Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pregnant Boobs

May 30th, 2009 - Day 76

I went to a wedding tonight and wore a dress I got recently. I was a little self conscious about my boobs overflowing a bit, but I was hoping people wouldn't notice. We arrive and the wedding gets underways, then we moved ourselves to the reception tables. Since this was a coworkers wedding, our table was filled with fellow coworkers of mine. One of the ladies says loudly as I sit down, 'Wow, look at those Pregnant Boobs'. So not all my coworkers had heard the news yet, but now they were sure to know and one of them even asked 'is there something we need to know'.

But as I said before, I'm definitely not complaining. I'll just have to take advantage of it while they last. Although, I am sure they'll get bigger before they go back to normal.

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