Tia has been shaking her head no for the longest time. At least for a couple months when you would ask her anything, she's shake her head no. It is super cute! I actually have never seen her nod her head yes to anything. One time, she did a big circular motion with her head, but it wasn't clear if it was a yes or a no or maybe a teaser. This morning, when I was getting her ready, I was carrying her into the living room to change her. I said, 'I love you Tia' and even though I knew she was going to shake her said no, I said 'do you love Mommy' and to my amazement, she nodded her head yes and confidently too. I was almost mistied eyed in joy. It just made me realize how big she is getting and how smart she is to understand and respond. Then later I took her into our bedroom and said, 'want to go see Daddy', of course she got this big grin and pointed towards the room. We got in there and I said, 'Tia nodded her head that she loves Mommy' and even though I had this bad feeling that she'd say no when I asked, I decided to take the risk. 'Do you love Daddy' and she looked right at Chris and nodded her head proudly with a big ole smile on her face. I think both me and Chris were both mistied eyed!!! It made a great start to our day!

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