Monday, February 8, 2010

Mommy's Sick

Monday, February 8th, 2010 - Day 52

I've had a great run with no colds or sickness in almost 2 years, so I really can't complain that much. I started feeling a sore throat coming on Friday and by Sunday it was full swing. I had to miss out on Superbowl, but was happy that Tia and Chris went over to Lisa's as planned. It gave me a chance to get to bed extra early and try to rid this sore throat. I took an entire bottle of Tylenol Cold & Flu through out the day and woke up this morning really groggy and tired, but the throat seemed a bit better. It still hurts when I swallow but my energy seemed better. I took advantage of every minute when I could sleep while she was either in her swing or napping. Just trying to get my energy back through resting would be an ultimate help. I'm going to bed early tonight too. I hope to kick this on my own, but will go to the doctor mid-week if I don't feel better. I just am praying that Tia doesn't catch any sickness from me, that would just make me feel terrible. But I just made sure I washed my hands every chance I could and I didn't speak to her much closely. I would hate if I gave her the first cold.

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