Yesterday Tia had another incident report. This one says 'was standing at table was bitten by another friend...Ice and TLC was given." She was bitten on her fingers - the poor thing. She seemed fine when I saw her so hopefully it wasn't traumatic for her. For a while now, Chris seems to think that Tia is avoiding him because when he says 'come here Tia', she'll walk across the play yard and stand, ignore him, put her back to him, and sometimes she will giggle. She does this every time now and she is definitely playing hard to get. I told Chris that she was playing with him and she thinks it is funny but I think he was taking it personally. But I do feel that the past few nights, he is realizing that possibly she was playing hard to get. The teacher confirmed it today! They have a ball pit and when it is time to come inside or go in the buggy. Tia (and other kids) will do their best not to get caught by the teacher. The teacher said that Tia will giggle too. I think it is super cute! Although for a 14 month old, the girl is fast!

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