Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are My Modeling Days Numbered

May 21st, 2009 - Day 67

I sent my agency an email last week letting them know about my status and that I needed to be 'on hold' or taken off for a while. Then I get a call from the owner of my agency Talent Plus/Centro Models, Sharon Tucci, for me to audition for an Anheuser-Busch National TV Commercial for Designated Drivers. Most of the time, I pass these up...I like more of the gigs that I'm officially booked for, but I figured since Sharon said they picked my card out - I should give it a try. I went down to AB yesterday and auditioned and they even told me I did a fantastic job, but I do know that they audition a lot of people....but it would be a nice chunk of change if I got called back for the commercial.

I guess once my baby bump starts, I'll have to turn down any gigs that come my way. I really don't mind. I've been doing it for over 10 years now and I'm ready to take on the Mommy role now!

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