Monday, May 18, 2009

Bowling - The Sport for Pregnant Girls

May 18th, 2009 - Day 64

Reading books and getting advice, there are so many sports that I'm going to have to start giving up very soon. Everyone knows I love playing soccer and kickball and whatever comes my way, but now being pregnant, I'm having to put those sports on hold. One event that comes to mind is the Show Me State Games at the end of July. This is a fun soccer tournament and drinking weekend, but I'll have to be a spectator this year. Don't worry Team OBG, we are still going - I'll just be the big cheerleader!

But one sport that they say I can do up until almost the very end is bowling. Good thing because I not only have a 10 week summer bowling league, but also we are signed up for the fall league. I've already started to wonder how my bowling stroke will change as I get larger and larger!

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