I'm not sure what to call the weather this week. We had heard it was supposed to be the Blizzard of 2011 compared to that of 1982. Unfortunately for us, we got rid of our cable several months ago and we never set up the antennae to get regular channels. Besides watching DVDs, we haven't watched much on the TV at home. So we are relying on friends and internet to give us the weather updates. Honestly, I have no idea what it is truly like or whether it has even been a true Blizzard. On Monday, the weather started to pick up and sleet started to come down. My boss and I were talking on the phone and I could hear the small hail hitting her windshield. Our Operations Manager told us to leave at lunch and head home. When I walked out into the parking lot, I about fell - the road was very slippery. My car was covered with frozen rain. It looked as if the rain hit my windshield and car and instantly froze in place. I could barely see out of my windshield but I did make it home. I worked the remainder of the day and we cozied up and prayed the Blizzard wouldn't be too bad. From the time I left work on Monday through Tuesday, it never stopped sleeting. It was crazy. They said we'd get tons of snow, but I never saw actual snow fall. I only saw sleet. So I worked from home yesterday. This morning I looked outside and our driveway is completely covered with ice. Our driveway is a 45 degree slant and some wise guy decided to park his beat up van at the very bottom of our driveway, so even if we did want to get out, we'd probably slide our nice cars right into him. Our street has not been plowed and so it looks like another day working from home. I'm truly not a fan of working at home. Even if I had no baby here or husband, I still would much rather work in the office. One thing is for sure, I do not want to spend half the day driving on icy roads. So I'm stuck here. I hope everyone is safe and no one has to get out in this mess. So much for the Blizzard of 2011, it is more like the Sleet of 2011!

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