Walking: She is mobile! She can walk all around the house without any help or having to hold on. She's not the fastest, yet, but she is certainly getting there. Her walk is so darn cute...big ole grin on her face because she is so proud of herself, stiff neck, and almost looks like a robot walking.
Car Seat: Tia is now facing forward in her car seat. We were on our way to church and her poor leg was up on the back of the seat. We decided we could not hold out until 14 months and definitely not until 15 months, so Chris turned both his and my car seats to forward facing. We drove last night in Chris's car and I think she wasn't sure what to think of it. This morning when I turned to look at her, she just looked so darn cute sitting there and she just smiled so big. I think she likes being able to see something other than a grey seat in front her of. She's a big girl now.
Teeth: She has had two bottom, front teeth for a while now and no signs of any other teeth until this weekend. I was feeding her and had her laughing...when she'd laugh, I'd take a peek inside and I noticed her front top, right tooth was coming in. It is huge. I think her other front tooth is starting to break skin, but nothing quite yet. So she will soon have another too finally!

Car Seat: Tia is now facing forward in her car seat. We were on our way to church and her poor leg was up on the back of the seat. We decided we could not hold out until 14 months and definitely not until 15 months, so Chris turned both his and my car seats to forward facing. We drove last night in Chris's car and I think she wasn't sure what to think of it. This morning when I turned to look at her, she just looked so darn cute sitting there and she just smiled so big. I think she likes being able to see something other than a grey seat in front her of. She's a big girl now.
Teeth: She has had two bottom, front teeth for a while now and no signs of any other teeth until this weekend. I was feeding her and had her laughing...when she'd laugh, I'd take a peek inside and I noticed her front top, right tooth was coming in. It is huge. I think her other front tooth is starting to break skin, but nothing quite yet. So she will soon have another too finally!
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