So many things over the weekend, but a few to mention...Tia turned 14 months over the weekend. It is quite amazing, but so much fun to see her grow so quickly. She just amazes me everyday. We had my Grandma's 80th birthday party on Saturday in Jerseyville and Tia just had a ball with everyone. She was running around, obsessed with trying to go up and down the stairs, and just had a great time. I let Tia drink out of my orange juice with a straw and she knew exactly what to do and loved it. I love it when she gets so proud of herself and she'll look at you with big eyes and go 'ew' and then giggle. Sunday after church, we took her to McDonald's to get her a happy meal (sort of a tradition we've been doing) and a lady next to us was talking to her husband about Tia. I heard her say 'that baby is about 7 or 8 months old I bet, can't believes she's eating table food'. I didn't say anything but I did think it was cute. Tia walks (fast) all over the place without holding on and everyone comments about how small she looks to be walking. I know lots of babies walk by now, but I guess according to popular belief, Tia looks smaller than the average 14 month old. I guess she has always had that going for her. When we got up from the table, I went to throw away the trash and the lady said 'how old is your baby' and I said '14 months'...she said, 'really, wow...we have 14 month old twin grandsons and they look huge compared to her'...then I told Chris to let her walk and Tia walked over to the couple. The lady's eyes got real big and said 'and she's walking', then she said 'She is adorable, what is her name'. So I whispered in Tia's ear 'Tia' and Tia let out a big 'Eeee, ya!' and the lady's eyes got even bigger and said 'and she talks'. She said that her grandsons were a bit behind, not walking or talking or eating table food so she was amazed. It is hard for us to really know what to compare Tia to because this is our first baby. To me, all babies develop differently. She was the last to crawl from her class, but seemed to be the first to walk or run as they say, lol. My dad's cousin's baby who was born the same week as Tia was not walking on Saturday, but Tia just got teeth and Maggie had a full set of all babies develop differently. It just cracks me up when people are amazed at how small she is and how fast she walks around. She does almost a sprint and doesn't have to hold or or anything.

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