Friday, May 7, 2010

Last One at Daycare

Friday, May 7th, 2010 - Day 138

Poor Tia seems to be the last one picked up at daycare. With Chris and I both back at the gym and working out, we try to squeeze it in before we pick her up. The daycare is open until 6:30pm which is great. So we have a pretty good schedule: Mon-Wed I pick her up by 6:30pm and Tues-Thurs Chris picks Tia up by 6:30pm. Fridays, we take turns. On the days I pick up, I get to the park as quick as I can, do 3 or 4 miles, then get over to daycare to pick her up. When I get there, she is being held at the front by one of the directors. They don't seem to mind, so we will continue this routine so we can get our workouts in. I think Tia enjoys it and she is all smiley when she sees me. I hope Tia doesn't mind being the last kid to be picked up because for a while, that will be the way it is.

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