As I mentioned on Friday, poor Tia has been a little sickly late last week, but the weekend was even worse for baby girl. She had major diarrhea and had goopy eyes. I have actually never seen anything like it. It was as if snot was coming out of her eye balls. Green, slimy and crusty after a while. Sorry to be graphic, but that is exactly what it looks like to me. Once, I got her up from a nap and she couldn't even open her eyes. Saturday and Sunday, she had dark circles under her eyes and I just felt so bad for my baby girl. She just looked weak and miserable. She wasn't her happy go lucky usual self and she still would not eat a darn thing. She had some major explosions and the smell was worse beyond words! Last night, she ruined her bedsheets, blankets and her whole body was covered. I just can't imagine what that would feel like. I gave her a bath and Chris got her bed back to better condition. She had a few more explosions and then around 11pm, Chris went to look and see how she was doing and he came back and said 'it's all over everything'. I jumped up, we had to get her changed and into the tub. She was sleeping and crying because we were waking her up. This time, the explosion had ruined her bumpers, the entire bed, all of her blankets, even Teddy was all wet. She was a mess. I felt so bad for her. Right when we got her all cleaned up and we got her bed back to square 1, tornado sirens went off and we had to run down to the basement for a while. She wasn't sure what was going on. She was probably wondering what was going on. The rest of the wee hours were sleepless nights. She woke up again around 3 am, she had another explosion. I changed her, fed her, and Chris made sure her bed was okay to sleep in. But she wouldn't go back to sleep. We had to use the swing, but she was not up for it. Let's just say...we are both soooo tired today. I'm sure she is too. I had to get coffee on my way in. Chris took off to be with her today. Aunt Liza is coming over to watch Tia while Chris goes to his own doctor's appointment. Then me and Katma will be on Tia duty tomorrow. If she still needs to be home on Wednesday, I'm taking that day off too. She is a strong little girl, so I know she'll get over this. I just hate to see her feeling bad!

Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tia is Sick
Poor girl has had several days of low appetite and more sleepy than usual. She has had a few eye boogers and her ear has looked horrible with draining, etc. I was hoping she's make it, but today, she has had several loose stools and is not feeling that great. Katma had to pick her up. I hope she gets better. I hate seeing her not her normal self. She is more lethargic and lays around. I guess we'll see how the weekend goes and then take her in next week if she doesn't get better. My poor sick baby.

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tia is Definitely a Sweetie
So in an earlier post, I commented about Violet, Tia's best friend at daycare. Violet moved up to the Toddler room already and Tia is about to move up officially on Monday. Tia has been spending most of her days in the toddler room, but is not fully integrated yet. They were telling me that she saw Violet from across the room and started crying and she was pointing toward Violet, so they took her over to Violet and Tia gave her a big hug and kiss. They said it was the sweetest thing ever and that it is that added thing that confirmed how sweet she is. I can definitely say she is sweet. When she is eating, she'll offer you food and when she is with you, she gives lots of hugs and kisses. I can tell she is passionate but she is also very sweet natured too. I love it! Reminds me of both me and Chris. She is my doll baby!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Another Incident & Playing Hard to Get
Yesterday Tia had another incident report. This one says 'was standing at table was bitten by another friend...Ice and TLC was given." She was bitten on her fingers - the poor thing. She seemed fine when I saw her so hopefully it wasn't traumatic for her. For a while now, Chris seems to think that Tia is avoiding him because when he says 'come here Tia', she'll walk across the play yard and stand, ignore him, put her back to him, and sometimes she will giggle. She does this every time now and she is definitely playing hard to get. I told Chris that she was playing with him and she thinks it is funny but I think he was taking it personally. But I do feel that the past few nights, he is realizing that possibly she was playing hard to get. The teacher confirmed it today! They have a ball pit and when it is time to come inside or go in the buggy. Tia (and other kids) will do their best not to get caught by the teacher. The teacher said that Tia will giggle too. I think it is super cute! Although for a 14 month old, the girl is fast!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Moving Classes
It's that time again where Tia will be moving classes. She will no longer be considered an 'infant', but will be entering the toddler room. They don't have cribs in this room, so she'll have to learn how to do nap time with the other toddlers. Then soon after that, she'll start potty training. I'm all for them teaching her! lol Her teacher is very sad to see Tia go. I could tell that Tia is a favorite and she is sad. She told me that two more days and they are taking her Tia away. Ms. Lisa has been a great teacher and I can always tell that she loves Tia. She has a grandchild of her own and of course kids...she has a mothering spirit and I know Tia is in good hands when she is at daycare. So starting Monday, she'll be in a new room. Wow! Is she really getting that much bigger. I am amazed and I just can't believe it.

Monday, February 21, 2011
Tia Chronicles
So many things over the weekend, but a few to mention...Tia turned 14 months over the weekend. It is quite amazing, but so much fun to see her grow so quickly. She just amazes me everyday. We had my Grandma's 80th birthday party on Saturday in Jerseyville and Tia just had a ball with everyone. She was running around, obsessed with trying to go up and down the stairs, and just had a great time. I let Tia drink out of my orange juice with a straw and she knew exactly what to do and loved it. I love it when she gets so proud of herself and she'll look at you with big eyes and go 'ew' and then giggle. Sunday after church, we took her to McDonald's to get her a happy meal (sort of a tradition we've been doing) and a lady next to us was talking to her husband about Tia. I heard her say 'that baby is about 7 or 8 months old I bet, can't believes she's eating table food'. I didn't say anything but I did think it was cute. Tia walks (fast) all over the place without holding on and everyone comments about how small she looks to be walking. I know lots of babies walk by now, but I guess according to popular belief, Tia looks smaller than the average 14 month old. I guess she has always had that going for her. When we got up from the table, I went to throw away the trash and the lady said 'how old is your baby' and I said '14 months'...she said, 'really, wow...we have 14 month old twin grandsons and they look huge compared to her'...then I told Chris to let her walk and Tia walked over to the couple. The lady's eyes got real big and said 'and she's walking', then she said 'She is adorable, what is her name'. So I whispered in Tia's ear 'Tia' and Tia let out a big 'Eeee, ya!' and the lady's eyes got even bigger and said 'and she talks'. She said that her grandsons were a bit behind, not walking or talking or eating table food so she was amazed. It is hard for us to really know what to compare Tia to because this is our first baby. To me, all babies develop differently. She was the last to crawl from her class, but seemed to be the first to walk or run as they say, lol. My dad's cousin's baby who was born the same week as Tia was not walking on Saturday, but Tia just got teeth and Maggie had a full set of all babies develop differently. It just cracks me up when people are amazed at how small she is and how fast she walks around. She does almost a sprint and doesn't have to hold or or anything.

Friday, February 18, 2011
Not Just a Mommy's Girl
When Tia was first born, it really seemed like she was a daddy's girl. She'd light up when she saw Chris and we both thought she was going to favor her dad. BUT, about 8 or 9 months in, she started to become a mommy's girl and didn't want to leave my side, sight, or embrace. I couldn't even give her to Chris, leave daycare without her crying, and let strangers hold her. It was almost like one day, she was fine and I loved how she'd go to anyone. Then all of a sudden, she didn't want to. I do feel that since we would give her to others to hold, her defense mechanism was to put her head on their shoulder. We thought she was giving love, but she was actually scared. Chris has been disappointed some times when she doesn't go to him or she wants me or she gets upset when she wants me over him. But the times are changing and she loves her daddy. She goes to him willingly, she smiles when I say 'let's go daddy' and she loves playing and laughing with him. There is no one that can make Tia laugh the way he can. He is so good with her and I can tell she loves him so much. He went to her school and played with her over his lunch hour. When he was leaving, he let her walk with him all the way up front to the exit. She didn't want him to leave. So he tried to sneak out. The teachers distracted her and when she wasn't looking, Chris high tailed it to is car. When he looked up, she had finally realized he was gone, she ran after him, go to the glass door, pressed her hands and face on it and cried her eyes out. So sweet if you ask me and really shows how much she loves her daddy. The teachers did say that they easily got her calmed down by playing with her.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Shoes and Socks
I always hear parents or people talking about how socks never stay on their baby's feet. Luckily for Tia, one of her shower gifts was some socks from a fellow friend of mine who has babies of her own, and the socks are the best. I am not even sure what kind they are, but they come individually wrapped and I ended up getting some at Babies-R-Us. They have always stayed on Tia's feet and we've had not worries about losing them or that her feet will get cold because they fell off. Daycare always commented how Tia was the only baby whose socks stayed on all day long. Now that she's a bit older, we are going through the same thing with shoes. Daycare said yesterday that Tia is the only baby whose shoes stay on. I am not sure why, but they do. I am sure other babies have the same shoes, but hers always stay on. I wonder if it is because she isn't a chunky baby. Perhaps if her feet were more pudgy, that they'd slip off easier. But all in all, I'm happy that she doesn't have to worry about it. I will tell you that every morning, she helps out by putting her feet up so I can put her shoes and socks on. She is a little helper and wants to do everything herself. I combed her hair this morning and she grabbed it and combed her own hair proudly. She was actually mad when we had to leave the comb behind. She's a stinker and I can see that she is going to be one of those that wants to do everything herself. My little diva.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tia's a Lover
Tia is starting to be extra extra sweet. She has always had that lovey side of her and will give you hugs, kisses, and now she'll even blow you kisses. If she has a stuffed animal, she'll hug it and when she walks around, she'll drag it around with her too. Sometimes the stuffed animals are bigger than she is, but she is relentless and pulls it along with her. She loves her lamb head with a mini blanket attached. She loves her new Valentines day puppy she got from Katma, and she loves these hand puppets she received for her birthday. If the item is laying on the ground, she'll bring her head to the ground and love it. Even if the item is the smallest thing ever, she'll do it. It is super cute. When she hugs me, she puts both her hands around my neck and holds on tight. She'll sometimes lock her fingers and really pull me towards her. I love it! In the mornings, she just loves on daddy too. She'll lay on his chest or sit on his lap and she'll let him rub her back or head. Lately though, we've had to watch out a bit because when she gives kisses, she headbutts you. So we've had to really watch her when we ask for a kiss. She'll give you about 5 or 6 in a row and all of them is her banging her forehead to your mouth. Now that I have braces, she's gotten me a few times. What is surprising is that it doesn't seem to hurt her but man she has gotten a ton of us pretty good in the mouth. Sometimes we've bled, but she is being super sweet, so it is hard to be mad at her for it. We just say 'easy' and hope she starts catching on. Her head has always been the biggest part of her body and she is super strong, so she doesn't really realize her own strength yet. She is definitely a lover!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Arnold for a Bit Longer
Our house has been on the market for 5 months and in order for the listing to be refreshed and posted in the Spring, we are forced to take it off the market for 60 or so days. We do want to move, but it looks like we'll be in Arnold, MO a bit longer. We are okay with it, we've never really been in a huge hurry. Our only concerns is my long drive to work and our hopefully expanding family in the future. The house is a cute bungalow, but I feel we need a bit more space. We'll re-post it in April or May and see how the market does then. We had so many people take a look at our house. I think our agent said over 30 showings in 5 months was a good turnout. All of them said the same thing...not a fan of the backyard. I am seriously thinking about calling HGTV and asking them for some help on how to get it beautified. The yard is actually big and it has a nice view, but there is a bit of a privacy issue because all the houses around us look down to our house. The hill has a steep grade which isn't ideal for young kids. But I do think it has some potential. I'm thinking possibly some nice landscaping that does an inviting path up to the top where we can put a bench or even a gazebo. Perhaps, put something on the middle area for kids to play. Something...anything...we need to sell it! Even if we wanted to stay in the area, we'd want a bigger house. Ballwin is slowly falling from our #1 spot to perhaps Fenton. All the West Suburbs of St. Louis are fair game, but a few developments have happened the past year that have changed our tune. Firstly, I am pretty used to the drive, although I'd love to get at least an half an hour back each way in time. Secondly, we love love love Tia's daycare, First Academy in Fenton, MO. It is nicely located a rock's throw from Chris's work and of course we love the staff. She is loved there and she seems to really enjoy it. Thirdly, we found and are joining a church in the area called South Telegraph Christian Church that we all just love. Tia loves the nursery and me and Chris love everything about the church. I don't really want to live in Arnold, but perhaps somewhere along 141 in Fenton or give or take some miles North or South. Ballwin would be great if it was a perfect location to 141 and easy access to the highways. I guess we'll see what happens. We are staying put for a while and we'll see if our house sells in the Spring. I'm hoping it does!!

Monday, February 14, 2011
Climbing off the Bed
So Tia surprised both Chris and I the other day because she was on our bed and crawled to the very edge. Just as we thought she'd go tumbling over, she turned around, put her right leg down, then left, then slowly lowered herself until she hit the floor. Umm, where did she learn this? We were fascinated with how she was clever enough to do this at 13 months old. She just kept doing it over and over. When we were at my dad's house the last time, he taught her how to go down the two steps from the kitchen to the living room and we wonder if she remembered that. It just seemed so neat to see her do it instead of going over the edge with no worries at all. It was just surprising that she knew there was a big fall if she wasn't careful. Some times if she wasn't comfortable going down to the floor, she'd pull herself back up and then readjust, then do it again. Chris was amazed at her strength to pull herself up. I think I was still amazed that she knew how to lower herself to the ground. That girl is a little smarty pants!

Friday, February 11, 2011
Is She a Morning Person?
Of course, it is hard to tell what kind of person she is going to be...morning person or not a morning person. Chris is NOT a morning person and he'd be the first to admit it. I used to have to drag him, literally, out of bed and practically push him into the shower. He's evolved a lot over the course of our marriage and is a lot better. He has other motivations that get him up earlier and more awake than before like baby girl Tia giving him some morning kisses. But Tia is almost proving to be a 'not a morning person' more and more. She has squinty eyes for a long time, she is drowsy, she doesn't say a word, and she can be cranky too. Me, well, I can tell you that I was not a morning person for the first 30 years of my life! Seriously, I scheduled all of my classes in college for after noon so I could sleep in. I just loved sleep and taking naps were the greatest hobby I had. When I'd visit my college boyfriend, his parents used to ask him if I had a problem because I would sleep in until noon or 1 every weekend I visited. Of course getting a 'real' job got me out of that a bit, but not much. It really wasn't until I had Tia that I 'became' a morning person. Well, I take that back, it wasn't until I was married to Chris that I was a morning person. First thing was the drive. Having an hour drive from Arnold to Chesterfield, makes you have to get up earlier than usual. The other thing was Chris. Since he was not a morning person, it made me want to be more of a morning person to wake him up. See, the reason why is because Chris sleeps like the dead. The funny story is when I first moved in, I would wake up in the middle of the night and Chris would be laying on his back on top of me with his arms spread out and was dead asleep. He has no idea I was even there. It took him quite a while to realize 'hello, you have a wife now, lol'. The other reason is that since he sleeps like the dead, his alarm clock was as loud as a train coming through and he still wouldn't wake up so he'd have multiple sirens going off. I literally jumped out of bed the first few times. Me, on the other hand, well, I can have my phone on vibrate and I wake to the alarm...I know, pretty sad, isn't it? So we started a routine, where I'd get my booty up and then after I was out of the shower, I'd get Chris up (kicking and screaming). THEN, Tia came along and our routine has changed drastically. I told Chris that because I have an accountability for others, I have 'become' a morning person. Therefore, since Tia and Chris are counting on me to get up and 'be' that morning person, I have evolved into one. Chris always laughs at how bright eyed and bushied tailed I am in the morning and the weird thing is...I wasn't like that the first 30 years of my life. It is funny how things change. But our routine has come into its own and I think both Chris and I truly enjoy our mornings. I love getting Tia up and kissing her on the cheek and chatting with her while getting her ready. Then once we are ready to go, I say 'want to go see Daddy' and she gives me that gorgeous smile. I bring her in and she just loves on Chris. He just looks like the proudest dad in the world, holding Tia on his chest and her just holding her cheek on him. Soooooo cute! This morning, she must have been extra groggy because I put her on the edge of the bed on her belly and said, 'go see daddy' and instead of crawling right over to him like usual, she just plopped her head down, was dead weight, and closed her eyes. Chris and I were laughing so hard. Gosh she is just so cute! I'm sure we'll know more in the next years whether she is a true morning person or a true 'not a morning person!

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tia Loves Mommy & Daddy
Tia has been shaking her head no for the longest time. At least for a couple months when you would ask her anything, she's shake her head no. It is super cute! I actually have never seen her nod her head yes to anything. One time, she did a big circular motion with her head, but it wasn't clear if it was a yes or a no or maybe a teaser. This morning, when I was getting her ready, I was carrying her into the living room to change her. I said, 'I love you Tia' and even though I knew she was going to shake her said no, I said 'do you love Mommy' and to my amazement, she nodded her head yes and confidently too. I was almost mistied eyed in joy. It just made me realize how big she is getting and how smart she is to understand and respond. Then later I took her into our bedroom and said, 'want to go see Daddy', of course she got this big grin and pointed towards the room. We got in there and I said, 'Tia nodded her head that she loves Mommy' and even though I had this bad feeling that she'd say no when I asked, I decided to take the risk. 'Do you love Daddy' and she looked right at Chris and nodded her head proudly with a big ole smile on her face. I think both me and Chris were both mistied eyed!!! It made a great start to our day!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Correction on Tia's Teeth
I brought Tia in this morning to daycare and the teacher said, did you notice her teeth? I said, yes, the big one in the top front? She said, no the 8 that are coming in. So she took Tia and dropped her backwards so I could see into her mouth. There is a Molar that has already dropped and is coming down...then there are several others breaking the girl is going to have teeth after all! She hasn't been upset by her teeth coming in, so I guess that is a plus of them coming in later. Although, last night I heard her crying at 12:30am...I let her fuss a bit until I finally just went in there because she wasn't going back to bed on her own. I found her pacifer and stuck it in her mouth, turned her over, put her blankets on, and walked out. Then again at 2:30am, it was like a repeat. I kept thinking 'oh Tia, please go back to bed, mommy needs her sleep', but nope, I ran in there again and did what I did before. Then again at 3:30am, this time I tried to ignore her for longer hoping she'd fall asleep, but then my mind started thinking about all the to-dos I had for today and I realized until she was back asleep, I wouldn't go back to sleep either. I glanced over at Chris and had the urge to wake him up, but just decided it wasn't worth have us both up, so I went back in her room. She had her pacifier this time so I wasn't certain what was up with her, but I bundled her back up and she went to sleep. Then again at 4:30am, she was crying. I don't think I had much sleep, but hopefully enough to get me through the day, lol I wonder if she is teething a bit and therefore not able to sleep much at night. That is great tho - she has no problem chewing now, but wouldn't it be nice if she had teeth to help her out, lol

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
What's Up with Your Teeth Mom?
So yesterday, I got braces. Yep, I'm 33 and I now have braces on my teeth, both upper and lower. It has been a day I knew would come because I was supposed to have braces as a kid, but didn't get them because my teeth have always been straight. It is because of the overbite that I was supposed to have them and again the overbite is the reason today. I grind my teeth at night and my jaw has shifted due to the overbite and excessive grinding. Now in recent years, my bottom teeth have pushed my top teeth outward causing more gaps between my teeth than previous years. Overtime, not only will my back molars be completely worn down, but my front teeth would have huge spaces between them. Yes, I've had mouth guards and have paid a high price for a few the past several years, but because they are large and obtuse and hurt my teeth, I just could never wear them regularly. I was going to a great dentist in Clayton for many years and was regular with my 6 month check ups, but since I moved jobs, it was getting harder to drive from Chesterfield to Clayton every six months during work hours. So I needed to find a dentist out near work. I stopped going to the dentist in Clayton and for about 3 years, I just did not go to any dentist. People have always commented that I have white teeth (yay!) and I guess I'll say that I've always had great, strong teeth. I didn't even have a cavity until I was in college and they are pearly white. I have done the Crest Whitening strips here and there throughout the years, but really I think it is because I don't drink coffee, soda, or tea every day...but I could be wrong.
So yesterday I got the 6 Month Smile System braces which are clear brackets and a tooth colored wire. They skipped over the 1st month wire and put the 2nd month wire to be more aggressive, which means I should get them off in 5 months instead of 6 months. No pain getting them on, but just a slight headache that advil fixed from time to time. They put cement buttons on the bottom of my canines to keep me from closing my teeth all the way. This is to ensure that my overbite doesn't allow my top teeth to break off the bottom brackets....but I can't close my teeth at all. So eating is a challenge, but I'll make it! I know it will all be worth it in the end.
Tia doesn't miss a beat, which truly scares me because that is the way I am. I am so perceptive and sometimes I think it is more of a curse, but Tia is just like me in that she sees, notices, and hears everything. When I got home last night, she instantly noticed my braces. She put her index finger and touched them. Every time I was holding her, she would try to touch them. Any time she was playing or eating, she'd stop look at my mouth and wait for me to open so she could see my braces. The entire night, the girl was obsessed, lol I just wish I could read her mind, ha.

So yesterday I got the 6 Month Smile System braces which are clear brackets and a tooth colored wire. They skipped over the 1st month wire and put the 2nd month wire to be more aggressive, which means I should get them off in 5 months instead of 6 months. No pain getting them on, but just a slight headache that advil fixed from time to time. They put cement buttons on the bottom of my canines to keep me from closing my teeth all the way. This is to ensure that my overbite doesn't allow my top teeth to break off the bottom brackets....but I can't close my teeth at all. So eating is a challenge, but I'll make it! I know it will all be worth it in the end.
Tia doesn't miss a beat, which truly scares me because that is the way I am. I am so perceptive and sometimes I think it is more of a curse, but Tia is just like me in that she sees, notices, and hears everything. When I got home last night, she instantly noticed my braces. She put her index finger and touched them. Every time I was holding her, she would try to touch them. Any time she was playing or eating, she'd stop look at my mouth and wait for me to open so she could see my braces. The entire night, the girl was obsessed, lol I just wish I could read her mind, ha.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Tia Updates
Walking: She is mobile! She can walk all around the house without any help or having to hold on. She's not the fastest, yet, but she is certainly getting there. Her walk is so darn cute...big ole grin on her face because she is so proud of herself, stiff neck, and almost looks like a robot walking.
Car Seat: Tia is now facing forward in her car seat. We were on our way to church and her poor leg was up on the back of the seat. We decided we could not hold out until 14 months and definitely not until 15 months, so Chris turned both his and my car seats to forward facing. We drove last night in Chris's car and I think she wasn't sure what to think of it. This morning when I turned to look at her, she just looked so darn cute sitting there and she just smiled so big. I think she likes being able to see something other than a grey seat in front her of. She's a big girl now.
Teeth: She has had two bottom, front teeth for a while now and no signs of any other teeth until this weekend. I was feeding her and had her laughing...when she'd laugh, I'd take a peek inside and I noticed her front top, right tooth was coming in. It is huge. I think her other front tooth is starting to break skin, but nothing quite yet. So she will soon have another too finally!

Car Seat: Tia is now facing forward in her car seat. We were on our way to church and her poor leg was up on the back of the seat. We decided we could not hold out until 14 months and definitely not until 15 months, so Chris turned both his and my car seats to forward facing. We drove last night in Chris's car and I think she wasn't sure what to think of it. This morning when I turned to look at her, she just looked so darn cute sitting there and she just smiled so big. I think she likes being able to see something other than a grey seat in front her of. She's a big girl now.
Teeth: She has had two bottom, front teeth for a while now and no signs of any other teeth until this weekend. I was feeding her and had her laughing...when she'd laugh, I'd take a peek inside and I noticed her front top, right tooth was coming in. It is huge. I think her other front tooth is starting to break skin, but nothing quite yet. So she will soon have another too finally!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Tia's First Incident at School
Tia had her first Incident/Accident Report at school yesterday. The sheet says that Tia, age 1, on 2/3/11 at 4:30pm was given an ice pack and lots of TLC because an other child threw a block at Tia's head. She suffered at bump on her head and Chris said it was a bit raised and bruised when he picked her up. Honestly, I was very sad for Tia, but I was happy that it wasn't worse. I know right now she is not only a diva, but she can play a little rougher than the average girl. I wouldn't be surprised if she caused an incident/accident report already to another child. I know she doesn't mean to be rough, but she sometimes tests you by clawing at your face or hitting your nose. I usually gently do it right back and her eyes get really big and she just looks at me with a scrunched forehead like she is a bit confused. If she does it again, I just gently do it back (of course I don't hurt her), but she quickly realizes that it isn't fun anymore. I do try the crying reaction too where she'll hit me in the face and I pretend to be crying and saying ow. But she usually just laughs at me which is so cute that it is hard not to laugh back. She is always so loving and sweet, but every now and then her little inner diva comes out. It is like Chris's coworker always says to her daughter 'don't let Miss Thang come out'...and yes we do say that now!

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Rear Facing or Forward Facing Carseat
We are trying to hold out until Tia is 15 months to turn her car seat around to forward facing, but I think this weekend we are going to have to turn her around already. The poor girl's legs are up on the back of the seat and she just looks like she is uncomfortable. It seemed like over night she just grew and now she kicks the mirror that is in the back. Plus, I'm sure she is bored stiff not being able to see anything. Sometimes, I'll look back and her legs will be almost Indian style, but without them overlapping. I bet she will love sitting forward facing and seeing where we are going, etc. So much for 15 months, but I hope this is a sign that she is going to be tall!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Blizzard of 2011?
I'm not sure what to call the weather this week. We had heard it was supposed to be the Blizzard of 2011 compared to that of 1982. Unfortunately for us, we got rid of our cable several months ago and we never set up the antennae to get regular channels. Besides watching DVDs, we haven't watched much on the TV at home. So we are relying on friends and internet to give us the weather updates. Honestly, I have no idea what it is truly like or whether it has even been a true Blizzard. On Monday, the weather started to pick up and sleet started to come down. My boss and I were talking on the phone and I could hear the small hail hitting her windshield. Our Operations Manager told us to leave at lunch and head home. When I walked out into the parking lot, I about fell - the road was very slippery. My car was covered with frozen rain. It looked as if the rain hit my windshield and car and instantly froze in place. I could barely see out of my windshield but I did make it home. I worked the remainder of the day and we cozied up and prayed the Blizzard wouldn't be too bad. From the time I left work on Monday through Tuesday, it never stopped sleeting. It was crazy. They said we'd get tons of snow, but I never saw actual snow fall. I only saw sleet. So I worked from home yesterday. This morning I looked outside and our driveway is completely covered with ice. Our driveway is a 45 degree slant and some wise guy decided to park his beat up van at the very bottom of our driveway, so even if we did want to get out, we'd probably slide our nice cars right into him. Our street has not been plowed and so it looks like another day working from home. I'm truly not a fan of working at home. Even if I had no baby here or husband, I still would much rather work in the office. One thing is for sure, I do not want to spend half the day driving on icy roads. So I'm stuck here. I hope everyone is safe and no one has to get out in this mess. So much for the Blizzard of 2011, it is more like the Sleet of 2011!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
She's Mobile
Tia is walking like a champ. She can walk the entire width of a room and turn around and walk back. Sometimes she stumbles, but she is mobile now. She looks like a big girl and it is super cute to see her walk and she knows she is doing it because she smiles so big! She received so many toys for Christmas and her birthday that we kept some back and have been bringing them out in doses. We brought out a toy yesterday that is a pusher and converts into a baby buggy. We originally had it as a pusher, but she pushes it and then gets mad when it won't go any further. So we put it down as a buggy and I sat her on it. It has a cute handle that she can hold and her feet touch the floor. She loves just sitting on it. I thought perhaps she was bored so I picked her up and she started to get mad, so I put her back. Then she saw there are some cute buttons and compartments and she loves putting a ball inside, then taking it out and then back in then out then in then out....we were laughing at how she just repeated it over and over while sitting on it. Then she wanted off, but then when she tried to get back on, she got frustrated so Chris showed her how to hold onto the handles and swing her leg over onto the seat. It took her a few times but she finally got it. We just see her doing things that is so smart and it amazes us. We love it!

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