A little reverse psychology can be a good thing right? Well, I've already begun to use it on Tia and surprisingly, it works. She didn't want to do something at home and so I said 'Tia can't do that' and Chris looked at me and said 'yeah right is she going to fall for that' and low and behold, she did. She ran over and proved us wrong. We were both amazed. So we have used it a few times from getting her to lay down to put on her diaper to trying something new. She doesn't fall for the trick every time, but she does respond. I can tell she is going to be a competitive one which I'm sure is not surprising to any of you since Chris and I are both the competitive, athletic types. I think Tia will excel in sports because she is already so muscular and strong. The girl can run faster than any baby I've seen and now that I've seen this little competitive streak, I can tell she'll try her best at sports or anything for that matter. She is a do it yourself kind of girl. When we walk, she doesn't want us to hold her hand. When she swims, she doesn't want us to hold her. When she is sitting in a big chair all by herself and we don't want her to fall so we put our hand on her leg to hold her, she moves our hand off so she is doing it all by herself. And of course, she's a little copy cat so everything a big person does, she has to at least try and sometimes do. Crazy, but amazing at the same time. She is so sweet too and has this big ole grin when she accomplishes something. I'll continue the reverse psychology for as long as I need, but she seems to be much smarter and will probably catch on sooner than later.

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