Wednesday, February 10th, 2010 - Day 54
Tia definitely does a great job at pooping and for the past weeks, it has been a mustard yellow color. BUT lately, it can have a green tint to it. We have different levels of poop too. We have a 'poopie diaper' which means it was normal as far as the load goes. Then we have 'airbrush' as I call it, or 'a light dusting' as Chris calls it which means she had one or two small poofs of poopie, but it wasn't quite the real thing. Then we have 'an explosion' which means it did not stay in her diaper and has either shown up on her PJ's, the front of her diaper on her belly, the back of her diaper up her back, and sometimes on us. There has been a few times where I don't know what happened. For instance, I was feeding her the other day and I knew she was working on some business which is always good. I was burping her when I smelled something pretty horrible and I looked over and on the burp rag lying between her and me was some pretty big clumps of poopie. I pulled her away and it was all over her PJ's, on her big and somehow on her hand mitts and we won't talk about the rest. It always makes us laugh! I am always happy when she poops because it means she is eating well and growing. Lately, her poopie has been extra stinky. So stinky that last night Chris was having some dry heaves over the smell. I have been sick, so my nose hasn't been picking up much smells lately, so I changed her.
She's definitely growing. We measured her the other day and she was 23.5 inches long. She is growing out of her mini-crib which means she'll graduate to her crib without having the minicrib inside it. Wow, it is amazing how fast she is growing and only 8 weeks old. She has been eating more and I can tell she is heavier too. We go to the doctor in a couple weeks and we will see how big she is according to the doctor.
The attached is a picture of the Poop Chart that was included on the 'Daddy's Diaper Service' apron that Lisa made Chris. I love how it tells you what each color of poop means and what to expect. Although, some of them are more humorous, I can tell you that some of them are right on the mark!
Dry heaves???!! Chris, you big wuss. Get it together man. This is only the beginning.......LOL