Tuesday, May 11, 2010

She's Been Teething

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010 - Day 142

We've noticed for a while that she has been slobbing all the time, chewing on everything in sight, and we can feel something of a hard spot on her upper gum. But just the past week, she's been grinding down with her mouth while screaming out in pain. I can tell you, I'm not looking forward to seeing her pain, but I know it is all part of it. I hope we can give her a wet wash clothe to soothe the pain and use any other other remedies. I just hate seeing her cry out when we can't do much to help her. It is exciting that she is growing so fast and getting her first tooth already - just makes me all emotional thinking about how quickly she is accomplishing these milestones. Boy they do grow fast!

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