As I had with my first pregnancy, I have already had many glints of mommy brain with this pregnancy. It is amazing how dumb I feel when I do something that seems trivial. But of course it has happened. This morning was the worst though and a danger to Tia. Boy have I been beating myself up over it. We have about a 30 to 35 minute commute from Arnold to Tia's daycare in Fenton. Some days it is a lot quicker and some day it is a lot longer, but overall it is an easy drive and we've been doing it for a very long time that it is just a habit. My normal routine is to pick Tia up and carry her in the garage. She pushes the garage door button and then I put her in her car seat. I comb her hair and put on her sunglasses and put her school bag on the floorboard. I'll put my stuff in the passenger side and then I'll get into my side. Well, I took off, closed the garage door and came up the subdivision. On the last street this girl in a blue car came screaming down her road. She never even looked to see if anyone was coming and she avoided the stop sign all together. Finally at the last minute, she sees me on the main road and I do have the right away. She almost pulls onto the road I was on at the exact time I would have been perpendicular to me. But she caught herself and slammed on her breaks in time. She must have been in a hurry though, because she was on my butt the entire way out to the highway. I didn't brake as I saw her because they have a stop sign and I just figured she was going to stop like normal people do, but I have a feeling that she seldom stops but just makes the turn hoping no one is coming. I pray for her safety! Got all the way to daycare and of course I look back at Tia along the way from time to time. She cracks me up with some of the things she does and I just always think, wow - I have a kid, even though she is almost 20 months old. We got to daycare and I got out and opened her door, grabbed her diaper bag and pulled her out of the car seat. However, my eyes got really big because I realized I didn't even buckle her in. She was just sitting in her car seat. OMG! I said out loud that I'm a bad mommy and she somewhat repeated it. I was just shocked. How could I not remember to do that. I have done it for so long and why now. Is it mommy brain kicking in? Oh wow. Luckily, God was watching over us and we made it safely to our destination, but wow how bad could it have been. So as I know I'll do many mommy brain things over the next months and years for that matter, but I pray that it never harms any of my family. So it is safe to say that Mommy Brain is Back!

I have done that twice with Alexander...TWICE! They were when I was sleep deprived from having Gabriel as a newborn, and the second time I didn't make it too far before he started yelling about it (2 blocks).