Thursday, May 28, 2009

I've Caved - I Went Shopping

May 28th, 2009 - Day 74

Tonight, I went shopping for some new clothes and it was rather depressing. But very much needed. I only got a size bigger than normal so it wasn't too big of a heartache, and let me tell you that the past week I've been miserable in my pants soooo having a few pairs that are a tad big are what I need. I definitely don't want to squish Baby Norris.

Maybe this weekend, I'll check out the maternity section...not sure if I'll buy anything yet. I keep hearing about this 'belly band' and I can't decide if it sounds fun or scary. I have heard that now-a-days maternity clothes are much better than they used to be, so I have that going for me.

I've always had a short torso so the distance between the bottom of my boobs and my belly button is not very much. Thankfully, pants have improved since the 80's because I remember a time when pants would literally go up to my boobs. Even though pants have improved, pants still cover my belly button which means that as my pregnant belly gets bigger - I'm going to have get bigger pants!


  1. I have to recommend the Nine Moons Swelly Belly instead of the Belly Band - much cuter & more comfortable.

  2. Have fun, the clothing thing is a battle for everyone during pregnancy : ) You will find a few items that work for you and wear the dickens out of them!!!! At least I did. I recommend lots of sweat suits, sporty and comfy.
