When Tia was first born, it really seemed like she was a daddy's girl. She'd light up when she saw Chris and we both thought she was going to favor her dad. BUT, about 8 or 9 months in, she started to become a mommy's girl and didn't want to leave my side, sight, or embrace. I couldn't even give her to Chris, leave daycare without her crying, and let strangers hold her. It was almost like one day, she was fine and I loved how she'd go to anyone. Then all of a sudden, she didn't want to. I do feel that since we would give her to others to hold, her defense mechanism was to put her head on their shoulder. We thought she was giving love, but she was actually scared. Chris has been disappointed some times when she doesn't go to him or she wants me or she gets upset when she wants me over him. But the times are changing and she loves her daddy. She goes to him willingly, she smiles when I say 'let's go daddy' and she loves playing and laughing with him. There is no one that can make Tia laugh the way he can. He is so good with her and I can tell she loves him so much. He went to her school and played with her over his lunch hour. When he was leaving, he let her walk with him all the way up front to the exit. She didn't want him to leave. So he tried to sneak out. The teachers distracted her and when she wasn't looking, Chris high tailed it to is car. When he looked up, she had finally realized he was gone, she ran after him, go to the glass door, pressed her hands and face on it and cried her eyes out. So sweet if you ask me and really shows how much she loves her daddy. The teachers did say that they easily got her calmed down by playing with her.

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