I brought Tia in this morning to daycare and the teacher said, did you notice her teeth? I said, yes, the big one in the top front? She said, no the 8 that are coming in. So she took Tia and dropped her backwards so I could see into her mouth. There is a Molar that has already dropped and is coming down...then there are several others breaking skin...so the girl is going to have teeth after all! She hasn't been upset by her teeth coming in, so I guess that is a plus of them coming in later. Although, last night I heard her crying at 12:30am...I let her fuss a bit until I finally just went in there because she wasn't going back to bed on her own. I found her pacifer and stuck it in her mouth, turned her over, put her blankets on, and walked out. Then again at 2:30am, it was like a repeat. I kept thinking 'oh Tia, please go back to bed, mommy needs her sleep', but nope, I ran in there again and did what I did before. Then again at 3:30am, this time I tried to ignore her for longer hoping she'd fall asleep, but then my mind started thinking about all the to-dos I had for today and I realized until she was back asleep, I wouldn't go back to sleep either. I glanced over at Chris and had the urge to wake him up, but just decided it wasn't worth have us both up, so I went back in her room. She had her pacifier this time so I wasn't certain what was up with her, but I bundled her back up and she went to sleep. Then again at 4:30am, she was crying. I don't think I had much sleep, but hopefully enough to get me through the day, lol I wonder if she is teething a bit and therefore not able to sleep much at night. That is great tho - she has no problem chewing now, but wouldn't it be nice if she had teeth to help her out, lol

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