Sunday, October 4, 2009

Brrrrrr.....It's Sure Cold Inside

Sunday, October 4, 2009 – Day 203

I completely understand that pregnant women get a little bit warmer than usual, but just recently, Angie has been freezing me out of the house. Last week, the temperature was in the low 60's and she had the A/C running. Better yet, just the other night, the A/C was on but not running so when the outside temp got down to 48 with the inside of the house at 66, the heat never kicked on. It didn't really matter because she was still hot! Isn't it usually the man's job to keep his significant other warm? When I woke up, I was asking her to hold me to keep me warm. I sure felt helpless. On the flipside, I guess our heating bill will be pretty cheap this winter.

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