I always hear parents or people talking about how socks never stay on their baby's feet. Luckily for Tia, one of her shower gifts was some socks from a fellow friend of mine who has babies of her own, and the socks are the best. I am not even sure what kind they are, but they come individually wrapped and I ended up getting some at Babies-R-Us. They have always stayed on Tia's feet and we've had not worries about losing them or that her feet will get cold because they fell off. Daycare always commented how Tia was the only baby whose socks stayed on all day long. Now that she's a bit older, we are going through the same thing with shoes. Daycare said yesterday that Tia is the only baby whose shoes stay on. I am not sure why, but they do. I am sure other babies have the same shoes, but hers always stay on. I wonder if it is because she isn't a chunky baby. Perhaps if her feet were more pudgy, that they'd slip off easier. But all in all, I'm happy that she doesn't have to worry about it. I will tell you that every morning, she helps out by putting her feet up so I can put her shoes and socks on. She is a little helper and wants to do everything herself. I combed her hair this morning and she grabbed it and combed her own hair proudly. She was actually mad when we had to leave the comb behind. She's a stinker and I can see that she is going to be one of those that wants to do everything herself. My little diva.

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