What is Tia going to do without her binkie! I remember when we were pregnant and we said we weren't even going to give Tia a binkie. We tried really hard, but of course it is never as easy as you may think, especially when the nurses in the hospital gave her one from birth. So Tia has been addicted to her binkie for the past years. She doesn't have it during the day aside from nighttime, but only when she goes to bed and when she rides in the car. So we are going to spend the next 4 months trying to crack her of her binkie habit. I know it will be hard because she has had it since birth but like other things, I know she'll kick the habit. I'm starting with the car ride to school. I've been waiting until I get all the way to 141 to give her the binkie. She asks for it continuously until then, but I'm going to do the same thing every day, then move it until the next stop light next week, and so on. Hopefully before you know it, she won't even need it anymore. When we get to her school, she throws it in her bag on command and doesn't have it all day long until the car ride home. So we'll see how it goes. Doc said to cut a tiny hole in the end to deflate it, which we might try. I also read a good article about cutting off a small piece at a time until they just don't want it anymore. Whatever we need to do, we'll do it. So hopefully by the time she is two, she either doesn't need a binkie or at least is only using it at night which we'll do our best to ween her off of at that point. She doesn't need it as much as before, so that is a great sign. It will be some work and diligence on our end, but I know it is for the best!

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