Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tia is Definitely a Sweetie

So in an earlier post, I commented about Violet, Tia's best friend at daycare.  Violet moved up to the Toddler room already and Tia is about to move up officially on Monday. Tia has been spending most of her days in the toddler room, but is not fully integrated yet.  They were telling me that she saw Violet from across the room and started crying and she was pointing toward Violet, so they took her over to Violet and Tia gave her a big hug and kiss.  They said it was the sweetest thing ever and that it is that added thing that confirmed how sweet she is. I can definitely say she is sweet. When she is eating, she'll offer you food and when she is with you, she gives lots of hugs and kisses. I can tell she is passionate but she is also very sweet natured too. I love it!  Reminds me of both me and Chris.  She is my doll baby!

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