Tuesday, June 30, 2009

15 Week Doctor's Visit

Tuesday June 30th, 2009 – Day 107

We had our 15 week Doctor’s appointment today. Chris went with me because our doctor was going to talk to us about testing and other options. We heard the heartbeat and it was loud and strong. Of course my eyes welled up with tears just hearing such an amazing sound. Doc said it was about 148 to 149 beats per minute. Last time it was at 151 so basically the same. I was happy to find out that I hadn’t gained any weight over the past month, although I was really sure I had since I can’t fit into any of my pants anymore. We opted out of doing testing today to determine downs or spinal issues and wait until our 19 week ultrasound to decide. Of course, we want our baby to be healthy, but I know we are going to love it no matter what. Doc says that everything seems to be normal and that I should just keep doing what I’ve been doing, although I didn’t tell him that I’ve been eating everything bad under the sun. He brought up swimming as a great sport to do while pregnant. Of course as soon as Lisa’s pool is completely finished, I intend to swim at least 2 – 3 times per week. So now we’ll just look forward to the BIG ultrasound in 4 weeks where we’ll determine the gender of the baby and see if we can detect any red flags. Doc will measure the baby and we’ll see if our due date is still December 20th. We are excited!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Wow on Vivid Dreams

Monday June 29th, 2009 – Day 106

I heard that when you are pregnant, you have more vivid dreams. I've always been able to remember my dreams and most of them are pretty creative and vivid. But now that I'm pregnant, it has escalated to a whole new level. What is funny is that in all of my dreams, I'm pregnant. Last night I dreamt that I had a baby boy who had a full mouth of teeth and a bowl haircut. Someone in my dream asked if I would be breastfeeding and I was like 'Heck no, did you see the teeth on that boy'. There were other parts of the dream that were comical too, but the teeth and bowl haircut just cracked me up. He was a cutie! I'm sure you girls have some funny pregnancy dream stories to share.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bowling Better When I'm Pregnant

Sunday June 28th, 2009 – Day 105

Yesterday and today was spent at a bowling tournament called the Route 66 Tourney along with friends Joni, Barb & Bob, Laura, Rick, Bert, and my mom. On Saturday it was at Pacific bowl and their main air conditioner was out - boy was it hot in there. My hair was in an instant pony tail the minute we started bowling. The first 3 games was doubles and my mom and I were paired up. We both got around our averages but nothing stellar. The next 3 games were singles and I think baby wanted me to do well, because I did. I've had several 200s over the years but never a 600, which means you have a 200 average on 3 games. I got a 194, 211 and a 214 - boy was I excited to get my first 600 with a 619. Plus my handicap of 42 per game, I ended with a total of 745. Even better, I found out today that according to the latest women's singles standings, I am in first place. That would be an extra bonus that I not only got my first 600 but won the tourney. We won't find out until after the fourth of July weekend because the tournament which began in February ends this coming weekend. If no other ladies get a better score, I just may have a chance of winning it - wow! That would be an accomplishment. Today we had teams play at West County bowl - neither team did stellar but we had a great time. So I think I've been bowling better now that I'm pregnant. Thanks baby!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Poor Husband - The Working Man

Saturday June 27th, 2009 – Day 104

Chris has been working so hard to get our house ready for sale, works his full time job and still (against my wishes) works his part-time job too. I do work my full time job but when I'm home he barely lets me do anything now that I'm pregnant. Trust me, I'm not complaining that I get to work on websites all day, nap when I want, play online writing in this blog or checking my FB and watching LMN, but besides cooking - Chris wants me to take care of baby.

So he's wonderful and yes, I know I'm lucky - but if Baby ever reads any of these monologues when they are much older, then they will know that their daddy was hard at work to take care of mommy and baby.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Breast Feeding - To Be or Not To Be?

Friday June 26th, 2009 – Day 103

So I've had a lot of people ask me about breastfeeding and I've had a lot of different people's views on it. I honestly have not even read up or thought about it much, but according to my pregnancy calendar, it should be on my mind. I'd love to hear your advice or what you'd recommend for websites to read. I guess I need to start catching up on my breast feeding information.

Some friends the other night were giving me their thoughts on how with breastfeeding there are no bottles to clean and then another friend was saying that with formula, she has more sleep at night. What do you girls think?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hello...Baby are you in there?

Thursday June 25th, 2009 – Day 102

All of my friends know I'm always in a hurry, but I'm eager for any signs to develop in my belly to know that the baby is in there. I know, I know...most signs don't come until the 18th week, but I have heard of friends who have felt something in their 13 or 14th week. I'm in my 14th week and I'd love to feel something. I was a soccer player my whole life and Chris has played all of his adult life, so I'm hoping there are some legs on this child. But I know I just have to be patient and wait my turn. We do have our 15 week appointment next week and we'll get to hear the heartbeat again - love that sound! But I hope the baby bump grows a bit instead of me just feeling like I'm chubby! ugh! Okay, as you can see, I'm just an eager beaver.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Twins Do Run in the Norris Line

Wednesday June 24th, 2009 – Day 101

We went to a Norris Family reunion over the weekend and it was noted that we have the possibility of having twins. Apparantly, Chris's grandpa had twins as siblings and some of the descendants have had twins in 2 or 3 instances. Wow. I know a lot of people think having twins is insane, but if Chris and I had the choice, we'd definitely want them. However, we have already seen our little bun in the oven and there is only one baby in there. But on our next one, we definitely have the chance of having twins, BUT either way, we'll be delighted. It was just a very interesting fact. They certainly do not run in the Gulledge line. I originally thought after 16 years of taking birth control that we'd have the chance of trying fertility drugs and of course the possibily of having multiples. BUT what we've found out because of our little bundle of joy now cooking in my belly that we are fertile myrtles...no fertility pills necessary...at least not at this point. Twins would be nice, but a very unlikely possibility. Guess only time will tell if we have one or multiples down the road...either way - we just want them healthy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Cost of Raising a Child

Tuesday June 23rd, 2009 – Day 100

My cousin-n-law sent me this and I just love it...

This is just too good not to pass on to all. Here is something absolutely positive for a change.

I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It's nice.

The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140.00 for a middle income family.

You might think the best financial advice is; don't have children if you want to be 'rich.' Actually, it is just the opposite.

What do you get for your $160,140.00? Naming rights. First, middle, and last! Glimpses of God every day. Giggles under the covers every night. More love than your heart can hold. Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs. Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies. A hand to hold usually covered with jelly or chocolate. A partner for blowing bubbles and flying kites. Someone to laugh yourself silly with, no matter what the boss said or how your stocks performed that day.

For $160,140.00, you never have to grow up. You get to: finger-paint, carve pumpkins, play hide-and-seek, catch lightning bugs, never stop believing in Santa Claus.

You have an excuse to: keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh, watch Saturday morning cartoons, go to Disney movies, and wish on stars.

You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator magnets and collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas, hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day, and cards with backward letters for Father's Day.

For a mere $24.24 a day, there is no greater bang for your buck. You get to be a hero just for:
retrieving a Frisbee off the garage roof, taking the training wheels off a bike, removing a splinter, filling a wading pool, coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and coaching a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream regardless.

You get a front row seat in history to witness the:
First step,
First word,
First bra,
First date,
First time behind the wheel.

You get to be immortal. You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you're lucky, a long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren and great grandchildren..

You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications, and human sexuality that no college can match.

In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there under God. You have all the power to heal a boo-boo, scare away the monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them forever, and love them without limits, so one day they will, like you, love without counting the cost. That is quite a deal for the price!!!!!!!

Love & enjoy your children & grandchildren & great-grandchildren!!!!!!! It's the best investment you'll ever make!!!!!!!!!

If your monitor is still in focus, you have yet to experience the honor of being a parent.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Is it hot out there OR is it just me?

Monday June 22nd, 2009 – Day 99

It is late June and as we all know the weather in St. Louis goes from cold to hot overnight...there's no in between or spring time feeling. But boy is it hot out there. I haven't reached the hot stage of pregnancy although once I do get hot, it is definitely not like before. I do feel if there was a pool around, I'd definitely want to jump in. I can't imagine what I'd be like if I was a lot further along in this heat, wow! We were at a Norris family reunion on Saturday and it was blazing outside. My hair was an instant fro and I was sweating bullets. Luckily by the time I'm big and pregnant, it will be fall!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Sunday June 21st, 2009 – Day 98

Happy Father's Day to my hubby and all of the other fathers out there. Chris is so excited about becoming a father. He talks to my belly before bed every night and he never forgets that I'm pregnant. I have all the faith in the world that Chris is going to be an amazing father. I'm so excited for him.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Letting it All Hang Out

Saturday June 20th, 2009 – Day 97

Pregnancy gives you a bunch of new views on clothes. I feel like I'm in the 'letting it all hang out' stage where I really am not worried about what I look like but more about how comfortable I can be. I've purchased shirts that are a couple sizes bigger and pants that are a size bigger and I'm sure this will keep on being the theme. I tried being cute but when I'd sit down at work on when I'm out, I felt like my pants were cutting into my waist and I was more uncomfortable than ever. Now I've been more about comfort and not really caring if my belly is hanging out. I'm not showing too much but it is enough for me to notice. I've heard of some women who suck it in for months, but not me. I just let it all hang out. If someone says 'wow you do have a baby bump'...what they are really seeing is the extra layer of fat that's formed because I've been excessively eating and have not been exercising. But soon enough it will be my true baby bump that they'll be seeing. I do have a small baby bump, but nothing to really note yet.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Baby Bump

Friday, June 19th, 2009 - Day 96

My latest saying is 'my uterus is expanding' because I've had some cramping and that is what my doctor told me it was. Last night I had terrible cramping in the middle of the night and it was so painful. I know besides my uterus expanding, I'm very constipated too so that was partly to blame.

But this morning when I woke up - I could see a clear baby bump. I definitely had grown there the past few weeks but it seemed more like a layer of fat than it did a harder surface. But I'm definitely starting to show now and I'm sure it will be more noticeable as time goes on...I just hope people on the street don't think I'm fat but I guess who cares if they do!

My coworker Annie finally had her baby this morning. A little girl named Olivia. Every person thought it was a boy because of the way she was carrying but I did suggest she was having a girl when I saw some acne on Annie's neck a few months ago - but told her I really didn't have a good guess. The poor girl wanted a natural birth and did not take an epidural - wow that's crazy! But both are healthy!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Other Beautiful Babies!

Thursday June 18th, 2009 – Day 95

This past week was a great week for the baby train. Once of my best friends Danielle, who lives in Chicago, had a baby boy on Thursday, June 11th named Tristen. He is adorable!

Also, my niece Tori, had a baby on Sunday, June 14th named Seth. I'm already a Great Aunt, but all of my great nieces and nephews live in Thailand. So Seth is my first USA Great Nephew! He's a cutie.

Now I'm waiting on my coworker Annie to share her news. She was due on Thursday, June 11th and on Friday, she was still at work waiting for some movement. She called into the office yesterday, so we know she hadn't had the baby yet...and I'm hoping the little one comes soon. We share the same doctor, so I keep comparing my pregnancy with hers...will he let me go 5 days after my due date...that would be a for sure Christmas Baby then?!? Good luck to Annie - can't wait to meet he or she.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bras & Swimsuits

Wednesday June 17th, 2009 – Day 94

Feeling suffocated by my normal bras, I felt it was time to finally go out and get a new bra. The bra seemed so big, but when I put it on, it fit pretty darn good with a little extra breathing room in case I grew some more in the next few months.

I also needed a swimsuit...as you know my friend Lisa is putting a pool in and I need to be prepared for that first dip. I was in the Women's section of the store and tried on a few suits. I felt like a grandma - they seriously felt like the bottoms were up to my boobs and the tops just did not look flattering. So I went to the Jrs section and I definitely was not digging these itty bitty teensy weensy swimsuits. I had plumbers crack in the bottoms and the tops were barely covering my nips. I threw in the towel and decided to go ahead and see if any of my old swimsuits still fit.

When I got home I tried on the last suit I purchased a year before and to my amazement the bottoms fit perfectly - yay! Then I put the top on and I instantly called Chris to the room. He walks in and says 'holy moly, look at those things...you are not going in public'. We had a good laugh and let's just say that when I'm swimming, I won't have any fear of drowning - lots of buoyancy! tee hee

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Two Seater Cars - hmmmmm

Tuesday June 16th, 2009 – Day 93

Chris and I have been contemplating our car situation. I have an SUV so my car is definitley baby friendly, but unfortunately our saga is over Chris's beloved 2 seater 350Z. Of course it is a great car and it is mint condition because Chris drives his backup (beater car) most days. The beater car is not my favorite not only because it does not have air conditioning, but it needs a lot of help! It is just old, run down, needs some TLC but it has been a great backup car for Chris to take on roadtrips, gets great gas mileage and gets from point A to B.

The dilemna we have is the 2 seater. Since the beater car is NOT baby friendly, the 2 seater is in the hot seat on whether it will be sufficiant enough. It is only 2 seats, would never fit all three of us, has absolutely no trunk space and really is not ideal for a newborn.

Ironically (Thank You Lord) - the beater car died yesterday on the way to work. Chris said he thinks it is the alternater, but whatever the reason - I was secretly pleased to hear that Chris is ready to part with his beater car.

Chris has been car shopping for family friendly cars and he is close to deciding what our family will be driving in the near future. Will it be to get a nice 4 door family friendly car and part with the 2 seater 350Z? Or will we be trying to see how it works keeping the 2 seater 350Z.

Monday, June 15, 2009

My First Maternity Store Outing

Monday June 15th, 2009 – Day 92

I decided to finally go to a Maternity Store to see what I have to look forward to. Chris googled the closest one and off we went to the Mall. We walk into a Maternity store and I just stood there sort of frozen not sure what to look at. Nothing jumped out at me and I certainly am not big enough to spend boocoo bucks just yet. I did find a Belly (Band) Extender and figured I could definitely put that to good use. When paying for the product and the associate realizing this was my very first visit to this store, she gave me a big goody bag with tons of stuff for the baby...stuff from a bottle to coupons to magazines, etc. I figured, hey why not!

I did get some good advice from friends about some maternity stores that are a bit better than others and will be eager to visit them once I start really noticing my baby bump. I really am not sure how I will feel once I have to buy some maternity clothes. My coworker who is past her due date has been wearing dresses the past month or so and claims that I will be too. I don't even like to wear dresses when I really have to, let alone at work. I really hope I won't be wearing dresses in my final days of pregnancy...seems like it would be a little drafty if you ask me!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

You Have a Baby in your Belly

Sunday June 14th, 2009 – Day 91

I know that I've been guilty of touching pregnant friend's bellies, and have been warned that it is something that will happen to me. It's funny because I really thought it wouldn't happen until I was really showing. However, at only a few months along, it seems like everybody has that urge to touch your belly. I don't mind because I know I've done it my fair share of times. But as I get bigger I know that there will be even more belly touching!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Should We or Shouldn't We

Saturday June 13th, 2009 – Day 90

The big topic right now is whether or not we should find out the gender of our baby when we are able to. Chris has ladies at work telling him not to find out and last night we were down at Side Bar and someone was trying their damnest to convince me to not find out. His name is Brian Roach and I used to know him when he was in a band called Fly Nova back when I was much involved in the band circuit. I haven't seen him in years but he was playing in a new band at Side Bar and that is where we went after the concert the other night. When Melissa told him I was having a baby, he went into lecture mode and gave me the advice to not find out what we are having no matter what the urge. With both his two kids (13 yrs and 8 mos), he didn't find out and he said it was the greatest thing. All of the girls there who know me kept saying, but it's Angie, she's a planner, she will have to find out. I agreed with my girls and told Chris about it...but we are both very excited to find out and at this point, we are still planning on finding out.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Give the Pregnant Girl the Cake

Friday June 12th, 2009 – Day 89

So I went to the Keith Urban/Sugarland concert last night with about 10 girls. Two girls are celebrating birthdays and since we had a suite, our organizer decided to get a cake just for the birthday girls. The cake came, we sang happy birthday to Lisa and Melissa, the candles were blown out and then the cake was pushed to the side. Lisa has a polish superstition that the cake recipients have to eat at least eat one piece of cake, so Melissa and Lisa both took and ate a piece of their birthday cake. They were both pleased with the freshness and yummi-ness of the cake. When the concert was over and we were walking out. When everyone was saying Lisa/Melissa don't forget your cake - and they didn't want it. They both said in harmony - Angie you take it. I'm like, what - is it because I'm pregnant and they were both like - yep! Everyone else agreed and after much determination by their part, I accepted and brought the cake home! I even had a piece for breakfast and it was mmmm

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Wonderful Gift

Thursday June 11th, 2009 – Day 88

Lisa bought me a pregnancy gift which I love. It is a stethoscope so I can listen to what is happening with my baby bump. I tried listening before we went out but all I heard was a gurgling - wonder if it was gas, lol. When we got back later, I tried it again and I heard absolutely zip. I think it was because I ate and drank a lot of food and sprite throughout the night so nothing to hear. But I'm super excited because I can check in from time to time and see if I hear anything new going on down there. Thanks Lisa.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Pool is getting closer

Wednesday June 10th, 2009 – Day 87

I'm like a little kid with Lisa's pool going in. Swimming wasn't really on my list of things to do before and when I would go to a pool, I'd lay out, but would not really get in the pool. But now that I'm pregnant, I'm super excited to go swimming. I actually have plans to get in the pool every time I come over and swim around for a while - tee hee. So it is being put in this week and per the rain, the pool will take on the final details and hopefully in the next week or so it will be ready for my pregnant body to do that cannonball! The hole is dug and the pool is set in the hole, but there is still a lot of work to be done before it is swim worthy. I CAN'T WAIT!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is Baby taking after Daddy?

Tuesday June 9th, 2009 – Day 86

Most people know that I'm not a big dessert person. I love candy, but you won't see me yearning for chocolate, ice cream, ding dongs or coco puffs. But Chris on the other hand is a serial chocoholic! I've actually never met anyone with the addiction that Chris has. He can polish off one bag of hershey's chocolates within the first 10 minutes of purchasing. Or the box of ding dongs I see in the pantry is there and then the next time it is gone. The 4 boxes of coco puffs, 2 boxes of chocolate frosted flakes, 1 ginormous bag of chocolate cookie crisps and a few other chocolate cereals is another sign. Or when he can sit in front of the TV and put ice cream, chocolate syrup, milk, peanut butter and chocolate morsels together and eat the entire thing. You get the point. I think it is cute and he knows I'll never ever take even one item that he finds enticing - I just don't crave it.

Well, now that I have this baby growing in my stomach...I'm getting the feeling that the baby takes after Daddy. I have had cravings for dessert more now than I've ever had before. I had tiramisu twice this week alone and boy was it good. I have a feeling as this baby gets bigger he/she is going to take after daddy in many ways. It should be fun to see even more things come about!

Monday, June 8, 2009

In the Ugly Stage

Monday June 8th, 2009 – Day 85

I'm sure things will get much worse, but right now I'm in that weird ugly stage. As many of you know, I've never been opposed to having my picture taken, but when I see a picture of me now, YIKES! Who is that person - why does she looks so fat, bloated, not cute, bad hair, pale completion, acne, etc. Well, I know this is all part of it, but I'm not really excited about having my picture taken right now. I wonder when people see me walking around if they are like - wow she's put on a few pounds. Do I put my hand on my belly every time to give them the hint - hey maybe she's pregnant. Well, I know I'm just whining over spilt milk and I'm sure every women goes through this...I just know that I really need to work out, get a tan, get a hair cut, apply some pimple cream and eat a little better! Oh well, it will all be worth it when I see my beautiful baby.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

First Trimester completed

Sunday June 7th, 2009 – Day 84

According to my baby calendar, I have completed my first trimester of pregnancy. That just sounds crazy to me that I’m that far along. It says at this point, my baby's crown to rump length is 5-6 cm or 2.0-2.4 inches. Baby weighs about 14 grams or 0.5 ounces. Aw – that just sounds precious. I still don’t have a baby bump or at least I don’t think I do. I do have a few extra pounds down there, but I’m still waiting for the baby bump to emerge. I’m sure all of a sudden one morning I’ll wake up and bam, there it will be. It is so hard being in the in between stage – not sure when to buy bigger clothes, not sure what clothes I currently own that will fit, I don’t feel pregnant, but I know I am… I put on a pair of pants I bought last week that are a size bigger and they about fell off me. I had to fold the waistline over just so they’d stay up all day. It was comfortable when I’d be sitting but when I walked, it was obvious they were too big. I do know that I’ll soon grow into them so I’m still happy I bought them. So I guess I’ll see if my tiredness goes away…they say in your second trimester you are supposed to be more energetic, well I’d love for that to happen. I still feel a bit tired but I have noticed that it has gotten better. I do wonder if it is because I’ve gotten used to it. Either way – it’s exciting to enter the next trimester.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Swimming Pool – Here I Come

Saturday June 6th, 2009 – Day 83

My friend Lisa K is putting in a pool this week and I am as excited as she is. She’s been planning for this pool for a few years now and her dream is about to come true this week. Her birthday is on Saturday, so this is an excellent birthday gift to herself….and her close friends and family can reap the benefits as well. I was definitely excited for Lisa and having a place to pop over for a swim here and there. But now that I’m pregnant, my excitement has gone through the roof. I’m as eager and excited as Lisa is…and I just can’t stand the wait any longer. My doctor was pretty adamant about swimming being one of the best exercises for pregnant women on many levels. Well, I’m glad because swimming is going to be my new favorite pastime. Not that I really want to get into a swimsuit, but the thought of soaking up a few rays while getting some good exercise sounds lovely. As a pregnant women in the summertime, it will be equally enjoyable for me as my stomach starts to grow. Lisa lives about 10 minutes away from me and she has given me an open door policy on going to enjoy her pool anytime I’d like. Chris has already started listing out his rules for me that includes lubing up with sunscreen every time and not over doing it. I’ve agreed to all of his terms – he knows how dark I get when I’m in the sun! Not to mention, we don’t want to cook our baby.

Now the question of the hour…should I try to cram into one of my bikinis or is it time to go out and get a one piece? Hmmm

Friday, June 5, 2009

Food Aversions & Cravings

Friday June 5th, 2009 – Day 82

Pregnancy had definitely given me a whole new outlook on food. I don’t see food the exact same as before but luckily I have not had any major food aversions yet. I hear friends always saying they couldn’t eat this or they had to stay away from this or every time I ate this, I’d get…I have not gotten to that point and hopefully I never will. But besides Pickles and salty things, there are definitely foods that sound much better than others. I think everyone knows I love red meat…a 100% meat and potatoes girl, but for some reason I don’t crave it as much as I did before. Perhaps it is knowing I can’t order my steaks medium rare anymore, but really I just don’t have that yearning for it like I did before. I still get my fair share of steaks, but it is not as much as before. One thing that I still crave is Mexican food…taco bell, authentic, Dell Taco, Hacienda, El Maguay – you name it. I can eat Mexican all the time. Pastas are one of my favorite foods, but I have not had a single craving for pasta since I’ve been pregnant. It is a normal staple in the Norris household and not just because Chris is Italian. However, when I’m grocery shopping, I pass right through the pasta isle and don’t think much of it. I’ll eat it, but I just do not crave it. Although I did have mostocioli at a friends wedding last weekend and it was yummy. I’ve had more pizza than usual and mac & cheese is still a top choice.

I was driving home the other night and was thinking about food. Chris was working that evening and I was going to go to Sam’s later so I definitely wanted to eat before I went. I knew we didn’t have much at home, so I was going to do my normal Taco Bell burrito and taco with 10+ Fire sauces. However, when I got up to my exit and saw the listing of food signs, I noticed White Castle and thought for the first time in a few years – that sounds pretty darn good. I figured, what the hey. So I drove through and ordered 2 cheeseburgers, 1 chicken ring, 1 chicken & cheese sandwich and fries. I get home and ate pretty much every single morsel of it and I still have no regrets – it was good. Now I wouldn’t want it all the time, but once in a great big while is okay with baby. Most people are affected by food in bad ways and places like Whities can mess with your tummies. But I’ve never been affected in a negative way by food unless it is food poisoning. I guess that is the one upside to not getting enough fiber – no bad food side effects. Yah for those who have to be around me.

Now that I’m starting to have a bit more energy, my love for food has returned. So now I’ll be able to think about food and map out my meals…mmmm

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Are You Naming Him Chuck?

Thursday June 4th, 2009 – Day 81

Let me start by saying that Chris is a fan of Chuck Norris. I’m sure it has to do with his last name being Norris and his first name starting with CH, but Chris definitely does not get annoyed when people call him or make references to Chuck Norris. Our first real date was actually the first game of Kickball a couple years ago. Little did Chris know that I had asked him to play for my team named ‘Walker Texas Rangers’ which definitely is a reference and tribute to Chuck Norris.

As we are ending our first Trimester, Chris and I have definitely been thinking of baby names. Each week we seem to come up with one or two that we like, but I think we’ll have a better idea and get more serious when I find out the gender of our baby. Yes, we do…we get asked ‘Are you going to name your baby Chuck’ followed by a chuckle by the inquirer. Of course we find it funny.

In fact, I’ve called our baby Chuck a few times. Chris would say ‘tell Baby, I said hi’ and I’d lean over and say ‘Did you hear that Chuck’. Of course we giggle but we most certainly will not be naming our baby Chuck. It is exciting to talk baby names and I do hear several of my friends who have named their babies recently and that names becomes off limits. Most recently is Triston, which makes me think of Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall. A best friend of mine who is due any day now is naming her baby Triston which is definitely a name I had on my long list…but probably wouldn’t have been the final name anyways. Who knows, we’ll probably have a name picked out and then we’ll see our little Jr and name it something completely different…only time will tell.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Irritability Factor

Wednesday June 3rd, 2009 – Day 80

My normal happy-go-lucky attitude has been hiding ever since I got pregnant and my tolerance has decreased while my irritability has increased. After our friends shared some of their stories, Chris decides to tell one about me. I had no idea what he was going to say and it just sounded so much funnier after the fact. Last weekend I was trying to take a nap, and our basement steps are right next to our bedroom. Chris was figuring out the dimensions of the dishwasher we are needing to buy, by measuring the old dishwasher that we put in the basement earlier that day. To give you some inside information, when Chris runs down the basement steps, it has always been an annoyance because it sounds like thunder or a herd of cattle…he has tried to walk calmly, but since they are just planks of plywood – no matter what – it sounds like a herd of cattle going down and up the steps. So back to the story of me taking a nap and Chris measuring our old dishwasher. So I’m sleeping away enjoying a nice mid-day snooze when I woke up to the sound of a herd of cattle that just went down the stairs to the basement…as soon as I realized it was Chris running down, I immediately hear another herd of cattle run back up. Already, my annoyance meter started to go off, but I figured it was over and I can go back to sleep. Right as I laid my head back down – again, I hear Chris run down and then shortly after run back up the stairs. My annoyance factor started buzzing again, but I really tried to think that I’m the one that is napping in the middle of the day and he is eagerly working to get the house fixed up and I let it go. Then, it wasn’t a second later, I hear Chris run down and up the stairs again. Now by this time, I’m getting pretty ticked and I can’t believe he has gone down and up 3 times within 5 minutes. I count to 10 and breathe and just try yet again to close my eyes and catch some zzz’s. THEN, as soon as I practically was asleep again, I hear that herd of cattle yet again and this time I’m fuming with irritability thinking ‘why on earth does he feel the need to go downstairs AGAIN and AGAIN when he knows I’m sleeping and he knows I hate the basement steps already’. But I say to myself, I’m going to let it slide, BUT if he does it one more time, he’s so in trouble. Well, it pains me to tell you that I hear the basement door open and before he even got to the bottom of the steps for the 5th time, I was standing in the doorway looking down with my hands on my hips and my feet spread shoulder width apart saying ‘Is it really necessary to go down to the basement 5 times in 10 minutes, really?!?’ Of course, he was apologizing and I did feel bad, but seriously why?! He explained that he had to measure the width and then he'd run back down and measure the height, then he’d run back down to measure something else…I just said back ‘ever heard of a paper and pen’. So at this point, I think we are settled and I go back to the bedroom, jump in bed and close my eyes. About 10 minutes later, I hear the basement door slowly open and I wonder, ‘am I going to hear ANOTHER herd of cattle, ugh’…but I didn’t – I could hear a creak here and there, but nothing compared to earlier, so I was satisfied and went to bed. Now when Chris was telling this story to our friends – they were laughing until they cried and at first I didn’t see the humor, but then after hearing Chris’s side of it – I laughed until I cried too. The funny part was when Chris was telling us how that last time, he was trying to go down the stairs by spreading his legs as wide as they can go, tip-toeing down and literally sliding down the rail so there wasn’t any noise. The poor guy! All of his hard work to help me and baby and here I am yelling at him, lol

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Funny Pregnancy Stories

Tuesday June 2nd, 2009 – Day 79

There is nothing better when you are pregnant to hear funny stories. I bet many of you who’ve been pregnant before me have a ton to share. Chris and I went to lunch with some close friends who recently had a baby. I’m telling you that my cheeks hurt so bad from laughing. The funniest thing was them telling us that they remade the scene out of the movie ‘Knocked Up’, where when they left the hospital with their newborn going about 30 miles per hour with a line of traffic behind them. As well as how surreal it is to look in the rearview mirror and think ‘okay, we went to the hospital and came out with this baby in the backseat. How strange is this?’ My boss also told me a pretty funny story about how he read up on books and got all prepared for his first baby to come home from the hospital. Being the intelligent, intuitive guy that he is – he was thinking this was going to be a piece of cake because he had read up on everything. He said when he got the baby home, he just looked at it in fear not knowing what on earth to do. Luckily his mother-n-law was there to assist, but he just looked at this baby petrified thinking ‘what am I supposed to do now.’

I was reading a Pregnancy Blog online reading up on some funny stories and some of them made me cry in joy and excitement that I’ll soon experience those moments and others had me in tears of laughter at how funny and crazy women are when they are expecting. Oh, the joys of pregnancy! May Chris and I have many pregnancy stories followed by laughter.

My latest ‘Pregnancy Stupid’ moment happened today when a coworker comes up to me and says ‘how far along are you?’ and I said, ‘I’m starting my second trimester on Monday’. She said ‘oh so you are at 3 months’ and I respond ‘No, I’m only 12 weeks.’ – Now tell me that is not funny!

Monday, June 1, 2009

We've Made an Official Announcement

June 1st, 2009 - Day 78

We felt 11 weeks and counting was a good time to make an official announcement. Of course our close friends and family had already heard, but we wanted to let all of our other friends and acquaintences know about our news. I'm the type that wants to share all of my news the minute I hear it, but I know that having a baby can be a very careful thing with the chance of something going wrong. I think things are progressing pretty well, so it is safe to say that we are in the clear at this point. We'll take things day by day and pray for all the good stuff.

I even put my status on FaceBook to elude to being pregnant and it is so nice to hear from everyone. I think everyone is rooting for us to have a successful pregnancy with all of the bells and whistles. I know I feel the same about all of my friends who are currently pregnant, recently had babies or are in the process of trying. Friends and family are a great support group. Thanks everyone for all the well wishes. I hope to keep you posted every step of the way!!! Thanks for all of the comments too - some are so funny and it is nice keep connected with this baby connection.