May 13th, 2009 - Day 59
My friends who have been pregnant always have great advice. It is always comforting to know that those who have given birth before me will be there when I have questions...and I will have many questions. One friend was telling me not to overthink things when you read books or hear stories about worst case scenerios. If I do, then I would worry myself sick thinking about different possibilities. I have been reading every night before bed (so has Chris) and the more you know is always great, but we definitely don't want to put any more worry or stress into things we read that may never come true. I think most people know that I'm a really positive person and I generally think the best out of situations, so I know with this pregnancy, I'll be positive regardless of what lies ahead.
It is always comforting when you hear others have the same concerns or worries. Makes me feel a bit more secure in that I'm not overthinking things.
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