Thursday, February 18th, 2010 - Day 62
I try to stick to somewhat of a schedule, but I allow our day to be flexible at the same time. I try to feed Tia every three hours, but if it runs late or early and she seems hungry then I'll feed her. Typically the day starts at 5am. I'll get up and make her bottle and about that time she'll be 'stirring' as I call it, which means she's making noises and I know she'll be up any moment. Since I've been getting her up around 5am to 6am for weeks now, she seems to stick to around those times. I've planned this because it will be what time I'll be getting her up once I start back to work. Once I feed her, I'll burp and change her and give her a few minutes of floor time to stretch a bit. Then I'll swaddle her and put her back to bed. Two out of three times, she'll go back down to sleep, but now and again she'll be wide awake. If she's awake, I'll bring her into bed with us and let her play a bit. I'll feed her again around 8, burp her and give her about a half hour of floor time, change her diaper and into the swing she goes. Around 11ish, I'll feed her again, burp her, give her floor time and then swaddle and put her down for her afternoon nap. She will sleep anywhere from an hour to 3 hours at which time I'll feed her once she wakes, given it has been at least 2.5 hours. After that feeding, she'll get floor time and go in her swing. Then daddy will get home and he'll play with her until she has her next two feedings before bed time. That is pretty much our day in a nutshell. Floor time is what I call it when I put her on two folded blankets on the floor. It is amazing, but she loves it. She'll stretch, talk, laugh, look around, roll from side to side and of course we have mommy time. I'll sing, talk, smile and make her laugh - we have fun during floor time. I clap her hands together and we do exercises, etc. So that has become our schedule and it works out pretty well because during her times she's napping or in her swing, I can jump online, do household chores or get some other things done. We only have one more week of this before she starts daycare, so I better take advantage while I can. I love rocking her to sleep and watching her smile as she drifts off. I love running into her room and peaking into the crib to see how she is. I can always get her to smile and I love it when her eyes light up at the sound of my voice. There are so many things I'm going to miss when maternity leave is over. But Tia and I have had a blast being at home together!!
That's great that you're getting on a schedule. It definitely helps to keep one sane : ) We are still working on a nap schedule, but that didn't come until about 4 months or so with Alexander and keeps changing anyway. Gabriel takes a 4 oz. bottle of breast milk every 4 hours and does a longer stretch (about 5 hours) at night. I am only pumping about 20 oz. and he takes 24 oz. Right now I still have about a weeks supply of frozen bm to supplement, so it will be interesting to see if his schedule changes once we start supplementing with formula.