Friday, April 30th, 2010 - Day 131
Two years ago today, Chris and I got married on the beach in Cabo. We had hoped to go back to Cabo and earn a onzie that says 'Made in Cabo' - but plans changed for us and baby girl was conceived a bit earlier than planned. I can't decide if it feels like 2 years has flown by or it feels like we should have more years under our belt, but either way, I can't explain how happy I am with my life. I wouldn't change a thing on how things turned out for me. I married my soul mate and every day I love Chris more and more, especially seeing him as a father - he's a natural. I love baby girl. She is a miracle that has forever changed my life. I just want nothing but the best for her and for her to have a couple siblings in the near future as well. Today is a great day to think back to the past couple years and smile.
"Someday, many years from now, we'll look back on this crazy time in our life together and wonder how we did it all... and then, those ordinary, everyday moments that we often take for granted will shimmer like stars as we recount them... I'll sit close beside you, you'll take my hand in yours. We'll look at each other and say 'I'd do it all again...and I wouldn't change a thing.' There's no one I'd rather go through life with than you. Happy Anniversary"
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tia's New ExerSaucer
Thursday, April 29th, 2010 - Day 130
At Tia's new daycare, she loves this exersaucer that they have, where she can spin around, put her feet on the floor, play with the toys, etc. So I went and researched some around town and found the perfect one for baby girl. We got it home tonight and daddy put it together. As soon as we put her in there, it was barely a few seconds and she already figured out how to play with some of the toys. She loved it and she got just looked like she was concentrating on everything. She looks so bored in her swing and when she is on the floor, she is constantly rolling over. So we wanted something where she can be more interactive, etc. I think she will love it.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I Think Tia Knows When We are Talking About Her
Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 - Day 129
Our little girl is a smart one. I can see the wheels turning in her head analyzing things, which is as it should be since Chris and I are both geeks w/Finance/Math & Engineering majors and both dealing with computers all the time. Lisa always says that Asians have super sonic hearing and when someone says their name at a distance, they can hear it. Well, it sure seems like that with Tia. I know I always hear when people are talking about me and even when they are far away. I notice that Chris and I will be in deep conversation about her and we'll look down and see she is staring right at us for awhile like she is intently listening to our every word. I caught her doing it at daycare too. I brought her in and put her in the bouncer she likes. I was over talking to the teacher and I looked over at Tia and she had that look on her face like 'I know you are talking about me'. It is so stinking cute. I really do wish I could know what she was thinking sometimes. I can tell she is going to be super analytical, which I hope means she'll do well in school. Chris and I both graduated from high school with perfect gpa's and both being top 10 in our high school classes (different high schools). But we both agree that we had to do the work to achieve the marks we did. A lot came easy, but it wasn't an easy A in any class by any means. So I do hope she has the aspiration to do well in school and of course we'll encourage her along the way. But for a 4 month old, I think she is too analytical for her own good already.
My Biggest Loser Weigh-in today was 150. Down 1 lb this week, down 10 lbs in three weeks! 15 lbs to go.
Our little girl is a smart one. I can see the wheels turning in her head analyzing things, which is as it should be since Chris and I are both geeks w/Finance/Math & Engineering majors and both dealing with computers all the time. Lisa always says that Asians have super sonic hearing and when someone says their name at a distance, they can hear it. Well, it sure seems like that with Tia. I know I always hear when people are talking about me and even when they are far away. I notice that Chris and I will be in deep conversation about her and we'll look down and see she is staring right at us for awhile like she is intently listening to our every word. I caught her doing it at daycare too. I brought her in and put her in the bouncer she likes. I was over talking to the teacher and I looked over at Tia and she had that look on her face like 'I know you are talking about me'. It is so stinking cute. I really do wish I could know what she was thinking sometimes. I can tell she is going to be super analytical, which I hope means she'll do well in school. Chris and I both graduated from high school with perfect gpa's and both being top 10 in our high school classes (different high schools). But we both agree that we had to do the work to achieve the marks we did. A lot came easy, but it wasn't an easy A in any class by any means. So I do hope she has the aspiration to do well in school and of course we'll encourage her along the way. But for a 4 month old, I think she is too analytical for her own good already.
My Biggest Loser Weigh-in today was 150. Down 1 lb this week, down 10 lbs in three weeks! 15 lbs to go.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Our House is Like a Daycare
Tuesday, April 27th, 2010 - Day 128
How is it that no matter how much we tidy up our house, it looks like a daycare. Every corner you look, there is something of Tia's...her swing, her bouncer, her floor gym, her diaper changing supplies, toys, bumbo, boppy, blankets and a couple bibs here or there. I feel like we just cleaned yesterday, oh wait, we did just clean yesterday and already it is starting to have that daycare look and feel. I guess we better get used to it if we plan on having more too. Soon, we'll have the high chair out and be using that daily. It is amazing how much stuff a baby can have, but for us, it is all needed!
How is it that no matter how much we tidy up our house, it looks like a daycare. Every corner you look, there is something of Tia's...her swing, her bouncer, her floor gym, her diaper changing supplies, toys, bumbo, boppy, blankets and a couple bibs here or there. I feel like we just cleaned yesterday, oh wait, we did just clean yesterday and already it is starting to have that daycare look and feel. I guess we better get used to it if we plan on having more too. Soon, we'll have the high chair out and be using that daily. It is amazing how much stuff a baby can have, but for us, it is all needed!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Gotta Love Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts(FSA)
Monday, April 26th, 2010 - Day 127
Before I had Tia, I barely knew what a dependent care FSA was, but as some coworkers filled me in, I realize you'd be crazy not to enroll in it. It is almost like a savings account because you put money in and you get it back later, but what is nice is that you don't have to pay taxes. That's right, it comes out pre-taxed into the flexible spending account. Then when we have expenses like daycare, diapers, etc. - we get reimbursed with the funds. We just got our first check and it was a big one because I back paid all the months I was on maternity leave so we had a nice cushion for our first month at daycare. Basically, we'll save $1375 this year by enrolling in the FSA. I would say that is pretty good!
Before I had Tia, I barely knew what a dependent care FSA was, but as some coworkers filled me in, I realize you'd be crazy not to enroll in it. It is almost like a savings account because you put money in and you get it back later, but what is nice is that you don't have to pay taxes. That's right, it comes out pre-taxed into the flexible spending account. Then when we have expenses like daycare, diapers, etc. - we get reimbursed with the funds. We just got our first check and it was a big one because I back paid all the months I was on maternity leave so we had a nice cushion for our first month at daycare. Basically, we'll save $1375 this year by enrolling in the FSA. I would say that is pretty good!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sleeping with One Eye Open
Sunday, April 25th, 2010 - Day 126
I love how Tia has learned to roll over, but what I'm not so sure I'm ready for is when she rolls over while sleeping. Since Friday, we've taken her swaddler off and she is in her crib all on her own. She seems restless and tosses and turns a lot, which is understandable since all she knows is that she's usually mummified. But I can already tell that her position of choice will be on her tummy or side. She gets all the way over onto her tummy and places her head on the blanket. She doesn't have it turned all the way, which is what is scaring me the most. I did try to move her head so her cheek is flat, but she caught on and buried her face in the blanket even more so. I just wasn't sure if I was going to be able to sleep. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much. We brought her fold-a-way crib into our room so I can watch her. She is only a few feet away and I will check up on her about every 20 minutes or so. I'm obsessed and it scares me to death when I can't see her face and worse yet her body breathing in and out. I know all mothers go through this, but I don't like the worry and paranoia. I know she is getting bigger and she needs to learn these things, but gosh I am just so scared of SIDS that I just error on the side of caution when it comes to any suffocation possibilities. If she had been sleeping on her belly this whole time, that would be one thing, but she hasn't. So I guess it is another thing we'll have to watch her grow into. So if you see me walking around this week like a zombie - you'll know why!
I love how Tia has learned to roll over, but what I'm not so sure I'm ready for is when she rolls over while sleeping. Since Friday, we've taken her swaddler off and she is in her crib all on her own. She seems restless and tosses and turns a lot, which is understandable since all she knows is that she's usually mummified. But I can already tell that her position of choice will be on her tummy or side. She gets all the way over onto her tummy and places her head on the blanket. She doesn't have it turned all the way, which is what is scaring me the most. I did try to move her head so her cheek is flat, but she caught on and buried her face in the blanket even more so. I just wasn't sure if I was going to be able to sleep. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much. We brought her fold-a-way crib into our room so I can watch her. She is only a few feet away and I will check up on her about every 20 minutes or so. I'm obsessed and it scares me to death when I can't see her face and worse yet her body breathing in and out. I know all mothers go through this, but I don't like the worry and paranoia. I know she is getting bigger and she needs to learn these things, but gosh I am just so scared of SIDS that I just error on the side of caution when it comes to any suffocation possibilities. If she had been sleeping on her belly this whole time, that would be one thing, but she hasn't. So I guess it is another thing we'll have to watch her grow into. So if you see me walking around this week like a zombie - you'll know why!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
No More Swaddling
Saturday, April 24th, 2010 - Day 127
We asked the doctor yesterday about her rolling over in her sleep and how Tia is strong enough to get her arms out most of the time, as well as kick her legs out of her swaddler. Doc says it is time to let her sleep without swaddler, no position, nothing. I must have been wide eyed the rest of the visit, because the Doc laughed at me saying my wheels were turning with worry about her sleeping. She was absolutely right...I was scared. Tia has been rolling over a lot and she doesn't know what to do with herself quite yet. She looks at you like - help me! And she has never turned her head when she gets tired, she puts her face directly on the ground. So last night, we put her pack-n-play in our room, I put her in a sleeper, and put her in for the night. She looked around not really knowing what to do either. I was laying on the bed looking down at her. She would look at me, look around, and then wonder 'well this isn't how it usually is'. I knew she was tired, because she kept rubbing her eyes and sometimes ripping out her pacifier. So I would put it back in, give her a few pats and then let her do her thing. She then gave me a big smile, which I knew she wanted to play. So I brought her up with me onto the bed. We laid there and played for a while and until she finally closed her eyes. I carried her over to the pack-n-play and put her in. She woke up and looked at me again wondering why she could move her arms. She looked around and rubbed her eyes a lot. Finally, after a while she dozed offed. I literally slept with one eye open wondering if she'd try to roll over. It wasn't until about 3am when she decided to roll over, but she seemed just too tired to make the effort, so she rolled on her side which is how I sleep. She did pretty well her first night. I fed her about 6am and then put her down for a nap in her crib. She did pretty good too - so maybe this won't be as bad a I thought. She is such an adaptable baby and learn so quickly. Gotta love her.
Friday, April 23, 2010
4 Month Doctor's Appointment
Friday, April 23rd, 2010 - Day 126
I was both excited and afraid of today's doctor's appointment. I love hearing how much she has grown, but I hate watching my baby girl get shots. She weighs 13.5 lbs which is at the 45th percentile. Her height is 25.25 inches, which is at the 85th percentile (no wonder why she wears 6 mo clothes now). Her head is 42', which is at the 75th percentile - all those brains she has. Doctor says she is doing well. We gave her our concerns about her allergies. What doc said was that babies can't get allergies and that there must be something else. She found that Tia has two ear infections and gave us some meds for her. She does have eczema which means she is prone to being allergic to things, but it is too early to tell if she has allergies like her daddy. But overall, she is doing very well and her motor skills are ranked in the 5-6 month group.
I warned Chris about the shots beforehand so he could prepare himself. What he didn't know is that he'd have two girls to console, me and Tia. I swear I am such a softy now - I cry at everything. I just hate seeing her in pain, especially when she looks at you first with that 'wtf' look before she screams out in pain...and 4 times at that. Ugh! But you know, she is such a trooper. Daddy calmed her down pretty quickly and he even smiled. The medicine conked her out and she slept on the way back to daycare. She's been her typically happy self all night, so I think she has a pretty good pain threshold. I still hate the darn shot, but I know she has to have them.
I was both excited and afraid of today's doctor's appointment. I love hearing how much she has grown, but I hate watching my baby girl get shots. She weighs 13.5 lbs which is at the 45th percentile. Her height is 25.25 inches, which is at the 85th percentile (no wonder why she wears 6 mo clothes now). Her head is 42', which is at the 75th percentile - all those brains she has. Doctor says she is doing well. We gave her our concerns about her allergies. What doc said was that babies can't get allergies and that there must be something else. She found that Tia has two ear infections and gave us some meds for her. She does have eczema which means she is prone to being allergic to things, but it is too early to tell if she has allergies like her daddy. But overall, she is doing very well and her motor skills are ranked in the 5-6 month group.
I warned Chris about the shots beforehand so he could prepare himself. What he didn't know is that he'd have two girls to console, me and Tia. I swear I am such a softy now - I cry at everything. I just hate seeing her in pain, especially when she looks at you first with that 'wtf' look before she screams out in pain...and 4 times at that. Ugh! But you know, she is such a trooper. Daddy calmed her down pretty quickly and he even smiled. The medicine conked her out and she slept on the way back to daycare. She's been her typically happy self all night, so I think she has a pretty good pain threshold. I still hate the darn shot, but I know she has to have them.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
She's Even Cute When She's Mad
Thursday, April 22nd, 2010 - Day 125
This picture cracks me up. She is such a great baby that when she gets mad, it is so cute. She barely fusses and when she does, you know she wants something and you can quickly determine what that is. I've heard from many that she barely cries. I know I've babied her when she's sleeping running to her aid when she makes a peep. Because of this, she doesn't cry - she'll howl because she knows I'm coming and will smile the minute she sees me - I love it. With daddy, she is a stinker. She knows how to work him so well and will make a fuss so he'll play with her and hold her. It cracks me up. She definitely has daddy wrapped around her little finger. It is amazing how smart she is and how she knows what things to do to get her way. But she doesn't try those things with me. I have seriously only seen a few tears from her and I hope she continues to be a happy baby. I just hate seeing her cry although I do know that some crying is very healthy and so we do let her fuss a bit before giving in sometimes. I went with the whole notion that you can't spoil them under 6 months old and so I do. What is funny is that Chris and I are super disciplinarians and will most likely be good at keeping our kids in check, but for some reason when they are babies, it is just too hard to be that way. So until they get older, we want them to be babied! 'Don't make me call Grandma'
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
So Much Fun Watching Her Grow
Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 - Day 124
Tia is so much fun to watch when she is playing and showing off. I can see a bit competitive side to her and she sure loves showing off too. It doesn't surprise me because both Chris and I are competitive, athletic people. She has had a lot of tummy time lately, both on the floor and her boppy pillow. Now that she is rolling over to her belly, we want her to be able to know what to do when she is on her belly. Right now, she grunts in frustration wondering how to roll back over. But regardless of her grunting, smiling, laughing, or just showing off, he is so much fun to watch. She's is getting so big so fast!
My Biggest Loser Weigh-in today was 151. Down 4 lbs this week, down 9 lbs in two weeks - yay! I've been working my booty off, literally! Only 16 lbs to go.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Great time in Ste Genevieve
Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 - Day 123
We had a great weekend in Ste Genevieve visiting Chris's dad and step-mom. Marsha's parents also came down to see their new great grand baby for the first time. Tia got to play a lot and show off a lot of her new skills like rolling over, grabbing things, holding her own bottle, and many more. She was a ham for sure. We wanted to take her on the boat, but just didn't have a life jacket small enough for her, so we'll have to wait until next time. Chris got to go out on the boat. I got to walk around the lake, which is 4 mile of hills, both Saturday with dad-n-law and Sunday with step-mom-n-law. So I got my workout in. It was a lot of fun.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Happy 4 Month Birthday!
Monday, April 19th, 2010 - Day 122
It is amazing how quickly time flies. We are already at her 4 month birthday. She has been achieving so many milestones the past month, it's crazy. Today, she also started her new daycare. I think she adjusted quite well because there were new surrounding and new toys. I was excited on the way to the daycare and couldn't wait to get her started at her new school. My biggest fear was that she had started rolling over while sleeping and the new teachers wouldn't know how she is and wouldn't keep an eye to make sure she was okay. I got her all settled in her classroom, went over all the new routines I'll have to learn with the teachers and the director, and off I went back to work. I called Chris and when he answered, he asked 'how did it go'...then when there was a long pause, he said 'are you okay, are you crying'. And I was. I didn't cry the first time I dropped her off at daycare, but for some reason I was a mess this time. I think she has grown so much and I was so afraid that they didn't know thing things to watch for and especially with her rolling over while sleeping, I was afraid. I definitely don't want anything happening to my baby girl and I think I was a bit apprehensive. Chris thought it was the cutest thing and consoled me saying he'd go check on her at lunch. He called after he did and told me that Tia was smiling away and had napped just fine earlier. He also ran into a few coworkers who had their children there. I felt so much better! It is amazing how much love we have for our children. It is an unexplainable love that know one can ever realize until they have that too. I would do anything for her and I only want the best for her needs. Needless to say, I'm fine now and I'm happy she has adjusted well. I can tell she is a very social-able girl who will get along in whatever surroundings she is in...just like her momma!
It is amazing how quickly time flies. We are already at her 4 month birthday. She has been achieving so many milestones the past month, it's crazy. Today, she also started her new daycare. I think she adjusted quite well because there were new surrounding and new toys. I was excited on the way to the daycare and couldn't wait to get her started at her new school. My biggest fear was that she had started rolling over while sleeping and the new teachers wouldn't know how she is and wouldn't keep an eye to make sure she was okay. I got her all settled in her classroom, went over all the new routines I'll have to learn with the teachers and the director, and off I went back to work. I called Chris and when he answered, he asked 'how did it go'...then when there was a long pause, he said 'are you okay, are you crying'. And I was. I didn't cry the first time I dropped her off at daycare, but for some reason I was a mess this time. I think she has grown so much and I was so afraid that they didn't know thing things to watch for and especially with her rolling over while sleeping, I was afraid. I definitely don't want anything happening to my baby girl and I think I was a bit apprehensive. Chris thought it was the cutest thing and consoled me saying he'd go check on her at lunch. He called after he did and told me that Tia was smiling away and had napped just fine earlier. He also ran into a few coworkers who had their children there. I felt so much better! It is amazing how much love we have for our children. It is an unexplainable love that know one can ever realize until they have that too. I would do anything for her and I only want the best for her needs. Needless to say, I'm fine now and I'm happy she has adjusted well. I can tell she is a very social-able girl who will get along in whatever surroundings she is in...just like her momma!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Grandpa Nooner and Grandma Noonette
Sunday, April 18th, 2010 - Day 121
Tia is pretty lucky to have as many grandparents as she does. Chris and I, being in our 30s when we had Tia, are both really happy that all of our parents are still living (minus my beloved step-dad Ron who passed away in 1998). Tia is actually luckier than most because not only does she have 7 grandparents, but she also has 5 great grandparents too. This past weekend we went down to Ste Genevieve where Chris's dad & step-mom live. Chris's step-mom Marsha's parents Ruie & Jim also came to meet Tia and I know they are proud Great Grandparents because they were super excited. It was a great weekend and I think Tia had a great time!
Tia is pretty lucky to have as many grandparents as she does. Chris and I, being in our 30s when we had Tia, are both really happy that all of our parents are still living (minus my beloved step-dad Ron who passed away in 1998). Tia is actually luckier than most because not only does she have 7 grandparents, but she also has 5 great grandparents too. This past weekend we went down to Ste Genevieve where Chris's dad & step-mom live. Chris's step-mom Marsha's parents Ruie & Jim also came to meet Tia and I know they are proud Great Grandparents because they were super excited. It was a great weekend and I think Tia had a great time!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
My New Workout Routine
Saturday, April 17th, 2010 - Day 120
So I started the Biggest Loser challenge on Wednesday, April 7th and so far I've been doing great. When I weighed in on that first day, I weighed 160 lbs. This week on Wednesday, my weight at weigh in was 155. So 5 lbs down - yay! I worked my butt off that first week and hope to keep it up. I calculated it up and I did over 12 miles of walking, jogging and running. Not bad considering I don't even think I was averaging a mile a week before. Besides going to Fenton Park and doing their path as much as I can, I've been to Bee Tree Park to hike. I've also watched what I ate the past weeks too. I have really never been on a diet, but I'm using the weigh watchers points as my guide. I'm not being religious to that program or anything, but more using it as a tool to know when I'm in the ballpark of foods I'm eating. I have 4 other friends doing the Biggest Loser with me and so far all the people who have weighed in this week have lost at least a few lbs. So stay tuned to my progress and see if I get down to my goal weight of 135, which was my weight prior to becoming pregnant. I am determined to get my body back at least a few months before we start trying again for baby #2!
So I started the Biggest Loser challenge on Wednesday, April 7th and so far I've been doing great. When I weighed in on that first day, I weighed 160 lbs. This week on Wednesday, my weight at weigh in was 155. So 5 lbs down - yay! I worked my butt off that first week and hope to keep it up. I calculated it up and I did over 12 miles of walking, jogging and running. Not bad considering I don't even think I was averaging a mile a week before. Besides going to Fenton Park and doing their path as much as I can, I've been to Bee Tree Park to hike. I've also watched what I ate the past weeks too. I have really never been on a diet, but I'm using the weigh watchers points as my guide. I'm not being religious to that program or anything, but more using it as a tool to know when I'm in the ballpark of foods I'm eating. I have 4 other friends doing the Biggest Loser with me and so far all the people who have weighed in this week have lost at least a few lbs. So stay tuned to my progress and see if I get down to my goal weight of 135, which was my weight prior to becoming pregnant. I am determined to get my body back at least a few months before we start trying again for baby #2!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Last Day at Goddard
Friday, April 16th, 2010 - Day 119
Today is Tia's last day at the Goddard School. It was a shame she was out yesterday from allergies, but at least we found out from the doctor that she just has allergies and she's not sick. The poor thing sounds so congested like it is in her chest - ugh! I know Tia loves all of her teachers at Goddard from Ms. Tomieka to Ms. Jesica to Ms. Colleen to all of the other teachers. I know she'll know something is different not seeing her other classmates, teachers, crib, and other surroundings. But she is starting on Monday at First Academy in Fenton and I know she'll grow to love her new teachers and school. First Academy will be much more convenient for both of us and we'll be able to put the cost savings towards our future down payment of our new house (when we move). I am sure there will be many things I miss about Goddard, but for our family, we have to stay within our budget, think about our future children, and do what is best for our current needs. Having the daycare literally a rock's throw away, will be so nice in case Tia needs anything and Chris can run over there and check on her. I still plan to drop off for the time being, but it will be convenient for both Chris and I to pick her up to take her home. I'm excited to get her going there and see how she does.
Today is Tia's last day at the Goddard School. It was a shame she was out yesterday from allergies, but at least we found out from the doctor that she just has allergies and she's not sick. The poor thing sounds so congested like it is in her chest - ugh! I know Tia loves all of her teachers at Goddard from Ms. Tomieka to Ms. Jesica to Ms. Colleen to all of the other teachers. I know she'll know something is different not seeing her other classmates, teachers, crib, and other surroundings. But she is starting on Monday at First Academy in Fenton and I know she'll grow to love her new teachers and school. First Academy will be much more convenient for both of us and we'll be able to put the cost savings towards our future down payment of our new house (when we move). I am sure there will be many things I miss about Goddard, but for our family, we have to stay within our budget, think about our future children, and do what is best for our current needs. Having the daycare literally a rock's throw away, will be so nice in case Tia needs anything and Chris can run over there and check on her. I still plan to drop off for the time being, but it will be convenient for both Chris and I to pick her up to take her home. I'm excited to get her going there and see how she does.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Had to Post this for You Gamblers
Thursday, April 15th, 2010 - Day 118
So for all you gamblers out there, namely Lisa and Charlotte, here is your good luck charm! Isn't she cute!!!! These were the tickets Lisa and I had and did pretty darn well too. Now that I'm in the Biggest Looser for Gamblers which basically means you play to win lottery tickets instead of money, she is definitely my good luck charm.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sent Home from Daycare
Wednesday, April 14th, 2010 - Day 117
We remember when Tia's pediatrician told us as soon as she starts daycare that she'd probably get a cold. I was wondering when that would happen and it happened today. She's been super congested and I just hate it. She sounds like an old man with bad allergies and it just seems to be getting worse. I clean her nose out three times a day with the 'bulb' as I like to call it, but it just doesn't get the stuff way down there. I could tell she had a bit of a runny nose beyond her normal congestion but she was still her happy self. Daycare called about 1:30pm to tell me she had two diapers of diarrhea and if she has another one, she'll have to be picked up. I had a bunch of meetings all day and still had an interview coming in and another meeting, so I talked to Chris to see if he could pick her up if they called. I got a text from him about 3:30pm saying he was on his way home with Tia. We took her temperature, but she was fine. Hopefully she is gets better soon.
We remember when Tia's pediatrician told us as soon as she starts daycare that she'd probably get a cold. I was wondering when that would happen and it happened today. She's been super congested and I just hate it. She sounds like an old man with bad allergies and it just seems to be getting worse. I clean her nose out three times a day with the 'bulb' as I like to call it, but it just doesn't get the stuff way down there. I could tell she had a bit of a runny nose beyond her normal congestion but she was still her happy self. Daycare called about 1:30pm to tell me she had two diapers of diarrhea and if she has another one, she'll have to be picked up. I had a bunch of meetings all day and still had an interview coming in and another meeting, so I talked to Chris to see if he could pick her up if they called. I got a text from him about 3:30pm saying he was on his way home with Tia. We took her temperature, but she was fine. Hopefully she is gets better soon.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Gee Gee and Tia
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010 - Day 116
I love this picture of Grandma Stella and Tia. We call Grandma Stella, Gee Gee, because she is Great Grandma to Tia. I think it is wonderful that Tia has a few great grandparents alive to get to know. Grandma Stella has a picture at home of Chris and Jeremy as babies laying in her arms and all three of them are asleep. So this picture will go very nicely next to that one on her mantle. While house/dog sitting for Aunt Jenny and Uncle Dave, Grandma Stella got a lot of quality time with Tia. I loved every minute that Tia got to share with her Gee Gee.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Extra Time with Daddy
Monday, April 12th, 2010 - Day 115
Today is the Cardinal's Home Opener and as most people who know me would know that I have attended the home opener over 8 years in a row. Luckily for me, I have a wonderful friend Cherri who invites me to her tickets each year. This year, Cherri not only asked me to the game, but also said she got an almost free deal on a hotel room at the Hilton that is next door to the stadium. Since the suite we'll be in will have food and drinks included, I really wanted to take advantage of my big night out with the girls and not worry about driving home to Arnold. So I proposed the idea to Chris and he was extremely supportive saying "I deserve it". I was so excited and I am so looking forward to it. The kicker is, that Chris will have Tia over night by himself. This wouldn't be a big deal, BUT he has never had to get up with Tia for her first feeding of the day, which is between 5:30am and 6:00am. So not only does he have to worry about that first feeding, but he has to get her dressed, himself dressed, her to daycare, and then himself to work by 8:00am. I personally feel that this will be a great chance for him to see what it entails because he'll have to do it for 5 days in June while I'm on a work trip to Maryland. I have been really trying to butter him up the past week because I know it is somewhat of an inconvenience to change his normal routine. I volunteered to get her up, feed her and get her to daycare every morning, while starting next week, when she goes to her new daycare, he volunteered to pick her up every day. So we've become accustomed to our routine and I do feel bad he has to get up almost 2 hours earlier than he's used to. (shhhh, he's not a morning person) But I will appreciate him for giving me a night out with the girls that is worry free, and he'll appreciate how early I get up. Can't wait until tonight!!!!
Today is the Cardinal's Home Opener and as most people who know me would know that I have attended the home opener over 8 years in a row. Luckily for me, I have a wonderful friend Cherri who invites me to her tickets each year. This year, Cherri not only asked me to the game, but also said she got an almost free deal on a hotel room at the Hilton that is next door to the stadium. Since the suite we'll be in will have food and drinks included, I really wanted to take advantage of my big night out with the girls and not worry about driving home to Arnold. So I proposed the idea to Chris and he was extremely supportive saying "I deserve it". I was so excited and I am so looking forward to it. The kicker is, that Chris will have Tia over night by himself. This wouldn't be a big deal, BUT he has never had to get up with Tia for her first feeding of the day, which is between 5:30am and 6:00am. So not only does he have to worry about that first feeding, but he has to get her dressed, himself dressed, her to daycare, and then himself to work by 8:00am. I personally feel that this will be a great chance for him to see what it entails because he'll have to do it for 5 days in June while I'm on a work trip to Maryland. I have been really trying to butter him up the past week because I know it is somewhat of an inconvenience to change his normal routine. I volunteered to get her up, feed her and get her to daycare every morning, while starting next week, when she goes to her new daycare, he volunteered to pick her up every day. So we've become accustomed to our routine and I do feel bad he has to get up almost 2 hours earlier than he's used to. (shhhh, he's not a morning person) But I will appreciate him for giving me a night out with the girls that is worry free, and he'll appreciate how early I get up. Can't wait until tonight!!!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Got the Stroller Out Finally
Sunday, April 11th, 2010 - Day 114
Yes, I know I've been a bad mom because I haven't pushed Tia around in the stroller, but finding the time has been pretty difficult. After work, we don't get home until 6:15 or 6:30ish and after we feed and change her, it is dark outside. But today, we were able to get the jogger stroller out and assembled. I got to push her around the neighborhood which was pretty nice. She seemed to do pretty well in it and looked around and enjoyed the sunshine. I had walked Bee Tree Park trails with Lisa earlier, so my calves had already taken a beating...then the hills in my subdivision reminded me how sore they were - but that's a great thing.
I'm excited that now with the time change it is lighter longer so we can take her on some nightly walks. I love the jogger stroller too. It has a hook-up for your ipod and is pretty nice to maneuver around. She barely fits in the harness, but as long as she is safe, then we are happy.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Recommended Product: Soothe & Glow Seahorse

Saturday, April 10th, 2010 - Day 113
The Ocean Wonders Soothe & Glow Seahorse is my all time favorite toy of hers (at the moment). It is super cute and when you press its belly, it turns on and plays gentle music. The music is comprised of 8 gentle lullabies and classical selections, along with soothing sounds of the sea (2 ocean tracks). After 5 minutes, the sounds and lights will gently fade out so as not to disturb baby. Perfectly sized for baby to hug, the Soothe & Glow seahorse is a soft & cuddly addition to any crib. Mom can choose low or high volume or turn off altogether. What I will do is play the seahorse while I rock her to bed and once she closes her eyes, I know she is down for the count. Sometimes if she isn't ready for bed, I can play one or two songs and press the belly for a couple seconds and it turns off - pretty neat. The songs are cute including some wedding music. Lately, I can put her in her crib awake, turn on the seahorse and out she goes. I'd recommend it to anyone.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Sleeping on her Side
Friday, April 9th, 2010 - Day 112
The past week, we've been letting Tia 'air out' a bit after we get her home and feed her. She has had a bad diaper rash and we were told to let her go diaper free a small time every night and it will heal faster. They were right too, it totally works. Tonight, it was the cutest thing in the world. She was under her play gym when she decided to roll over on her side and go to sleep. What is crazy is she was sleeping exactly how I do. Partly on my side, partly on my belly, one leg extended all the way down, the other one bent and all the way up into my chest. She looked like a mini-me...and she was naked so it was even cuter, because I love her little butt. I wanted to take a picture, but I know that posting naked pictures of your children online is super taboo. So I'll wait until she does it again, but clothed.
The past week, we've been letting Tia 'air out' a bit after we get her home and feed her. She has had a bad diaper rash and we were told to let her go diaper free a small time every night and it will heal faster. They were right too, it totally works. Tonight, it was the cutest thing in the world. She was under her play gym when she decided to roll over on her side and go to sleep. What is crazy is she was sleeping exactly how I do. Partly on my side, partly on my belly, one leg extended all the way down, the other one bent and all the way up into my chest. She looked like a mini-me...and she was naked so it was even cuter, because I love her little butt. I wanted to take a picture, but I know that posting naked pictures of your children online is super taboo. So I'll wait until she does it again, but clothed.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Daddy Got a Chuckle
Thursday, April 8th, 2010 - Day 111
Every since Great Grandma (to Tia) Stella made Tia chuckle, Chris has been determined to get Tia to laugh with the belly chuckle. She laughs all the time, but they are more like squeals and hee hee's. She doesn't have many belly chuckles that we heard when she was a month or so younger as she fell asleep. I had Chris pick up Tia so I could walk right after work and when I got home, he has this look of glee in his eyes. I knew something big happened. He got down and kissed Tia on the neck while rubbing his whiskers a tad and there it was, the cutest belly chuckle. Gosh we love that sound. I got her to belly chuckle a time or two by doing silly stuff, but now Daddy has a sure fire way to get her to laugh out loud. Love it.
Every since Great Grandma (to Tia) Stella made Tia chuckle, Chris has been determined to get Tia to laugh with the belly chuckle. She laughs all the time, but they are more like squeals and hee hee's. She doesn't have many belly chuckles that we heard when she was a month or so younger as she fell asleep. I had Chris pick up Tia so I could walk right after work and when I got home, he has this look of glee in his eyes. I knew something big happened. He got down and kissed Tia on the neck while rubbing his whiskers a tad and there it was, the cutest belly chuckle. Gosh we love that sound. I got her to belly chuckle a time or two by doing silly stuff, but now Daddy has a sure fire way to get her to laugh out loud. Love it.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Biggest Loser (for Gamblers)
Wednesday, April 7th, 2010 - Day 110
By this time after pregnancy, I had hoped to lose most of the baby weight I had gained. However, I never found the time to exercise or keep to my workout video routine. Once I went back to work, it was work, feed & play with Tia, sleep. Now that she is switching day cares, I will have more time after work to get some walking or running in. At work, they all are doing the Biggest Loser Office challenge and it is amazing to see at least 5 people who lost an average of 25 lbs. They all look fantastic. Last time I had weighed myself was weeks ago and I weighed 150. Today, in the lunch room at work, I decided to jump on the scale they are using for the office challenge and see what I weigh...OMG, I have gained 10 lbs since I weighed myself last. I shouldn't have been surprised, because the fat pants I bought to hold me over were getting tighter by the day. My pre-pregnancy weight was 140 and I had hoped to be closer to that number. Ideally, I'd like to be at 135 which is what I was at 28 years old or 130 which is what I was at 25, but I'll settle for somewhere between 135 and 140.
I know Lisa was also wanting to start a weight loss program and so when we were turning in our winning tickets this past weekend, I proposed a contest with lottery tickets as our motivation. She was up for the challenge and when I got to work and they had lost more weight over the weekend, I decided to create a Biggest Loser for Gamblers edition just for me and Lisa.
1. “HAVE FUN”, Eat healthy, and exercise.
2. The first weigh in will be on Wed, April 7th at 5:30pm
3. The final weigh in will be on Wed, Jul 21th at 5:30pm (15 WEEKS)
4. Weigh-in’s will occur every Wednesday at 5:30pm.
5. There is a $5 in lottery tickets (per week) registration fee which “MUST” be paid at each weigh in.
6. (Others may join at any time during the first three weeks but the longer you wait the harder it will be to win)
7. All monies owing to the pot should be paid during the time of weigh in or prior to the following weigh in.(So if you have a bad week, be prepared break out the spare change for lottery tickets)
8. There will be a penalty fee of $1 lottery ticket owed if your weight stays the same.
9. There will be a penalty fee of $1 lottery ticket owed for each pound gained. (i.e. Gain 3 pounds, you owe $3 in lottery tickets)
10. The same scale will be brought to each weigh-in and used to ensure consistency.
11. Only weights recorded on the Biggest Loser for Gamblers approved scales on will be recognized.
12. You can quit the competition at anytime and the lottery tickets you have given to the pot will be awarded to the winner of those left in the competition, given they continue through the remaining weeks.
13. The winner will be the person who loses the largest percentage of body weight. (start at 200 pounds and lose 10 pounds and you have lost 5%)…[(Start weight - Finish Weight) X 100 / Start weight = percentage lost.]
14. At the end of the contest the winner will be awarded “ALL” lottery tickets collected by the pot.
15. “Challenge your friends and LOSE WEIGHT”
So wish me and Lisa luck in achieving as close to our goal of losing some poundage and getting as close to our idea weights as we can. Besides this program, we are going to meet as much as we humanly can to walk/run and be accountable for each other. You guys have permission to kick me in the butt if I don't get close to my goal or I quit at any point!!! (Charlotte, you can kick Lisa's butt if she quits or fails)
By this time after pregnancy, I had hoped to lose most of the baby weight I had gained. However, I never found the time to exercise or keep to my workout video routine. Once I went back to work, it was work, feed & play with Tia, sleep. Now that she is switching day cares, I will have more time after work to get some walking or running in. At work, they all are doing the Biggest Loser Office challenge and it is amazing to see at least 5 people who lost an average of 25 lbs. They all look fantastic. Last time I had weighed myself was weeks ago and I weighed 150. Today, in the lunch room at work, I decided to jump on the scale they are using for the office challenge and see what I weigh...OMG, I have gained 10 lbs since I weighed myself last. I shouldn't have been surprised, because the fat pants I bought to hold me over were getting tighter by the day. My pre-pregnancy weight was 140 and I had hoped to be closer to that number. Ideally, I'd like to be at 135 which is what I was at 28 years old or 130 which is what I was at 25, but I'll settle for somewhere between 135 and 140.
I know Lisa was also wanting to start a weight loss program and so when we were turning in our winning tickets this past weekend, I proposed a contest with lottery tickets as our motivation. She was up for the challenge and when I got to work and they had lost more weight over the weekend, I decided to create a Biggest Loser for Gamblers edition just for me and Lisa.
1. “HAVE FUN”, Eat healthy, and exercise.
2. The first weigh in will be on Wed, April 7th at 5:30pm
3. The final weigh in will be on Wed, Jul 21th at 5:30pm (15 WEEKS)
4. Weigh-in’s will occur every Wednesday at 5:30pm.
5. There is a $5 in lottery tickets (per week) registration fee which “MUST” be paid at each weigh in.
6. (Others may join at any time during the first three weeks but the longer you wait the harder it will be to win)
7. All monies owing to the pot should be paid during the time of weigh in or prior to the following weigh in.(So if you have a bad week, be prepared break out the spare change for lottery tickets)
8. There will be a penalty fee of $1 lottery ticket owed if your weight stays the same.
9. There will be a penalty fee of $1 lottery ticket owed for each pound gained. (i.e. Gain 3 pounds, you owe $3 in lottery tickets)
10. The same scale will be brought to each weigh-in and used to ensure consistency.
11. Only weights recorded on the Biggest Loser for Gamblers approved scales on will be recognized.
12. You can quit the competition at anytime and the lottery tickets you have given to the pot will be awarded to the winner of those left in the competition, given they continue through the remaining weeks.
13. The winner will be the person who loses the largest percentage of body weight. (start at 200 pounds and lose 10 pounds and you have lost 5%)…[(Start weight - Finish Weight) X 100 / Start weight = percentage lost.]
14. At the end of the contest the winner will be awarded “ALL” lottery tickets collected by the pot.
15. “Challenge your friends and LOSE WEIGHT”
So wish me and Lisa luck in achieving as close to our goal of losing some poundage and getting as close to our idea weights as we can. Besides this program, we are going to meet as much as we humanly can to walk/run and be accountable for each other. You guys have permission to kick me in the butt if I don't get close to my goal or I quit at any point!!! (Charlotte, you can kick Lisa's butt if she quits or fails)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tia is Still Our Good Luck Charm
Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 - Day 109
This weekend Lisa came over with a pile of lottery tickets she had purchased with winning tickets she bought previously. I knew she was bringing these over, so I also bought $15 in lottery tickets to add to the mix. I saw some Cardinals $5 lottery tickets and thought they would be fun. So before we scratched off all of the tickets, we put all of the tickets around and on Tia. We did take a picture that I'll post shortly. Low and behold, we won $131! Woo Hoo So she is our good luck charm, although she'll always be mine.
This weekend Lisa came over with a pile of lottery tickets she had purchased with winning tickets she bought previously. I knew she was bringing these over, so I also bought $15 in lottery tickets to add to the mix. I saw some Cardinals $5 lottery tickets and thought they would be fun. So before we scratched off all of the tickets, we put all of the tickets around and on Tia. We did take a picture that I'll post shortly. Low and behold, we won $131! Woo Hoo So she is our good luck charm, although she'll always be mine.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Switching Daycares
Monday, April 5th, 2010 - Day 108
As much as we love the Goddard School, we received the call letting us know that our waiting list application was ready to be honored. First Academy in Fenton is located a rock's throw from Fabick, where Chris works. We had a great feeling when we walked in and many fellow colleagues of Chris have their children there. We put our name on the waiting list, but were expecting to wait for several months until they had an opening. We were pleasantly surprised when they called to let us know there was a spot for Tia. So Tia is staring at her new school/daycare on Monday, April 19th. Not only is it nicer on the checkbook, but the location is extremely ideal so that both Chris and I have easy access to picking up and dropping off. Our decision to leave was absolutely no negative reflection on the Goddard School. We love them and loved all of Tia's teachers as well. There were several reasons that made sense for us to go ahead and move her over to First Academy. We are very excited and pray that Tia makes the transition well.
As much as we love the Goddard School, we received the call letting us know that our waiting list application was ready to be honored. First Academy in Fenton is located a rock's throw from Fabick, where Chris works. We had a great feeling when we walked in and many fellow colleagues of Chris have their children there. We put our name on the waiting list, but were expecting to wait for several months until they had an opening. We were pleasantly surprised when they called to let us know there was a spot for Tia. So Tia is staring at her new school/daycare on Monday, April 19th. Not only is it nicer on the checkbook, but the location is extremely ideal so that both Chris and I have easy access to picking up and dropping off. Our decision to leave was absolutely no negative reflection on the Goddard School. We love them and loved all of Tia's teachers as well. There were several reasons that made sense for us to go ahead and move her over to First Academy. We are very excited and pray that Tia makes the transition well.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Tia's First Easter
Sunday, April 4th, 2010 - Day 107
Today is Tia's first Easter. She received a basket & bunny along with a card w/money from her Grandma Wandee & Grandpa Ray, a big fluffy bunny with a card w/money from her Great Grandma Stella, and a fun personalize puppy (usb) w/basket full of candy, and cute outfit from her Grandma Kathi. I think she made out like a bandit! We had her in a few outfits, but didn't get any photos of her. Chris's family are Italians and she was a bit shy to the loudness of their voices. Sometime this week, I hope to put her back in her Easter dress and put her next to all of her Easter toys. She looked so adorable!
Today is Tia's first Easter. She received a basket & bunny along with a card w/money from her Grandma Wandee & Grandpa Ray, a big fluffy bunny with a card w/money from her Great Grandma Stella, and a fun personalize puppy (usb) w/basket full of candy, and cute outfit from her Grandma Kathi. I think she made out like a bandit! We had her in a few outfits, but didn't get any photos of her. Chris's family are Italians and she was a bit shy to the loudness of their voices. Sometime this week, I hope to put her back in her Easter dress and put her next to all of her Easter toys. She looked so adorable!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
A Big Chuckle
Saturday, April 3rd, 2010 - Day 106
I was walking around the house when I heard Tia give out a big chuckle. I then hear Grandma Stella say 'did you hear that' and I said 'yes'...she then said 'has she chucked like that before'. She had chuckled before but only when falling asleep. She had yet to do it as a reaction to a person. But Grandma Stella was doing an animated goo-chee-goo-chee-goo with her hair, hands and body flaring towards Tia. It worked because Tia let out some big belly laughs. Everyone was jealous because we've been trying for weeks. She still will only do it for Stella. I did get some of it on video which I know Tia will cherish when she's older.
I was walking around the house when I heard Tia give out a big chuckle. I then hear Grandma Stella say 'did you hear that' and I said 'yes'...she then said 'has she chucked like that before'. She had chuckled before but only when falling asleep. She had yet to do it as a reaction to a person. But Grandma Stella was doing an animated goo-chee-goo-chee-goo with her hair, hands and body flaring towards Tia. It worked because Tia let out some big belly laughs. Everyone was jealous because we've been trying for weeks. She still will only do it for Stella. I did get some of it on video which I know Tia will cherish when she's older.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Off for Good Friday
Friday, April 2nd, 2010 - Day 105
Tia's daycare has a holiday today on Good Friday, so after Chris and I talked, we decided that I would take the day off to be with her. We played all morning and she is taking a nap right now. She is getting so fun where she acts all giddy when I talk to her and will shy away like she's bashful. We are house/dog sitting for Aunt Jenny & Uncle Dave while they are in Hilton Head. They have a beautiful home and we get to hang out with Grandma Stella who we call GG for Great Grandma (to Tia).
Tia's daycare has a holiday today on Good Friday, so after Chris and I talked, we decided that I would take the day off to be with her. We played all morning and she is taking a nap right now. She is getting so fun where she acts all giddy when I talk to her and will shy away like she's bashful. We are house/dog sitting for Aunt Jenny & Uncle Dave while they are in Hilton Head. They have a beautiful home and we get to hang out with Grandma Stella who we call GG for Great Grandma (to Tia).
Thursday, April 1, 2010
We've Really Got to Watch Her
Thursday, April 1st, 2010 - Day 104
Now that Tia has figured out how to roll over, we've really had to watch her. We used to be able to put her down for floor time and walk out of the room for a few minutes. Now that she is rolling over, we really have to watch her. We have been giving her tummy time, but we thought we'd have at least two more months until she was rolling all the way over. Last weekend, she rolled from back to tummy and back to her back. She gets stuck though, and it scares us because she doesn't turn her head when she's face down. She just grunts like she is mad and tries to push herself, but sometimes is unsuccessful. We were laughing because, she seemed to roll over when we weren't looking. Chris and I were talking to each other and pretending not to look at her and there she goes rolling over, but when we'd look at her - she'd stop. Chris was laughing at her because she rolled over so quickly one time that she rolled onto her buddha belly and instantly rolled back onto her back. I think it knocked the wind out of her and she got upset. Chris was just laughing away and it was really cute because she just bounced off her belly. So now, we are keeping our eyes peeled and paying attention to make sure she is supervised. We don't want her rolling over thinking we are going to come to her rescue and we aren't there.
Now that Tia has figured out how to roll over, we've really had to watch her. We used to be able to put her down for floor time and walk out of the room for a few minutes. Now that she is rolling over, we really have to watch her. We have been giving her tummy time, but we thought we'd have at least two more months until she was rolling all the way over. Last weekend, she rolled from back to tummy and back to her back. She gets stuck though, and it scares us because she doesn't turn her head when she's face down. She just grunts like she is mad and tries to push herself, but sometimes is unsuccessful. We were laughing because, she seemed to roll over when we weren't looking. Chris and I were talking to each other and pretending not to look at her and there she goes rolling over, but when we'd look at her - she'd stop. Chris was laughing at her because she rolled over so quickly one time that she rolled onto her buddha belly and instantly rolled back onto her back. I think it knocked the wind out of her and she got upset. Chris was just laughing away and it was really cute because she just bounced off her belly. So now, we are keeping our eyes peeled and paying attention to make sure she is supervised. We don't want her rolling over thinking we are going to come to her rescue and we aren't there.
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