Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lazy Days – So Nice

May 24th, 2009 – Day 70

Being pregnant is an easy excuse to be lazy on the weekends. I have a list of to-dos, but laying around watching LMN and movies sounded so much better. Besides getting up and cooking some meals and helping Chris with a few things, I truly took advantage of the Memorial Day weekend and was a complete bum. It was so nice and since my normal weekends seem to be go-go-go, I really wanted to have a no-commitment weekend and that is exactly what I had. Besides going to dinner to catch up with an old friend on Friday and we'll be heading over to AJ & UD’s on Monday night for dinner – that 50 hours in between are being spent on sleeping, laying around, watching movies and occasionally on the computer – ahhhh! That poor husband of mine, however, worked his little tushy off all weekend trying to get the house ready so we can put it on the market. He wouldn’t let me do anything to help…well only a little, but it was pale in comparison to his hard work!

We are so excited to put the house on the market and try to move before the baby is born. I just can’t wait!

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