 'Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother', which is pretty cute so far, as well as a dress that was the size of a tent and looked like a curtain (but thanks mom!). She also had the same reaction 'oh, you not so big' and then said that she was nearly 7 months pregnant when she really started showing. I was praying I got my mom's pregnancy genes - and every day it is looking more and more like I did - yay!
I went to lunch today with a couple friends who work in Clayton. I was actually attending a workshop at the same company where they work, so I thought it would be fun to do lunch since I never get to go to lunch with them now that I'm out in Chesterfield. When they saw me, they both had a similar reaction - 'That's it'! It was like they were expecting me to be the size of an elephant, but then they see me with my ultra little bump that you can only see if you make me turn to the side and even then, they say 'oh, I sort of see it'. I just laughed. After lunch, they said that we had to schedule another lunch in a few months so they can get the affect of my pregnancy that they were hoping for. I saw my mom yesterday and she gave me a pregnancy book 'Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother', which is pretty cute so far, as well as a dress that was the size of a tent and looked like a curtain (but thanks mom!). She also had the same reaction 'oh, you not so big' and then said that she was nearly 7 months pregnant when she really started showing. I was praying I got my mom's pregnancy genes - and every day it is looking more and more like I did - yay!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Baby Can Hear!
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009 - Day 129
I'm so excited because according to my baby calendar, baby can hear. I am excited because now I can play guitar and sing to my bump, I can talk to my baby bump, and so can Chris. At a dinner last night, some people were starting a heated discussion and it was an easy and comical out by saying 'baby can hear you' and everyone started laughing. Plus when/if Chris says any cuss words (sports), then I can use baby as an excuse for him to stop, lol It is just an exciting milestone for me to know baby has developed this far! Woo Hoo and almost to the half way point.
I'm so excited because according to my baby calendar, baby can hear. I am excited because now I can play guitar and sing to my bump, I can talk to my baby bump, and so can Chris. At a dinner last night, some people were starting a heated discussion and it was an easy and comical out by saying 'baby can hear you' and everyone started laughing. Plus when/if Chris says any cuss words (sports), then I can use baby as an excuse for him to stop, lol It is just an exciting milestone for me to know baby has developed this far! Woo Hoo and almost to the half way point.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Baby Shower Planning
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 - Day 128
I figured I should put a date on the calendar for the baby shower and I sent out an email to some folks to check availability. But what I didn't think about was the many groups of people I have in my life and thus the many showers it will most likely be. I have the big baby shower planned that will be hosted by some girlfriends. Then there will be a couples shower planned hosted by Aunt Jenny so we can include Chris and some of his friends. Then there will be the double family shower that will hopefully be planned for my Illinois families on my dad's side of the family as well as Chris's mom's side of the family. Then I'm sure there may be a shower for Chris's dad's side of the family. All I can say is that this baby is going to get a TON of stuff. Didn't realize that baby showers were going to be plentiful, but you only have one(s) for the first baby, so might as well enjoy as much as I can!
I figured I should put a date on the calendar for the baby shower and I sent out an email to some folks to check availability. But what I didn't think about was the many groups of people I have in my life and thus the many showers it will most likely be. I have the big baby shower planned that will be hosted by some girlfriends. Then there will be a couples shower planned hosted by Aunt Jenny so we can include Chris and some of his friends. Then there will be the double family shower that will hopefully be planned for my Illinois families on my dad's side of the family as well as Chris's mom's side of the family. Then I'm sure there may be a shower for Chris's dad's side of the family. All I can say is that this baby is going to get a TON of stuff. Didn't realize that baby showers were going to be plentiful, but you only have one(s) for the first baby, so might as well enjoy as much as I can!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Let's Compare Bumps

Monday, July 20th, 2009 - Day 127
Let me explain this picture...we have me in the middle who is due December 20th. Then you have Meghan on the right who is due December 5th (her due date was moved to November 30th), but she is less than a month ahead of me and we look totally different. Isn't it crazy. I do understand we are all different, I just find it so funny. But I do love that friends are also pregnant too. It makes it a lot of fun to compare and talk about babies. This is Meghan's first child too, so even more exciting to talk about it!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Baby's First Cardinal Games

Sunday, July 19th, 2009 - Day 126
Before I knew I was pregnant...I went to the Cardinals Home Opener and 'we' went to a cardinal game last night too. It was perfect weather and a great game. I hope baby enjoys many future Cardinals games. I bought he/she a Cardinal's outfit - it is super cute. I ran into 'Aunt' Amber who was working at a nearby establishment...she is excited to become an Aunt soon!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
A Garage Spot Finally

Saturday, July 18th, 2009 - Day 125
I moved into Chris's house February of 2008 and the plan has always been to move in one year from our wedding which would have been April of 2009 (married April 2008). Because there was a timeline in place, I never really cared to press the issue of getting a garage spot. Jeremy and Chris both have a car they love way more than girls love their cars and you know how guys are, so I figured if Jeremy mentioned the garage spot since now this was my house, I'd take it. But, if not, no big deal until the year was up and it was finally time for me to get the spot I should have had since it's now half my house. But again, I never pressed the issue and it really didn't bother me until the year mark came and went.
Well a year has gone and passed and now I'm pregnant. The issue has come up for when Jeremy was going to move out to make room for the baby and that has all been set in a couple months, but we are hoping our house will sell and we all have to move out. Then there was the garage spot issue...well, Chris finally came to his senses and realized that it won't look right having his cousin park in the garage, but his pregnant wife has to wobble from her car across the street and up the driveway to the house. So it has finally happened and my precious Beamer now has a garage spot - she's happy! (and so am I)
Friday, July 17, 2009
No Doubt about It - A Baby Bump
Friday, July 17th, 2009 - Day 124
I'm just finishing up my 18th week and I have no question in my mind that I have a baby bump. It feels like a harder shell and I've felt a few things, but not exactly sure what I'm feeling. I feel a little jab here and there, but is it baby? I don't feel the fluttering as most people call it OR maybe I have but just don't know it.
I wore a cute maternity shirt to work and everyone was commenting on it. I even had one lady poke me in the belly, it wasn't a pat, it was a poke to see if I had a belly. So I can quit complaining now and be happy that my little bump has finally emerged and will probably grow exponentially fast over the next 22 weeks until my due date.
I'm just finishing up my 18th week and I have no question in my mind that I have a baby bump. It feels like a harder shell and I've felt a few things, but not exactly sure what I'm feeling. I feel a little jab here and there, but is it baby? I don't feel the fluttering as most people call it OR maybe I have but just don't know it.
I wore a cute maternity shirt to work and everyone was commenting on it. I even had one lady poke me in the belly, it wasn't a pat, it was a poke to see if I had a belly. So I can quit complaining now and be happy that my little bump has finally emerged and will probably grow exponentially fast over the next 22 weeks until my due date.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Little Girls vs Little Boys

Thursday, July 16th, 2009 - Day 123
Everyone always asks me whether I want a little girl or a little boy. Honestly, I want both so whichever one comes first is great with me. I loved having an older brother and being a tomboy, so having a boy first would be great. However, I can't wait to have that little girl too. More little cutesy things to buy. I'm torn. I am a planner, so everyone knows that it would go against my nature to not find out what we are having. We have less than two weeks until we find out, so it should be exciting. Before Chris met me, I think he most likely always wanted little boys, BUT my neices have now converted him into wanting little girls too. He just melts when he sees them and he loves how they love him. I have the cutest video of them each saying 'I Love You Chris' when he missed a family get together because he was working. We all love seeing this video because they are so stinking cute! But I know Chris wants boys too...he says we'll have plenty of both, lol.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Daddy in Training

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 - Day 122
This picture is so funny because Chris is so great at enjoying himself when we are out and about. It was his first opportunity to swim in Lisa's pool and he definitely had a great time. She got out the snorkel gear and noodles and he played around for a while. I took this picture because we were saying how excited he is to have a little one to teach in the coming years. He'll be an awesome and fun dad! When we are visiting my family and are around my nieces, he'll play with them and I honestly think he enjoys the toys just as much...which is a good thing. It is always fun to imagine how we'll be as parents, but one never truley knows until the time is here. I'm excited to see what the future holds!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Ornery Pregnant Wife
Tuesday, July 14th, 2009 - Day 121
Chris and I spend a lot of our marriage laughing. I absolutely love how much we laugh from the minute we get up until we go to bed. We just 'get' each other when it comes to our very unique sense of humors - a definite plus. Although, I am more ornery now that I'm pregnant, or at least I'm using my pregnancy as an excuse :)
Last Saturday when Lisa and I were out and about, we conjured up an idea to leave a note on Chris's brand new car while he was at work. We were in the neighborhood so leaving it without his knowledge would be easy. The note said 'I apologize for hitting your car, the dent on the side does not look that bad to me, but my friend suggested I leave you this note, call if needed...' and I put my number. I figured he'd see my number and know right away. So I get a phone call about the same time Chris is expected to be off of work and he says 'You Sh!thead' and we both were laughing. He said that at first he was freaking out, but he soon figured that someone from his work knew about his new car and was playing a prank. After looking at the number a few more times he said to himself 'what!?!, that's my wife's number'. He did say that I did good on the prank!
The other story recently was regarding a 200 bowling patch. See last fall Chris bowled a 200+ game but never received a patch from USBC for it. I told him not to feel bad because I've bowled several 200s and have never received one either. So every time someone gets one, he gets huffy and puffy about it. This week at bowling I got to the alley early and in our pay envelope, there was a 200 patch for me and a 200 patch for Chris. I put his patch in my purse and I left my patch in the envelope. He shows up and he goes to pay and sees my patch. He really wanted to get all huffy and puffy, but since I'm his wife, he tried to be happy for me. He did complain a little, but not as I was hoping. Later I put his patch in front of him and he tried to give it to me but when I said 'that's not mine', he looked on the back and saw his name and seriously almost did a cartwheel with excitement. Of course he knew I had to be ornery!
We always have so much fun!
Chris and I spend a lot of our marriage laughing. I absolutely love how much we laugh from the minute we get up until we go to bed. We just 'get' each other when it comes to our very unique sense of humors - a definite plus. Although, I am more ornery now that I'm pregnant, or at least I'm using my pregnancy as an excuse :)
Last Saturday when Lisa and I were out and about, we conjured up an idea to leave a note on Chris's brand new car while he was at work. We were in the neighborhood so leaving it without his knowledge would be easy. The note said 'I apologize for hitting your car, the dent on the side does not look that bad to me, but my friend suggested I leave you this note, call if needed...' and I put my number. I figured he'd see my number and know right away. So I get a phone call about the same time Chris is expected to be off of work and he says 'You Sh!thead' and we both were laughing. He said that at first he was freaking out, but he soon figured that someone from his work knew about his new car and was playing a prank. After looking at the number a few more times he said to himself 'what!?!, that's my wife's number'. He did say that I did good on the prank!
The other story recently was regarding a 200 bowling patch. See last fall Chris bowled a 200+ game but never received a patch from USBC for it. I told him not to feel bad because I've bowled several 200s and have never received one either. So every time someone gets one, he gets huffy and puffy about it. This week at bowling I got to the alley early and in our pay envelope, there was a 200 patch for me and a 200 patch for Chris. I put his patch in my purse and I left my patch in the envelope. He shows up and he goes to pay and sees my patch. He really wanted to get all huffy and puffy, but since I'm his wife, he tried to be happy for me. He did complain a little, but not as I was hoping. Later I put his patch in front of him and he tried to give it to me but when I said 'that's not mine', he looked on the back and saw his name and seriously almost did a cartwheel with excitement. Of course he knew I had to be ornery!
We always have so much fun!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Little Bowler Inside Me
Monday, July 13th, 2009 - Day 120
Well baby helped me win my first bowling tournament. I had already written about getting my first 600 series, but it wasn't confirmed about how I placed. It looks like out of 370 women, I got 1st place - wow what an honor. My mom and I got 45th in the doubles division out of 770 doubles. Our team had a blast and we weren't too far off from some money but we didn't make the top 10 percent cut. They have an All Events category that takes your scores for all 9 games and ranks you. I got 3rd out of 370 women. Not bad. I should be getting some money for placing and I'll have to start a baby fund for my hopeful future bowler. I don't know how much I won yet, but it would be nice if it was close to $1k or at least $500....we'll see.
The week I got pregnant (of course I didn't know yet) I was in my first bowling tournament in Springfield, IL. I did get a 200 pin which was what I was hoping for and also won $45 for having our team place. So I'm sure baby helped then too.
Well baby helped me win my first bowling tournament. I had already written about getting my first 600 series, but it wasn't confirmed about how I placed. It looks like out of 370 women, I got 1st place - wow what an honor. My mom and I got 45th in the doubles division out of 770 doubles. Our team had a blast and we weren't too far off from some money but we didn't make the top 10 percent cut. They have an All Events category that takes your scores for all 9 games and ranks you. I got 3rd out of 370 women. Not bad. I should be getting some money for placing and I'll have to start a baby fund for my hopeful future bowler. I don't know how much I won yet, but it would be nice if it was close to $1k or at least $500....we'll see.
The week I got pregnant (of course I didn't know yet) I was in my first bowling tournament in Springfield, IL. I did get a 200 pin which was what I was hoping for and also won $45 for having our team place. So I'm sure baby helped then too.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I Hope Moving is In Our Future!
Sunday July 12th, 2009 – Day 119
We are working on getting our house on the market. A neighbor who lives two houses down put a realtor sign up in their yard saying 'coming soon'. She also came down and asked Chris if Jeremy was around to let him know her house was for sale in case he was interested. Chris let her know that we are also putting our house on the market and let's just say that her face did not look pleased. She was asking when we were planning on putting it up and if we thought it would be within the next 30 days. Chris insinuated that it most likely would be sooner than later and she did not seem happy. My thoughts are that we can benefit from each other. The traffic that comes to our house will see hers and the traffic that comes to her house will see ours. I told Chris that we have to get our house sign up pronto and he agreed. We are going to do it 'For Sale by Owner' to see if we get any bites. I'm working on a website as we speak to help our cause and I'm praying we get close to what we are going to be asking for our house. I am eager to move to Ballwin and get a house with a baby room to prepare for lil one's arrival. Oh, it's so exciting!
Chris has a solid offer on his 2 seater car and final details are underway for that deal to be solidified. Sometime this week, it will be a sure thing! Woo Hoo! And for those interested in knowing, Chris absolutely loves his new car - the 4 door 2009 Pontiac G8...a family car!
We are working on getting our house on the market. A neighbor who lives two houses down put a realtor sign up in their yard saying 'coming soon'. She also came down and asked Chris if Jeremy was around to let him know her house was for sale in case he was interested. Chris let her know that we are also putting our house on the market and let's just say that her face did not look pleased. She was asking when we were planning on putting it up and if we thought it would be within the next 30 days. Chris insinuated that it most likely would be sooner than later and she did not seem happy. My thoughts are that we can benefit from each other. The traffic that comes to our house will see hers and the traffic that comes to her house will see ours. I told Chris that we have to get our house sign up pronto and he agreed. We are going to do it 'For Sale by Owner' to see if we get any bites. I'm working on a website as we speak to help our cause and I'm praying we get close to what we are going to be asking for our house. I am eager to move to Ballwin and get a house with a baby room to prepare for lil one's arrival. Oh, it's so exciting!
Chris has a solid offer on his 2 seater car and final details are underway for that deal to be solidified. Sometime this week, it will be a sure thing! Woo Hoo! And for those interested in knowing, Chris absolutely loves his new car - the 4 door 2009 Pontiac G8...a family car!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I Love Baby Clothes

Saturday July 11th, 2009 – Day 118
Before hitting the pool, Lisa and I were out and about getting some errands done. We grabbed a bite to eat, fed the cats at her office, and went to a maternity resale shop that Lisa's coworker told her about on Manchester Road. I was in need of a couple more pants and so this store sounded ideal to check out. We walked in and I found a couple pairs of capris that I had to have. One has an expanding waistline that adjusts from the size that I am now until probably very late in my pregnancy and I was very excited about this purchase and only $16 bucks. The other pair of pants were only $10.
Lisa was over checking out the baby clothes and shoes namely a cute newborn pair of cute. When I was over there I saw this pair of baby cleats that stole my heart - they were the cutest things I'd ever seen. Only $8 bucks, I almost bought them, but they had two pairs; a pink pair for a girl and a blue pair for a boy...since I'm not sure what I'm having yet, I decided to wait until later to buy them. I've played soccer my entire life and Chris has played his entire adult life, so we are hoping to be breeding a little soccer player. I have yet to buy any clothes or accessories yet because I'm waiting until we know what we are having. I have to admit, it is a lot of fun shopping for baby clothes!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Ah! The Weekends
Friday July 10th, 2009 – Day 117
Being pregnant, I so look forward to the weekends to relax, get some stuff down around the house, and spend time with Chris. Work has been busier and so the week goes by faster and the weekends come sooner. However, weekends go by so quickly, don't they? Before we know it, it is Sunday night and we are back to thinking about work again. This weekend I really have no plans except to hang out by the pool with Lisa. Originally, we were supposed to hit the wineries for a birthday party, as well as another get together. Since I'm pregnant, the wineries don't have the same appeal as they did before. In fact, this will be the first summer that I won't be partaking in wine or winery sad. But there is that silver lining and my little one is so worth the cost. We decided to play it by ear and if we got a wild hair, we'd get out to the wineries, but if Saturday shows to be super hot or humid - we'll be poolside instead. I could always use a tan!
Being pregnant, I so look forward to the weekends to relax, get some stuff down around the house, and spend time with Chris. Work has been busier and so the week goes by faster and the weekends come sooner. However, weekends go by so quickly, don't they? Before we know it, it is Sunday night and we are back to thinking about work again. This weekend I really have no plans except to hang out by the pool with Lisa. Originally, we were supposed to hit the wineries for a birthday party, as well as another get together. Since I'm pregnant, the wineries don't have the same appeal as they did before. In fact, this will be the first summer that I won't be partaking in wine or winery sad. But there is that silver lining and my little one is so worth the cost. We decided to play it by ear and if we got a wild hair, we'd get out to the wineries, but if Saturday shows to be super hot or humid - we'll be poolside instead. I could always use a tan!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Is it a Baby Bump or What?
Thursday July 9th, 2009 – Day 116
Since I can't fit into any of my pants, it is usually safe to assume that I have a baby bump. I honestly can't tell. I think it is, but then I just feel like it is fat. I can feel a bit of a hard shell deep down, but that's about it. I know he/she's in there but sometimes I just feel like I'm getting fatter. I know, I know - I need not rush it, it will be here and then there is really no turning it back. I guess I'm just excited. I can't wait to feel that flutter either...I lay on my back, side, belly and try really hard to concentrate on feeling something, but I just can't tell what is going on down there. I sometimes think that it is the baby but then I think it is just my belly fluids. Oh, I can't wait!
Since I can't fit into any of my pants, it is usually safe to assume that I have a baby bump. I honestly can't tell. I think it is, but then I just feel like it is fat. I can feel a bit of a hard shell deep down, but that's about it. I know he/she's in there but sometimes I just feel like I'm getting fatter. I know, I know - I need not rush it, it will be here and then there is really no turning it back. I guess I'm just excited. I can't wait to feel that flutter either...I lay on my back, side, belly and try really hard to concentrate on feeling something, but I just can't tell what is going on down there. I sometimes think that it is the baby but then I think it is just my belly fluids. Oh, I can't wait!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Completely Out of My Pants
Wednesday July 8th, 2009 – Day 115
I'm officially out of all of my normal clothes. I don't have a single pair of pants that I can fit in to. I didn't gain any weight in the past month, but obviously my weight has moved around and settled in my waist and belly. I don't think I look big at all and some people gasp with disbelief when I say I'm 4+ months pregnant. I guess I'm lucky to not have bulged out quite yet. My dad seems to ask me if I've 'filled' out when I talk to him, but I haven't. My tummy is starting to get that harder shell but really it still feels like a layer of fat, since I've been eating anything and everything I want and have had no exercise. I hope to start swimming more regularly and possibly walking soon. I definitely don't want to gain too much weight so it won't be that much harder after the baby is born. I guess we'll see. I'm going to have Chris take me shopping this weekend - I need more clothes!
I'm officially out of all of my normal clothes. I don't have a single pair of pants that I can fit in to. I didn't gain any weight in the past month, but obviously my weight has moved around and settled in my waist and belly. I don't think I look big at all and some people gasp with disbelief when I say I'm 4+ months pregnant. I guess I'm lucky to not have bulged out quite yet. My dad seems to ask me if I've 'filled' out when I talk to him, but I haven't. My tummy is starting to get that harder shell but really it still feels like a layer of fat, since I've been eating anything and everything I want and have had no exercise. I hope to start swimming more regularly and possibly walking soon. I definitely don't want to gain too much weight so it won't be that much harder after the baby is born. I guess we'll see. I'm going to have Chris take me shopping this weekend - I need more clothes!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Family Car In - 2 Seater Car Out
Tuesday July 7th, 2009 – Day 114
Chris bought a new baby this week, a really pretty 2009 Pontiac G8 in dark grey. He loves it and so do I. It has four doors, a ginormous trunk, and extra leg room. So the 2 seater Nissan 350z is on the market. If you know anyone who may be interested, in buying Chris's immaculate 2006 Nissan 350z with only 11,300 miles please check out for pictures/details. We hope it sells fast!
So now we have two family cars for our growing family!
Chris bought a new baby this week, a really pretty 2009 Pontiac G8 in dark grey. He loves it and so do I. It has four doors, a ginormous trunk, and extra leg room. So the 2 seater Nissan 350z is on the market. If you know anyone who may be interested, in buying Chris's immaculate 2006 Nissan 350z with only 11,300 miles please check out for pictures/details. We hope it sells fast!
So now we have two family cars for our growing family!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Baby's First Swim
Monday July 6th, 2009 – Day 113
I decided to work last Friday and take my 4th of July holiday today, on Monday. I love having the feeling of two Sundays! My friend Lisa's pool is finally open and it was finally time for me to get into my bikini for a swim. Lisa took the day off too and we were out from 10:30am until the sun went down at 6:45pm. It was cloudy about 60% of the time and when it was sunny, it wasn't super hot. The water was freezing and Lisa's technique of just jumping in was not sounding appealing at first. But later, I decided to do a cannonball and splash Lisa to finally get in. It was chilly but my body got acclimated quickly. So baby had his/her first swim today. I did get a little sun which was nice! My boobs did make quite the spectacle because I'm not used to being so chesty...but I am definitely not complaining! :) There will be many more swims in my future! Chris was not with me today but he sent me a text saying 'I can't wait to teach baby how to swim' - how sweet.
I decided to work last Friday and take my 4th of July holiday today, on Monday. I love having the feeling of two Sundays! My friend Lisa's pool is finally open and it was finally time for me to get into my bikini for a swim. Lisa took the day off too and we were out from 10:30am until the sun went down at 6:45pm. It was cloudy about 60% of the time and when it was sunny, it wasn't super hot. The water was freezing and Lisa's technique of just jumping in was not sounding appealing at first. But later, I decided to do a cannonball and splash Lisa to finally get in. It was chilly but my body got acclimated quickly. So baby had his/her first swim today. I did get a little sun which was nice! My boobs did make quite the spectacle because I'm not used to being so chesty...but I am definitely not complaining! :) There will be many more swims in my future! Chris was not with me today but he sent me a text saying 'I can't wait to teach baby how to swim' - how sweet.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Rollerskating in my 30's

Sunday July 5th, 2009 – Day 112
We attended a Friday night event called the RollerKegger hosted by a coworker of Chris's. We had missed the past few years and so this year since we had no committments, we decided to attend this event. Although, we did commit when we didn't know we were expecting. I decided that regardless of my new condition, I wanted to support Ryan because he's attended everything we've had. It didn't start until 9, but I was hoping my tired stage was pretty much over and I'd be able to be a party goer and not a fuddy dud. We got there and Chris got some rollerblades, but I wanted to wear the old rollerskates to take me back to my childhood when I used to go rollerskating all of the time. I hadn't been rollerskating for at least 20 years although I sort of remember taking my little sister a couple times here in STL, but I'm pretty sure I just watched.
I was a little shaky at first, but it all came back to me. Chris was having the time of his life. He just went around and around. I was trying to be 'careful' and taking breaks here and there. I think I impressed Chris with my backskating and twirls and Chris impressed me with his limbo skills. Although I wasn't drinking I was having so much fun and we ended up staying until after midnight and later than a lot of the others. Chris was multi-tasking drinking a beer while skating. There were some girls who spent every other minute on the floor, it was pretty comical.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Old Wives Tales - Part 4
Saturday July 4th, 2009 – Day 111
Old Wives Tale #45: Hair on Legs
If the hair on your legs has been growing at record speeds, you might be having a boy. Angie: My nails and hair have grown a lot faster than usual, but I was thinking it was prenatals.
Old Wives Tale #46: Hands are Dry
If your hands are constantly dry, it’s a boy. Angie: Mine have not been dry, but I do put lotion on every morning.
Old Wives Tale #47: Urine
What color is your pee? If it is bright yellow, you will have a little boy. If your urine is a dull yellow, plan on a girl. Angie: Mine is a dull yellow....hmmm
Old Wives Tale #48: Nose
Do you feel like your nose is growing and getting wider? If so, you might be having a boy. Angie: No wideness yet, although my sister-n-law’s nose was so wide when she was pregnant but she had a little girl
Old Wives Tale #49: Headaches
If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy. Angie: Oh the headaches….every day I have a big bad one.
Old Wives Tale #50: Drinking Water
Drinking water is really important when pregnant. An old wives tale was that if the mom-to-be wasn’t drinking enough water daily, the amniotic fluid would be really dirty for the baby. Drinking tons of water will help you stay hydrated, but has no correlation with how clean or dirty the amniotic sac is. Angie: I really need to drink more water!
Old Wives Tale #51: Baby Names
It is said that when you can only think of specific names for a boy or a girl, you will have that particularly baby. Angie: We can think of some good girls names, so hmm
Old Wives Tale #52: Dumb and Forgetful
If you get really dumb and forgetful, it’s a girl. Apparently they leech off more of mommy’s brain power than the little boys. I think it has something to do with the sex hormones, which have actually been proven to affect the way synapse connections form in the baby’s developing brain. Girls have information running from one side to the other while boys have information kept on either one side or the other. Angie: I’ve definitely been dumb and forgetful, and I’m not liking it one bit!
Old Wives Tale #45: Hair on Legs
If the hair on your legs has been growing at record speeds, you might be having a boy. Angie: My nails and hair have grown a lot faster than usual, but I was thinking it was prenatals.
Old Wives Tale #46: Hands are Dry
If your hands are constantly dry, it’s a boy. Angie: Mine have not been dry, but I do put lotion on every morning.
Old Wives Tale #47: Urine
What color is your pee? If it is bright yellow, you will have a little boy. If your urine is a dull yellow, plan on a girl. Angie: Mine is a dull yellow....hmmm
Old Wives Tale #48: Nose
Do you feel like your nose is growing and getting wider? If so, you might be having a boy. Angie: No wideness yet, although my sister-n-law’s nose was so wide when she was pregnant but she had a little girl
Old Wives Tale #49: Headaches
If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy. Angie: Oh the headaches….every day I have a big bad one.
Old Wives Tale #50: Drinking Water
Drinking water is really important when pregnant. An old wives tale was that if the mom-to-be wasn’t drinking enough water daily, the amniotic fluid would be really dirty for the baby. Drinking tons of water will help you stay hydrated, but has no correlation with how clean or dirty the amniotic sac is. Angie: I really need to drink more water!
Old Wives Tale #51: Baby Names
It is said that when you can only think of specific names for a boy or a girl, you will have that particularly baby. Angie: We can think of some good girls names, so hmm
Old Wives Tale #52: Dumb and Forgetful
If you get really dumb and forgetful, it’s a girl. Apparently they leech off more of mommy’s brain power than the little boys. I think it has something to do with the sex hormones, which have actually been proven to affect the way synapse connections form in the baby’s developing brain. Girls have information running from one side to the other while boys have information kept on either one side or the other. Angie: I’ve definitely been dumb and forgetful, and I’m not liking it one bit!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Old Wives Tales - Part 3
Friday July 3rd, 2009 – Day 110
Old Wives Tale #30: Chinese Gender Chart
The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived. We conceived at the end of March (boy) and beginning of April (girl), so it is a toss up.
Old Wives Tale #31: Mom’s Beauty
Basically you are having a girl if your beauty disappears during pregnancy. It is said that the girl “steals” the mother’s beauty. If you think that pregnancy has never made you look more beautiful, you might just be having a little boy. Angie: I definitely do not think pregnancy has made me more beautiful and I do think I’ve had acne and other things, so I would again point my finger at girl.
Old Wives Tale #32: Dream of Sex of Baby
If you have dreams that you are having a boy, you will have a girl. If you dream about having a girl, it will be a boy. Dreams show the opposite of what you are having. Angie: I had a dream that I was having a boy, so another one that points to girl.
Old Wives Tale #33: Clumsy vs. Graceful
If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she’s having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, she’s having a boy. Angie: Well, I’ve been more clumsy for sure, so I’m going to have to say boy.
Old Wives Tale #34: Toddlers
If a toddler boy expresses interest in a pregnant woman, she is having a girl. If he doesn’t show interest, she’s having a boy. Angie: Haven’t had any dates with any toddler boys, so can’t comment.
Old Wives Tale #35: Side You Most Rest On
If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she’s having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she’s having a girl. Angie: I like both sides, so it is a toss up.
Old Wives Tale #36: Hands
When the pregnant woman is asked to show her hands, it’s a boy if she keeps her palms down and a girl if she shows her palms up. Angie: Someone will have to do this without me thinking about it, because I am pretty sure I’d do palms up.
Old Wives Tale #37: Dad’s Weight Gain
If the dad-to-be gains weight while you are pregnant, it’s a girl. If he doesn’t gain weight, you’re having a boy. Angie: This one cracks me up because Chris has definitely gained a few pounds and so girl.
Old Wives Tale #38: Breast Test
If a pregnant woman’s left breast is larger than the right breast, she’s having a girl. If the right breast is larger, it’s a boy. Angie: I think my left one has always been bigger, so not sure now.
Old Wives Tale #39: Necklace Over Hand
Have someone hold a necklace over your hand. If the necklace swings back and forth, it’s a boy. If it moves in a circle, it’s a girl. Angie: Another one that sounds like a lot of work.
Old Wives Tale #40: What Do You Think?
71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she is having. Angie: I do have a feeling about what it is…
Old Wives Tale #41: Morning Sickness
If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl. Angie: I have not been since except once, but I’ve been extremely nauseous more often than not. Girl again perhaps.
Old Wives Tale #42: Areolae
If your areolae (the part around your nips) have darkened, it’s a boy. Angie: I’d say they’ve stayed the same color.
Old Wives Tale #43: Protein
When a pregnant woman craves meat and cheese, count on a boy. Angie: I’m always craving cheese….boy
Old Wives Tale #44: Feet
Are your feet colder now that you are pregnant? If so, you just might be having a boy. If your feet have stayed the same before pregnancy and during, you’re having a little girl. Angie: I have not noticed a change in my feet temp at all.
Old Wives Tale #30: Chinese Gender Chart
The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived. We conceived at the end of March (boy) and beginning of April (girl), so it is a toss up.
Old Wives Tale #31: Mom’s Beauty
Basically you are having a girl if your beauty disappears during pregnancy. It is said that the girl “steals” the mother’s beauty. If you think that pregnancy has never made you look more beautiful, you might just be having a little boy. Angie: I definitely do not think pregnancy has made me more beautiful and I do think I’ve had acne and other things, so I would again point my finger at girl.
Old Wives Tale #32: Dream of Sex of Baby
If you have dreams that you are having a boy, you will have a girl. If you dream about having a girl, it will be a boy. Dreams show the opposite of what you are having. Angie: I had a dream that I was having a boy, so another one that points to girl.
Old Wives Tale #33: Clumsy vs. Graceful
If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she’s having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, she’s having a boy. Angie: Well, I’ve been more clumsy for sure, so I’m going to have to say boy.
Old Wives Tale #34: Toddlers
If a toddler boy expresses interest in a pregnant woman, she is having a girl. If he doesn’t show interest, she’s having a boy. Angie: Haven’t had any dates with any toddler boys, so can’t comment.
Old Wives Tale #35: Side You Most Rest On
If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she’s having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she’s having a girl. Angie: I like both sides, so it is a toss up.
Old Wives Tale #36: Hands
When the pregnant woman is asked to show her hands, it’s a boy if she keeps her palms down and a girl if she shows her palms up. Angie: Someone will have to do this without me thinking about it, because I am pretty sure I’d do palms up.
Old Wives Tale #37: Dad’s Weight Gain
If the dad-to-be gains weight while you are pregnant, it’s a girl. If he doesn’t gain weight, you’re having a boy. Angie: This one cracks me up because Chris has definitely gained a few pounds and so girl.
Old Wives Tale #38: Breast Test
If a pregnant woman’s left breast is larger than the right breast, she’s having a girl. If the right breast is larger, it’s a boy. Angie: I think my left one has always been bigger, so not sure now.
Old Wives Tale #39: Necklace Over Hand
Have someone hold a necklace over your hand. If the necklace swings back and forth, it’s a boy. If it moves in a circle, it’s a girl. Angie: Another one that sounds like a lot of work.
Old Wives Tale #40: What Do You Think?
71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she is having. Angie: I do have a feeling about what it is…
Old Wives Tale #41: Morning Sickness
If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl. Angie: I have not been since except once, but I’ve been extremely nauseous more often than not. Girl again perhaps.
Old Wives Tale #42: Areolae
If your areolae (the part around your nips) have darkened, it’s a boy. Angie: I’d say they’ve stayed the same color.
Old Wives Tale #43: Protein
When a pregnant woman craves meat and cheese, count on a boy. Angie: I’m always craving cheese….boy
Old Wives Tale #44: Feet
Are your feet colder now that you are pregnant? If so, you just might be having a boy. If your feet have stayed the same before pregnancy and during, you’re having a little girl. Angie: I have not noticed a change in my feet temp at all.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Old Wives Tales - Part 2
Thursday July 2nd, 2009 – Day 109
Old Wives Tale #15: Key Test
This test involves a key. If you pick up a key at the top (the roundest part), you are going to have a boy. If you pick up the key at the bottom (smallest part), you are going to have a girl. If you happen to grab the key in the middle, congrats, it’s twins! Angie: I’d pick up the key in the middle – but I’m not having twins.
Old Wives Tale #16: Mayan Tale
The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way! Angie: Let’s see 31 plus 2009 = 2040, so girl?
Old Wives Tale #17: Drano Test
The drano test combines a tablespoon of Drano and urine together. If the mixture turns green, it’s a girl. If it turns blue, it’s a boy. Angie: I have heard this is toxic and it smells up the place for hours after you do it, so I’ll just take their word for it.
Old Wives Tale #18: Acne
If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl. It’s thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones. Angie: I have never had acne in my entire life and now I have small bumps all over my face like I’ve been eating a pound of chocolate per day, so I’m going with girl on this one!
Old Wives Tale #19: Cravings
People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl. Angie: Oh I’ve been saying that baby has been craving chocolate and sweets like her daddy, so another sign pointing to girl.
Old Wives Tale #20: Smell of Garlic
If a pregnant woman eats a clove of garlic and the smell does not come out of her pores, it’s a girl. If the smell seeps out of her pores, it’s a boy. Angie: I’ll have to try this one at my next opportunity.
Old Wives Tale #21: Ultrasound
I’m not sure that this falls under ‘old wives tales’, but, as with anything, ultrasounds may not be accurate all of the time. In fact, one of my friends was told that she was having a boy. A penis on the ultrasound. Months later, it was determined that her little boy was actually a little girl. Angie: I have heard that the umbilical cord can be misread for the penis more often than not.
Old Wives Tale #22: Skin under Left Eye
The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye. If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl. Angie: I ‘think’ mine looks like a V, so girl.
Old Wives Tale #23: Previous Kids
This tale only applies if you have had previous kids. If you have and that child’s first word was momma, you will have a girl. If your first child’s first word was dadda, you’ll have a boy. Angie: No previous kids
Old Wives Tale #24: Wooden Spoon, Scissors, and Pink Bows
Apparently if you put a wooden spoon and a pair of scissors under your bed and a pink bow under your pillow, you’ll have yourself a little baby girl. Angie: Sounds like wishful thinking to me, but probably has nothing to do with the baby.
Old Wives Tale #25: History of Parent’s Kids
You can find out the sex by going off of your parent’s kids and the order. If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child. If you are the middle child, you will have what she said, but starting with the third child. If you are the last child, you will have what your mother had in the exact order. Angie: My mom had 7 kids and I’m number 6….I’d have to have a lot of kids to see if this works out.
Old Wives Tale #26: Time of Conception
The person that is most aggressive in bed at the time of conception is the opposite of what the baby will be. Angie: This is too hard to decide – at that time, it really depended on how much alcohol each of us had.
Old Wives Tale #27: Legs
If your legs get really big, you’re having a boy. If your legs stay in shape and lean, it’s a girl. Angie: Too early for me to tell, but at this point, they are in shape and lean….girl.
Old Wives Tale #28: Moodiness and a Little Pecker
If you are really moody, you are having a girl since you have another extra girl hormones in you. Your pregnancy will make you smile and be more happy if you are having a boy because there’s a little penis inside you. Angie: I have been moodier, but not sure if that means I’m having a girl
Old Wives Tale #29: Bread
If you eat the ends of bread, it’s a boy. If you eat the middle of the load, it’s a girl. Angie: When it comes to bread, I’ll eat all of it right now.
Old Wives Tale #15: Key Test
This test involves a key. If you pick up a key at the top (the roundest part), you are going to have a boy. If you pick up the key at the bottom (smallest part), you are going to have a girl. If you happen to grab the key in the middle, congrats, it’s twins! Angie: I’d pick up the key in the middle – but I’m not having twins.
Old Wives Tale #16: Mayan Tale
The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way! Angie: Let’s see 31 plus 2009 = 2040, so girl?
Old Wives Tale #17: Drano Test
The drano test combines a tablespoon of Drano and urine together. If the mixture turns green, it’s a girl. If it turns blue, it’s a boy. Angie: I have heard this is toxic and it smells up the place for hours after you do it, so I’ll just take their word for it.
Old Wives Tale #18: Acne
If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl. It’s thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones. Angie: I have never had acne in my entire life and now I have small bumps all over my face like I’ve been eating a pound of chocolate per day, so I’m going with girl on this one!
Old Wives Tale #19: Cravings
People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl. Angie: Oh I’ve been saying that baby has been craving chocolate and sweets like her daddy, so another sign pointing to girl.
Old Wives Tale #20: Smell of Garlic
If a pregnant woman eats a clove of garlic and the smell does not come out of her pores, it’s a girl. If the smell seeps out of her pores, it’s a boy. Angie: I’ll have to try this one at my next opportunity.
Old Wives Tale #21: Ultrasound
I’m not sure that this falls under ‘old wives tales’, but, as with anything, ultrasounds may not be accurate all of the time. In fact, one of my friends was told that she was having a boy. A penis on the ultrasound. Months later, it was determined that her little boy was actually a little girl. Angie: I have heard that the umbilical cord can be misread for the penis more often than not.
Old Wives Tale #22: Skin under Left Eye
The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye. If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl. Angie: I ‘think’ mine looks like a V, so girl.
Old Wives Tale #23: Previous Kids
This tale only applies if you have had previous kids. If you have and that child’s first word was momma, you will have a girl. If your first child’s first word was dadda, you’ll have a boy. Angie: No previous kids
Old Wives Tale #24: Wooden Spoon, Scissors, and Pink Bows
Apparently if you put a wooden spoon and a pair of scissors under your bed and a pink bow under your pillow, you’ll have yourself a little baby girl. Angie: Sounds like wishful thinking to me, but probably has nothing to do with the baby.
Old Wives Tale #25: History of Parent’s Kids
You can find out the sex by going off of your parent’s kids and the order. If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child. If you are the middle child, you will have what she said, but starting with the third child. If you are the last child, you will have what your mother had in the exact order. Angie: My mom had 7 kids and I’m number 6….I’d have to have a lot of kids to see if this works out.
Old Wives Tale #26: Time of Conception
The person that is most aggressive in bed at the time of conception is the opposite of what the baby will be. Angie: This is too hard to decide – at that time, it really depended on how much alcohol each of us had.
Old Wives Tale #27: Legs
If your legs get really big, you’re having a boy. If your legs stay in shape and lean, it’s a girl. Angie: Too early for me to tell, but at this point, they are in shape and lean….girl.
Old Wives Tale #28: Moodiness and a Little Pecker
If you are really moody, you are having a girl since you have another extra girl hormones in you. Your pregnancy will make you smile and be more happy if you are having a boy because there’s a little penis inside you. Angie: I have been moodier, but not sure if that means I’m having a girl
Old Wives Tale #29: Bread
If you eat the ends of bread, it’s a boy. If you eat the middle of the load, it’s a girl. Angie: When it comes to bread, I’ll eat all of it right now.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Old Wives Tales - Part 1
Wednesday July 1st, 2009 – Day 108
Old Wives Tale #1: Heartburn
If a pregnant woman experiences heartburn throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, she’ll have a baby born with a full head of hair. Angie: I’ve never had heartburn and I haven’t had any that I know of since being pregnant, so we’ll see.
Old Wives Tale #2: Umbilical Cord
If a pregnant woman lifts her hands above her head or does stretches above her hand, she will choke the baby because the umbilical cord will be wrapped around the baby. The truth of this pregnancy wives tale is that the umbilical cord can wrap around the baby if the baby moves a lot while in the uterus, but it does not happen if you move a lot or stretch above your head. The baby gets tangled in the umbilical cord in about 1/3 of all births, so it’s not so uncommon. Angie: This cracks me up.
Old Wives Tale #3: Cravings Curse
Basically if anyone denies a pregnant woman whatever she is craving, they will get a sty in his/her eye. Personally, I think all men should read this and always give into whatever us pregnant women want! For their own benefit, of course. Angie: I’ve had several cravings and Chris chuckles every time and thinks they are cute. I hope he thinks they are cute when I’m having him run out in the middle of the night to get me something I just have to have at that very moment!
Old Wives Tale #4: Heart Rate
If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy. Angie: I can’t remember what the heartrate was at our first appointment – I was a bit overwhelmed with the ultrasound and seeing the baby, but at my second one, it was 151 bpm and this past one it was 149…a little girl?
Old Wives Tale #5: Ugly Baby
This wives tale is weird. If a pregnant woman sees something ugly, she will have an ugly baby. Angie: Whatever – I take every chance to look at babies now that I’m pregnant and to me they are all stinkin adorable.
Old Wives Tale #6: Coffee
If a baby is born with light-brown birthmarks, it is said that the mom drank too much coffee or had unfulfilled cravings while she was pregnant. Angie: I rarely drank coffee before and have not touched it since knowing – but I have a gigantic birthmark on my chest so I wonder if my mom drank coffee?!?
Old Wives Tale #7: Sex
This old wives tale is actually not a myth. Sex is healthy for most pregnant women and is also good in getting the cervix ready for labor. If you are nearing or have past your due date, your OB might recommend that you start playing around in the bed. Angie: I’m sure Chris will like this one.
Old Wives Tale #8: Baths
Anyone who thinks that pregnant women should refrain from taking baths is crazy. Baths are a-ok and even helpful when it comes to relaxing and easing some back pain. The only thing that my OB said was to be careful that I didn’t sit in too hot of water. She said that anything over 100 degrees was too hot and to be careful that my skin didn’t turn red. This old wives tale began because it was thought that water would seep in to the baby and bring bacteria. It’s been determined that water does not enter the vag. during a bath. Angie: I never take baths anyways and I steer clear of hot tubs, but I take scorching hot showers and I wonder if that is bad at all?
Old Wives Tale #9: Wearing a Lei
This Hawaiian superstition relates to the lei causing the umbilical cord to wrap around the baby. Of course, it’s crazy and makes no sense why you could not wear a lei. Angie: I haven’t been lei’d in a long time. Since Hawaii ’99.
Old Wives Tale #10: Boiling Water
Many people use to believe that boiling water was needed to be nearby the pregnant woman during labor. There is not a real reason as to why boiling water played a role in childbirth. Some believe the water was just a task to get the dad-to-be away from the labor, while others believed that it was used to sterilize the tools needed to perform the delivery. No matter what the reason was, this is definitely just an old wives tale with no truth or importance to it. Angie: I like to believe it was to distract the dad-to-be, sounds so cute.
Old Wives Tale #11: Full Moon
A full moon was believed to cause a woman to go into labor and give birth. Angie: I’m going to look to see what the lunar calendar is for mid December – I think it would be cool to have a baby on a Full moon…..I’ve heard it is a true wives tale because of the gravitational pull on those days.
Old Wives Tale #12: Shape of Belly
If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy. Angie: My coworker Annie carried liked she was having a boy and EVERYONE thought so, but she had a little girl.
Old Wives Tale #13: Ring Test
Using a string, hang your wedding ring over your pregnant belly. You are having a girl if the ring swings back and forth and it’s a boy if it swings in a circle. Angie: If I get desperate I’ll try this, but sounds like a lot of work.
Old Wives Tale #14: Shape of Mom’s Face
When your face gets fuller and rounder when pregnant, it means you’re going to have a girl. If your face is long and narrow, it’s a boy. Angie: My face has always been round and square, but I have not gained any weight in my face.
Old Wives Tale #1: Heartburn
If a pregnant woman experiences heartburn throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, she’ll have a baby born with a full head of hair. Angie: I’ve never had heartburn and I haven’t had any that I know of since being pregnant, so we’ll see.
Old Wives Tale #2: Umbilical Cord
If a pregnant woman lifts her hands above her head or does stretches above her hand, she will choke the baby because the umbilical cord will be wrapped around the baby. The truth of this pregnancy wives tale is that the umbilical cord can wrap around the baby if the baby moves a lot while in the uterus, but it does not happen if you move a lot or stretch above your head. The baby gets tangled in the umbilical cord in about 1/3 of all births, so it’s not so uncommon. Angie: This cracks me up.
Old Wives Tale #3: Cravings Curse
Basically if anyone denies a pregnant woman whatever she is craving, they will get a sty in his/her eye. Personally, I think all men should read this and always give into whatever us pregnant women want! For their own benefit, of course. Angie: I’ve had several cravings and Chris chuckles every time and thinks they are cute. I hope he thinks they are cute when I’m having him run out in the middle of the night to get me something I just have to have at that very moment!
Old Wives Tale #4: Heart Rate
If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy. Angie: I can’t remember what the heartrate was at our first appointment – I was a bit overwhelmed with the ultrasound and seeing the baby, but at my second one, it was 151 bpm and this past one it was 149…a little girl?
Old Wives Tale #5: Ugly Baby
This wives tale is weird. If a pregnant woman sees something ugly, she will have an ugly baby. Angie: Whatever – I take every chance to look at babies now that I’m pregnant and to me they are all stinkin adorable.
Old Wives Tale #6: Coffee
If a baby is born with light-brown birthmarks, it is said that the mom drank too much coffee or had unfulfilled cravings while she was pregnant. Angie: I rarely drank coffee before and have not touched it since knowing – but I have a gigantic birthmark on my chest so I wonder if my mom drank coffee?!?
Old Wives Tale #7: Sex
This old wives tale is actually not a myth. Sex is healthy for most pregnant women and is also good in getting the cervix ready for labor. If you are nearing or have past your due date, your OB might recommend that you start playing around in the bed. Angie: I’m sure Chris will like this one.
Old Wives Tale #8: Baths
Anyone who thinks that pregnant women should refrain from taking baths is crazy. Baths are a-ok and even helpful when it comes to relaxing and easing some back pain. The only thing that my OB said was to be careful that I didn’t sit in too hot of water. She said that anything over 100 degrees was too hot and to be careful that my skin didn’t turn red. This old wives tale began because it was thought that water would seep in to the baby and bring bacteria. It’s been determined that water does not enter the vag. during a bath. Angie: I never take baths anyways and I steer clear of hot tubs, but I take scorching hot showers and I wonder if that is bad at all?
Old Wives Tale #9: Wearing a Lei
This Hawaiian superstition relates to the lei causing the umbilical cord to wrap around the baby. Of course, it’s crazy and makes no sense why you could not wear a lei. Angie: I haven’t been lei’d in a long time. Since Hawaii ’99.
Old Wives Tale #10: Boiling Water
Many people use to believe that boiling water was needed to be nearby the pregnant woman during labor. There is not a real reason as to why boiling water played a role in childbirth. Some believe the water was just a task to get the dad-to-be away from the labor, while others believed that it was used to sterilize the tools needed to perform the delivery. No matter what the reason was, this is definitely just an old wives tale with no truth or importance to it. Angie: I like to believe it was to distract the dad-to-be, sounds so cute.
Old Wives Tale #11: Full Moon
A full moon was believed to cause a woman to go into labor and give birth. Angie: I’m going to look to see what the lunar calendar is for mid December – I think it would be cool to have a baby on a Full moon…..I’ve heard it is a true wives tale because of the gravitational pull on those days.
Old Wives Tale #12: Shape of Belly
If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy. Angie: My coworker Annie carried liked she was having a boy and EVERYONE thought so, but she had a little girl.
Old Wives Tale #13: Ring Test
Using a string, hang your wedding ring over your pregnant belly. You are having a girl if the ring swings back and forth and it’s a boy if it swings in a circle. Angie: If I get desperate I’ll try this, but sounds like a lot of work.
Old Wives Tale #14: Shape of Mom’s Face
When your face gets fuller and rounder when pregnant, it means you’re going to have a girl. If your face is long and narrow, it’s a boy. Angie: My face has always been round and square, but I have not gained any weight in my face.
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