Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Past My Bedtime

May 26th, 2009 – Day 72

Every couple of weeks I play Thai Poker with three fun girls from bowling. We take turns at each other’s houses and do dinner and dessert. Normally, we meet at 6pm and end around 10pm….but I’ve asked if we could stop around 9ish the past couple times. I’m normally very happy-go-lucky and I don’t ever speak up and change things around. However, with me feeling super exhausted all of the time, I had no problem asking if they’d mind. Of course, they didn’t. I almost feel lame asking, but every extra minute that I can get to bed is heaven for me right now. Only 4 or 5 more weeks and I should start feeling a little more energetic. Although, I’ve had several girls tell me that in their pregnancies, they were tired the entire time! Guess we’ll see once I hit that 2nd trimester, which is not that far away.

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