I have to admit, Tia is so funny. It is almost everything she does makes me laugh or smile. Her belly laugh and little giggle are so cute. She is constantly smiling and waiting for you to respond. I just love it. The other night, Lisa watched Tia and when Chris and I got home from our family dinner, Tia was showing off all the stuff she learned from 'Aunt' Lisa. She started running around in circles, but she had her head looking at the ceiling. At first, I was wondering what she was doing, but she kept doing it. I said, what are you teaching her? Tia just kept doing it and she even ran into the sofa and walls a few times. We were laughing so hard that I was crying from how funny it was. Apparently, Lisa and Tia were playing follow the leader and let's just say that Tia caught on real quick. If there is one thing I have noticed is that you can't do anything without Tia mimicking it or repeating what you say. We really have to stay on top of what we say around her because she picks everything up. I have heard her say poopy many times and last night Grandma Katma said she said I poopy and pulled on the back of her diaper. I know she was happy for Lisa to change her poopy diaper on Friday too. Thanks Lisa for changing your first dirty diaper! But regardless, Tia is so funny. Her belly laugh just confirms that she is loving life. I love it!

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