Of course, it is hard to tell what kind of person she is going to be...morning person or not a morning person. Chris is NOT a morning person and he'd be the first to admit it. I used to have to drag him, literally, out of bed and practically push him into the shower. He's evolved a lot over the course of our marriage and is a lot better. He has other motivations that get him up earlier and more awake than before like baby girl Tia giving him some morning kisses. But Tia is almost proving to be a 'not a morning person' more and more. She has squinty eyes for a long time, she is drowsy, she doesn't say a word, and she can be cranky too. Me, well, I can tell you that I was not a morning person for the first 30 years of my life! Seriously, I scheduled all of my classes in college for after noon so I could sleep in. I just loved sleep and taking naps were the greatest hobby I had. When I'd visit my college boyfriend, his parents used to ask him if I had a problem because I would sleep in until noon or 1 every weekend I visited. Of course getting a 'real' job got me out of that a bit, but not much. It really wasn't until I had Tia that I 'became' a morning person. Well, I take that back, it wasn't until I was married to Chris that I was a morning person. First thing was the drive. Having an hour drive from Arnold to Chesterfield, makes you have to get up earlier than usual. The other thing was Chris. Since he was not a morning person, it made me want to be more of a morning person to wake him up. See, the reason why is because Chris sleeps like the dead. The funny story is when I first moved in, I would wake up in the middle of the night and Chris would be laying on his back on top of me with his arms spread out and was dead asleep. He has no idea I was even there. It took him quite a while to realize 'hello, you have a wife now, lol'. The other reason is that since he sleeps like the dead, his alarm clock was as loud as a train coming through and he still wouldn't wake up so he'd have multiple sirens going off. I literally jumped out of bed the first few times. Me, on the other hand, well, I can have my phone on vibrate and I wake to the alarm...I know, pretty sad, isn't it? So we started a routine, where I'd get my booty up and then after I was out of the shower, I'd get Chris up (kicking and screaming). THEN, Tia came along and our routine has changed drastically. I told Chris that because I have an accountability for others, I have 'become' a morning person. Therefore, since Tia and Chris are counting on me to get up and 'be' that morning person, I have evolved into one. Chris always laughs at how bright eyed and bushied tailed I am in the morning and the weird thing is...I wasn't like that the first 30 years of my life. It is funny how things change. But our routine has come into its own and I think both Chris and I truly enjoy our mornings. I love getting Tia up and kissing her on the cheek and chatting with her while getting her ready. Then once we are ready to go, I say 'want to go see Daddy' and she gives me that gorgeous smile. I bring her in and she just loves on Chris. He just looks like the proudest dad in the world, holding Tia on his chest and her just holding her cheek on him. Soooooo cute! This morning, she must have been extra groggy because I put her on the edge of the bed on her belly and said, 'go see daddy' and instead of crawling right over to him like usual, she just plopped her head down, was dead weight, and closed her eyes. Chris and I were laughing so hard. Gosh she is just so cute! I'm sure we'll know more in the next years whether she is a true morning person or a true 'not a morning person!

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