I'm almost 15 weeks along and I am knocking on wood as I'm writing this because I've had 5 pretty solid days in a row without being sick. I do have a moment here or there, but all in all, the horrendous non-stop 24/7 sick feeling is gone. I am soooooo tired that I can't even comprehend sometimes, but at least I don't have the sick feeling this week. I am praying this is a sign that I'm over that stage and onto a clear middle trimester. I started getting a baby bump this week. Monday, it was barely noticeable and by Friday (today) it is large and in charge. So none of my clothes are fitting very well and I'm going to have to pull out the maternity clothes sooner than later. So keep me and baby #2 in your prayers that I'm over the sickness for good. Now, if I could just get over this tired stage - wfew, it is killing me some days. All for a great cause though, right?

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