Saturday, May 15th, 2010 - Day 145
Finally meeting some fellow bloggers. I'm sure many of you have read some of the comments from Jen Allen. Well, even though we've 'known' each other for over a year now, we had never met in person. We met through this blog and I've been blessed to have her comments, advice, and fellow baby stories. Our mutual friend Ashley Combs got married today and Jen and I were finally going to meet. It was so nice to put a face to a name and boy did we have fun! Congratulations Steve & Ashley on your wedding. We had a great time and I thought it was perfect. I truly saw how happy you two were last night - I'm not sure what it was - more of how you looked at each other. I got some great video of you two that I'll have to send over soon. Congrats and best wishes on a long and happy marriage. LOVE.HONOR.CHERISH.
It was fantastic to finally meet you last night at Ashley's wedding!! Funny how relationships form a bit differently in the world of blogs and Facebook : ) Chris was cracking me up when he said, "While Jen Allen says..." I hope to see some of your videos sometime and would love to get the kiddos together!