Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mom's Birthday Dinner

May 20th, 2009 - Day 66

I took my mom out to dinner tonight for her 59th birthday (she looks great at 59, doesn't she?). She wanted to go to the Elephant Bar, so that is where I took her. Of course we talked about having babies and she was giving me her story of how I was born (it never gets old to me) and how it was a super easy pregnancy for most of her 7 kids. She did tell me my oldest sister Tip's pregnancy story. Of course, Thailand doesn't have the same luxuries as we do over here and being in a small, rural town - the hospital is not super close. When my sister Tip's water broke on both of her sons, she made a homemade diaper and rode her motorcycle to the hospital. It just sounded like an amazing story - I just can't imagine driving a motorcycle when I'm having contractions.

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