Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2 Month Doc Appointment

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010 - Day 67

We went to the doc today and I have good news and bad news. The good news is that she is doing great. She weighs 10 lbs 4 ozs and is 22.5 inches long. Doc said that her eating, sleeping, and motor skills rank up to the 4 month levels so she is doing beyond what is expected. The bad news is that she had to get her immunizations today and boy was it painful for me (and her). She screamed bloody murder and it just pained me to see her in so much pain. It was the hardest I had ever seen him cry. She received: Diphtheria Tetanus, Polio, Haemophilus Influenzae, Hepatitis B, Pneumoccoccal Conjugate, and Rotavirus vaccines and shots. Wow! But at least we got it out of the way. I just felt so bad for her and once I got her calm again, she was all good. Once I got her home and fed her, she was all smiles. She's healthy and I'm happy she is doing well!

1 comment:

  1. That's fantastic! I feel better now about the sleep schedule, since she is ahead of the curve. Hopefully in another month, we will have a longer stretch at night so I can have the energy to go to the gym before Tim goes to work. I remember Alexander's two month shots were heartbreaking and he did get a fever that day. Now, I'm just used to him ALWAYS hurting himself anyway : )
