Saturday, February 20th, 2010 - Day 64
I explained how we came up with McKenzie in an earlier post, but I never said how I came up with the name Tia. I don't even know if Chris really knows why I've always loved that name either.
My entire life, I've always had people say I look like someone. In recent times, I got Jill Hennessey from the show Crossing Jordon. For about 5 years after college, I got Catherine Zeta-Jones. I even had one girl think I was really her and when I kept telling her my name was Angie, she'd wink and say 'your secret is safe with me'. All through college, people called me Pocahontas. Never would think I'd become an animated character, but that was my name and I think the entire EIU campus called me that even those who didn't know me. I do have to admit that all of the people that I look like are very good looking women, so I definitely took it all as a compliment. When I was in high school, everyone called me Tia Carrere from Wayne's World. I loved when people called me that because I always admired her. She is Cantonese, but I grew up in a very small town and even though I was only half Asian - we were one of two Asian families. I didn't really know that many fellow Asians. Wayne's World was huge at that time, so seeing a famous Asian women like Tia Carrere, I instantly loved that name.
But for about 10 years, the name I had always wanted to name my first baby girl was Riley. I had a friend in college named Julie Riley and from then on, I decided that I would name my first born girl Riley. I remember in the year 2000, my friend Bonnie needed a name and when I told her Riley was my favorite name, she named her dog Riley. That didn't deter me though, I took it as a compliment. For years, that was the name. I remember about 5 years ago, I heard a mother say her baby's name was Riley and my ears perked up. I couldn't believe someone had stolen my name. Then after that, I started hearing people naming their babies Riley all over and the last few years, I decided I needed a new name. It was right when I met Chris that I decided on the name Tia. On our first date, I asked Chris if he wanted kids and he said 'as many as I can spoil'. I had been on many first dates and had asked the same question and the answer was usually 'someday' or 'maybe' or 'I think so'...but I knew they really didn't want kids when all of these guys were in their 30's. My last serious relationship ended for many reasons, one of which was that he didn't want any children. I have always wanted to have kids and nothing was going to stand in my way. When Chris answered that infamous question, he not only made my day, but once we started dating - I couldn't help but start thinking about names for our 'possible future' children. Tia was the name that popped in my head and it stuck!
So if you want to say I named her after Tia Carrere, you can. She's a beautiful successful woman and I'd only hope for the same for my little Tia. Tia means Princess in Greek and I loved that meaning.
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