Wednesday, May 12th, 2010 - Day 143
Before I had Tia, I used to envision myself as a stay at home mom. I knew I could never do it full time, but I always thought I'd love to stay home with the kids once I started having them. I've done well in my career up to this point and love what I do, so giving it up would have been a challenge. What I found out once I went on maternity leave is that I really don't think I could stay home with the kids. I loved it for the weeks during maternity leave, but I really realized how much I do love getting to the office, having daily social interaction, working hard on projects, and being accountable when working. I could not wait to go back to work and I didn't have any separation anxiety leaving Tia at daycare. Don't get me wrong, I thought about her every minute and worried like crazy, but I knew that I'd fall back into work life just fine. So since I've been back, I've decided to start buckling down and really making some headway into furthering my career. As part of my job, I was in charge of working on social media, and as part of that, I decided I needed to build my credibility. So I've been joining organizations, getting my own person social media sites up to speed like LinkedIn and Twitter. One organization I joined is called the National Association of Professional Women and I liked what this org was all about. It really helps empower women, especially working mothers. So I joined earlier this year and when I found that there was no existing St. Louis chapter, I decided to rise to the challenge and become the lead on getting a St. Louis chapter up and running. I submitted my request to become President and my request was granted this week. I have some work to do to getting the chapter up and running, but since I've planned over 500+ events with some having 500+ event-goers, I'm technologically savvy with web design/social media/blogs, and my 13 years of Corporate Experience will surely make this challenge a pretty easy feat. But we'll see. I'm excited about it and hope that it is a success.
My Biggest Loser Weigh-in was 146 which is down 14 lbs so I was pretty pleased. I was able to fit into a few more pairs of older pants - yay! I will have 11 lbs to get down to my ideal weight. So I'm going to keep trucking along.
Congratulations Madame President! I would love to be kept in the loop as you start this new adventure!! I love being a stay-at-home mom, but I also new that I couldn't just sit back on my haunches and not do anything. That's why I've continued on with my MBA (only three classes left!) and started my lia sophia business. However, the stress of the unkown (once again!) with Tim's job has me back on the market and applying for full-time positions. I'm not interested in working just for a paycheck, I really want it to be a conscious relaunch of my career. Hopefully all of the stars will align!